human rights – Bruce Llama That's one crazy Llama Mon, 04 Jan 2016 02:22:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Pastoral Letter from Victoria’s Catholic Bishops Sat, 31 Mar 2012 12:36:41 +0000 The catholic bishops in Victoria have sent a letter to all the catholics in Victoria. The document has been written to remind their faithful that they must oppose marriage equality.

Pastoral Letter on the True Meaning of Marriage
from the Catholic Bishops of Victoria

True meaning of marriage?  Where do you take your definition from?

30 March 2012

Dear Brothers & Sisters

So, the catholics are all one big family of brothers and sister, marrying each other perhaps?

We Australians live in a democracy which rightly places great value on human rights and protecting others from unjust discrimination.

Yeah, it’ s suppose to protect people from abuse as well.

We Catholics also believe deeply that God loves human beings very much. He especially loves those who are wounded and suffering. God loves each of us so much despite the fact that we are all sinners, make mistakes and often do not live up to our responsibilities.

In the context of this letter, are you suggesting that non-heterosexuals are wounded and suffering?

The Church takes seriously that we must live the Gospel itself to be a credible witness to others. Deeply aware of Christ’s mission of compassion and justice – the Church cannot ignore the responsibility to speak the truth in love.

And yet the catholic church in Victoria will not deal with those who claim abuse from it in a just way, nor is there much compassion.  The church has devised a way to negate their responsibility by making it impossible to take any legal action against it.

Sometimes reminding people about the truth of the human person is one such task for all of us.

Your version of the truth is that unless you are heterosexual you are considered deranged.

Some now seek to alter the very nature of the human person through legislation.

I’m pretty sure that our nature is really difficult to alter by legislation. You guys like to pretend that people are as you want them to be, not as we really are.

Our Australian society is now at a critical turning point where truth is at stake.

Oh, please, you’d think the catholics are the only ones with truth.  You use the bible as the source of all your ‘truths’ and yet you don’t have one single source document, all you have are partial copies of manuscripts, and yet we are expected to believe that this is truth.

We speak of current debates about the nature of marriage in our public life. Often it seems as if this matter is simply about human rights and the removal of discrimination. But in addition to ‘human rights’ there are also ‘human responsibilities’.

What’s with the quote marks around human rights and human responsibilities?  And it really is a matter of human rights and the removal of discrimination, it is the responsibility of all humans to treat each other with respect and dignity.

We are all blessed by God with the gift of our sexuality. The design itself comes from the Creator of Life. We all have a responsibility to follow that design.

First of all, you have to believe in god to believe sexuality is a gift.  That aside, homosexuality, according to this is designed by god, and yet the catholic church considers gay people to be objectively disordered. That’s a great design by your god.

The Church firmly believes that marriage is founded on the wonderful fact of sexual difference and its potential for new life.

To claim that marriage was founded is purely speculative and without basis.  For all we know this ancient tradition was founded on the exchange of goats between desert dwellers.  We don’t have sex to have children, we have sex because it feels good, and sometimes that results in children.  Marriage is less about having kids and more about living your life with someone you love.

Without this there would be no human beings and no future. Bringing new human life into the world is founded on the loving union in difference of male and female.

Oh please, it is not. You don’t need marriage to bring new human life into the world.  You certainly don’t need a loving union, you simply ignore the reality of breeding. Humanity will continue regardless of whether marriages produce children, and guess what, gay people want to have kids too!

Children are best nurtured by a mother and father.

Actually, that’s not right.  If one of the parents are abusive, the child is probably better off with just one of the parents.  Children are best nurtured when their parents love them, regardless of the gender of the parents.  The church again ignores the reality of the world where they live.

As one theologian has put it eloquently: “The God of love can be present in every true love. But ‘gay marriage’ is impossible because it attempts to cut loose marriage from its grounding in our biological life. If we do that, we deny our humanity.”

Stupid quote that really means nothing.  Gay marriage is not impossible, it exists around the world.  Marriage equality works because it is grounded in the biology of human sexuality. And again, you don’t need marriage to have children.

This will be a ’hard saying’ for some. It in no way implies that the Church accepts discrimination against other’s human rights.

No, it’s not implied.  The church actively discriminates against other’s human rights.  The church refuses to accept people who are gay as real people.  Instead it considers them disordered.

Nor does it mean we fail to understand the complex nature of human sexual identity and desire.

But you do fail to understand the nature of sexuality as you consider anyone not heterosexual to be gravely disordered.  You answer the complexity by simply calling all the homosexuals disordered.

It implies no lack of respect for people who identify as ‘gay’ and ‘lesbian’.

No disrespect? Then why do you put quote marks around gay and lesbian as if the words are made up.  That’s really very disrespectful. In the same way as I mean disrespect when I use a small c for catholic, small g for god and a small j for jesus.

 As Cardinal Francis George of Chicago recently pointed out: ‘… we all have friends or family members who are gay and lesbian… these are people we know and love and are part of our families.’

However as fellow citizens our concern is for the future of our whole society. We ask you to seriously reflect and pray about the ramifications for current and future generations, of legislation which completely redefines marriage.

If we take the lead of the catholic church we’d still think divorce was a pretty bad idea, we’d still think that women should be at home doing nothing but having babies, people would still think that they could get into heaven by buying papal bulls and bits of dead people.  Young women who get pregnant would have their babies taken from them, priests would still destroy the lives of innocent boys and girls.  It’s good that we have moved beyond the control of this beast of an organisation.  They have no moral authority.  Marriage equality will not redefine anything at all.  Society will continue to have men and women breed.  You know, like it’s always been.  Gay people will continue to live together and some of them will have children.  Nothing changes at all.

A grave mistake will be made if such legislation is enacted. The Government cannot redefine the natural institution of marriage, a union between a man and a woman. The Government can regulate marriage, but this natural institution existed long before there were any governments. It cannot be changed at will.

There is nothing natural about marriage.  Where else in our world does it exist?  Even those animals that pair for life have no formal recognition of their relationship by the other animals.  It’s a man made institution, and one that has changed over many hundreds of years.  It’s only right that government should and do regulate and change it as its citizens see fit.

The argument that same sex marriage supports marriage is wrong. The natural institution will not only be changed, it will be re-defined absolutely. It will become something different. Such a re-definition will undermine rather than support marriage.

How?  People will still get married.  People will still get divorced.  People will still have sex with others.  People will still not get married.  The thing that changes is that a section of our community is given respect and dignity .

Catholics, as responsible citizens of the Commonwealth of Australia, have a duty to remind their political representatives that much is at stake for the common good in this debate.

Yes, that’s right.  We all have a duty to treat all of our citizens equally.

We urge you to exercise that right and  make direct representation to your Members of Parliament.

Stop telling people what to do.

We encourage you to respond to the on-line survey set up by the Federal Government at their website: The closing date for responses is Friday, 20 April 2012.

I encourage you to respond too – but not the way the bishops want.

The survey contains three statements with which you can agree or disagree.

See – this is them not telling you what to do.  But, after reading all the rot before, you can pretty well guess what they want from ‘responsible catholics’ who are sinners.

It then asks if you support the proposed changes to the two separate Bills, to which you answer yes or no. If you choose you can simply answer these few questions in less than one minute. The survey also provides space (maximum of 250 words) for you to explain your views. Some points that you might like to consider including are set out at

Yeah, that website more or less says that anyone who disagrees with the catholic position is uncivilised.

Our Australian society will flourish only if the true meaning of marriage is preserved for future generations.

And there’s the threat.  The big bang, if you like.  If we allow the ‘gays’ and ‘lesbians’ to marry then our society will not flourish. It will not be preserved for future generations.

With every blessing.

Most Reverend Denis Hart DD Most Reverend Peter Connors DD
Archbishop of Melbourne Bishop of Ballarat
Most Reverend Christopher Prowse DD Most Reverend Leslie Tomlinson DD
Bishop of Sale Bishop of Sandhurst
Most Reverend Peter Elliott DD Most Reverend Vincent Long DD
Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Melbourne Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Melbourne

I don’t want your fucking blessings.  You guys run around is bizarre outfits with silly hats, holding silly sticks, pretending to eat the body and blood of a long dead man that you hold up in nothing but a loin cloth, nailed to a cross, dying and drenched in blood, and you want the rest of us to follow you?  Why?

The catholic church displays it’s contempt for humanity.  It’s time that those who call themselves catholics told their bishops to take their holy relics and shove them where the sun don’t shine.

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Muehlenberg shows us the real evil Wed, 24 Aug 2011 06:16:10 +0000 [SOURCE]
Marriage equality is all the rage in Australia at the present. As our parliament sits to hear the views of its constituency, plenty of christians are getting themselves all worked up demanding that a minority may not dictate the agenda. That is, the so-called militant homosexual lobby may not tell everyone else how to live. Again and again ignoring the reality. Nobody is telling anyone how to live. Nobody is asking you to get married to a person of the same-sex, nobody is telling you that you have to marry a person of the opposite sex. This is about equality. Why are you so scared of equality?

My old mate, Bill, he of the persecuted christian sect, is on his high horse rallying the troops, and I just can’t help my self. Here’s what he’s got to say.

Whenever a time of crisis erupts, more than ever, there is a pressing need for individuals to take a stand, and to do so courageously. And unless you are blind, deaf, and dumb, you would know that we are certainly living in a time of overwhelming crisis.

WTF? What crisis. What overwhelming crisis is this? The fight for freedom in repressive regimes? The fight for food in famine stricken Africa? The battle against global warming? The struggle for financial freedom for the poor?  And within the first paragraph the tone is set, if you don’t agree that there’s a crisis then you are blind, deaf and dumb.  You either agree with Bill or he thinks you are a complete fucking moron.

The whole Western world seems to be going up in flames – not just London. Each new day we find plenty of headlines illustrating how a moral, spiritual, cultural and ideological crisis is upon us. But the only question is, in the light of all this, what will good men and women do?

The whole western world… all of it, Australia, Canada, Europe, America, the whole lot going up in flames, wow. Good men will try and fix it by understanding the issues and not trying to enforce their own beliefs on the issues.

How will we respond? Will we simply cover our eyes and pretend all this is not happening? Will we hope someone else makes a stand on our behalf? Will we deceive ourselves into buying the PC line that just getting along and not rocking the boat is the best option.

You should try getting along with others, you may enjoy it. There are people out there who need compassion and understanding.  Bill makes it clear that unless you accept his view of the world you are guilty of bringing the end of the world.  He makes it clear that you may not turn a blind eye or stand back and do nothing.

Or will we stand and fight? In my eyes the last option is our only option.

Fight? Who will you fight? Why is this the only option? You’ve created a fictitious battle that is an overwhelming crisis, and now you want to fight.  So now that he’s made you feel bad because the world is ending and you’re not doing enough, he calls you to arms.  He attempts to incite in you a violent response.

The next question is, do we have the courage to stand up and be counted? Now is the day we desperately need men and women of courage – those who will not wilt under pressure or give up out of fear.

The only fear you have is that you may not be in control. You create the crisis and then want people to have courage to fight your imaginary battle. The wilting ones are the ones who accept your self-perpetuating crisis as truth.  Bill is now attempting to manipulate you by calling you a coward,  a coward if you don’t have the courage to stand up and be counted.  Just to make sure you get the point, he tells us that the need is desperate.

Of interest is the list offered in the book of Revelation telling us who will not inherit Christ and his Kingdom. Leading the list are the fearful, or the cowardly (Rev 21:8). Those lacking in courage will in effect deny their Lord in the time of battle.

Of course, that reference to Revelations also gives us the news that the unbelieving, the abominable, the murderers, the whoremongers,the sorcerers, idolaters and liars will end up in lake of brimstone and fire. Hell, I guess. It’s nice to know that the gays are probably included in either the whoremongers or the abominable. This is the same book that gives us the delightful image of a great red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns upon it’s head. Yeah, that’s the sort of book I want to believe in.  Bill uses this quote to point out to the believers, that if you don’t participate in this fight, you’re going to hell.  He’s making it clear that you won’t inherit the kingdom of god, that is, heaven.

Jesus made it clear how such people are to be viewed: “I tell you, whoever acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man will also acknowledge him before the angels of God. But he who disowns me before men will be disowned before the angels of God” (Luke 12:8-9).

So, take a bit of Revelations and a bit out of Luke and use it to say that if you don’t do what Bill says then you are disowning christ and will end up in the lake of fire and brimstone. Nice one Bill, how to win friends and influence people. You need to make sure you’re good with the lord so you can be acknowledged before the angels of god. Is that like having 72 virgins?

‘But,’ some will protest, ‘I have never denied Christ’. Please think again. When the very gospel is under threat yet we stand idly by and do nothing, have we not denied our Lord?

How is the gospel under threat? Christianity thrives with its churches and massive finances, it’s not under threat. I haven’t heard any politician call for the gospel to be banned, or for your organised religions to be dismantled. There’s no threat.  This is all part of the same mind game to make you feel guilt for not agreeing with him.

When God’s institutions of marriage and family are under direct assault, and we sit by and do nothing, have we not denied our Lord?

Direct assault? Please, there is no direct assault. Nobody is denying your right to have the family you want. You however are directly assaulting the rights of others to enjoy their life in their way.

When people are heading to a lost eternity yet we remain silent, have we not denied our Lord?

You’ll notice the fear again here, he’s fearful of a lost eternity, not just for others, but mostly for himself, he actually thinks that he may end up in hell if he doesn’t try and save the rest of us.  To get you onside, he tries a guilt trip.  He attempts to make it your fault that others will burn in hell.  I can smell the burning incense of arrogance.

When people are bound in destructive and terminal lifestyles, yet we do nothing to let them know they can be set free in Christ, have we not denied our Lord?

Who are you to tell others what a destructive and terminal lifestyle is?  Who are you to attempt to make others feel guilty because they don’t call the ‘homosexual lifestyle’ destructive and terminal.  There’s that smell again.

The tragic truth is, there is a cosmic battle going on right now, and lives are being lost, families are being destroyed, nations are crumbling, and hope is being taken away.

This is truth? You think there is a cosmic battle going on.  The cosmos doesn’t provide a battlefield for you to play your pathetic little games on, it has no way to care about you, it just does what a cosmos does, it spins. The grand claim that families are being destroyed and that nations are crumbling is the biggest pile of pooh I’ve heard for ages. The notion here is that the calls for gay marriage are destroying families. Let’s ignore the fact that the men and women in married relationships are often looking to get out of them, let’s ignore that our society continues to grow and prosper, despite the greed of the rich, despite the divorce rate.  Let’s ignore that most young people continue to grow up, get jobs and contribute to society, despite having come from divorced families, poor backgrounds.  These some children, now adults continue to find partners, have families and the cycle continues.  It’s not crumbling.  The only hope being removed is that of die-hard christians, that they will continue to have a major influence on society.

Yet we sit by and do nothing and say nothing. But even the smallest things that we can do might be of help, yet we seem too fearful or incapacitated to do even these things.

On a cosmic level? You don’t even rate.  Are you still trying to make people feel guilty?

What about taking 1.3 seconds of your time to press the ‘like’ button on Facebook when someone has posted a biblical quote or a helpful Christian word? It can be that easy and simple, and it may encourage another brother to keep on in the battle.

Oh yeah, that’ll change the cosmic battle going on. Bring it on baby.  Sounds like nobody likes Bill’s posts on Facebook.  Must be very disappointing.  So ego deflating.

I often get people telling me they are discouraged and tired of all these struggles. They want to give up. They are discouraged. They think we are not getting anywhere.

You need to listen to them. There’s a reason why you’re not getting anywhere.

My usual reply to them is something like this: “If we ever find that Jesus has given up, has quit the race, has become too discouraged to continue, then we can do the same. But I don’t see this anywhere in Scripture.”

I’m yet to see any evidence that this jesus bloke is still about. I reckon if he is this almighty god thing, he appears to have given up.  Bill wants to make sure you understand how unworthy you are of christ because you want to give up, when you should follow the example of his loin-clothed god.

The truth is, Jesus drank the cup to the bitter end. He kept going all the way to the cruel cross – for me and for you. He loved us too much to want to drop out or to just live a quiet and peaceful life. He did not insist on his own rights, but gave them all up, so that we might live.

Oh what bullshit. This is such a fantasy story, not based in reality at all. If this jesus thing, you claim was god, loved us so much he would say so without the crazy antics of pretending to die as a sacrifice only to magically come back to life, thereby not sacrificing anything.

I sometimes get people writing to me, asking if I can remove their comments from my site which they posted in the past. Some have discovered that they are now public property – being monitored and checked up on in cyberspace. I reply by saying that unless there is a very good reason for this, I am not too keen. Why are they asking me to do this? Is it just fear, or not wanting to make enemies, cause trouble, rock the boat, etc?

Some say they have privacy concerns, etc. But I am not impressed with those reasons either. Sorry, but when we come to Christ, we lose our right to privacy. We also lose our right to a life of ease, comfort, luxury and security. In fact, we lose all our rights. We are no longer our own – we are bought with a price.

What an arrogant cunt you are. You’re as bad as Facebook keeping everything for ever. People are entitled to change their minds and people are entitled to a life of ease, comfort and luxury, with security thrown in.  I suspect however, Bill, that you like to keep a dossier  on everyone, so you can quote them back to themselves when they finally see what a fuckwit you really are.  It’s all about power Bill.  You love having the power to decide what’s good for other people.

When we become a disciple of Christ, we give up all claims to living a selfish, comfortable and easy life. Quite the opposite. As Bonhoeffer rightly said, “When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die.” Dead people have no rights – it is that simple.

Your christ is a prick. You are very selfish.

Of course no one prefers living a life of ostracism, scorn and rejection. But that is what Jesus did, and he told us that the servant is not above the master. To follow Christ means we also will be rejected, ridiculed, hated and persecuted. And that is certainly not fun.

Yet, you treat people with scorn and rejection. It’s funny how you reject, ridicule, hate and persecute gay people and then attempt to claim these very same things for yourself. You then see it as not being fun, with that in mind, most normal people would have some empathy.

Does anyone really think I like all the flack, opposition, abuse, and persecution I get on a regular basis? Do I really thrive on all the hate mail and death threats? It would of course be so very easy to avoid all of this. I could simply stop what I am doing and say nothing: a guarantee to a quiet and peaceful life.

Well yes, I think you do thrive on those things. How else can you keep up such an outwardly hateful exterior.

In fact, I can do what some “Christians” are now doing, and call God a liar. I can argue that what God calls a sin is not in fact a sin. I can say instead that something like homosexuality is God’s gift to mankind, and that to be compassionate and loving, I should instead promote and advocate for this lifestyle. I can even argue that Jesus would favour same-sex marriage.

Or you could just come to the realisation that there is no god, and drop the appalling reasons for your ongoing persecution of those who aren’t like you.

That would be the easy path. Indeed, that would make me the flavour of the month. I would become terribly popular, and even the MSM would give me lots of praise and approval. Yet as Alan Sears has just written, “It doesn’t take courage to ride the wave of support for same-sex ‘marriage.’ It takes courage to stand against the surging tide.”

You’ll never be popular, no matter what you do. The easy path is to maintain your pathetic pretense of speaking for a non-existent god. If you are serious about caring for other people, you’d spend more time asking why, instead of accepting the reason as being ‘coz god said so’.

Quite so. To stand up for God’s standards of holiness and righteousness in the public arena on any topic is to take a courageous stance. If you want to be at rest and have everyone applaud you, then simply go with the flow, and stand up for abortion rights, pornography rights, homosexual rights, and other trendy secular left causes.

So, you’re against letting people just get on with their lives. In your smelly arrogance you think that you have the right to inflict others with your stand on abortion, (of which jesus makes no mention) on pornography (of which jesus makes no mention) and on homosexual rights (of which jesus makes no mention). You claim the moral high ground on your interpretation of ancient text that had no way of knowing what life would be like 2,000 years later.

Anyone can do that. Indeed, any dead fish can simply float downstream. But it takes a living fish to swim upstream, against the current. The call to Christian discipleship is a call to swim against the world’s currents. The world will always be opposed to the things of God, so to stand for Christ will always be to stand against the world.

Oh for fuck sake, the prevailing attitudes in Australia is that of the christian world. Most of the population isn’t doing any swimming, they are going with the flow. The real challenge is to have the christians understand their place of privilege in our world and acknowledge that there are other ways. Stop floating Bill, have some courage to allow people to be who they are. You are full of such arrogance to suggest that if your followers don’t swim the way you do, then they are dead.  Rude.

Such a stance requires courage. But the good news is, it is not a question of us mustering up some courage on our own. God provides it. He enables and empowers us. We cannot do it ourselves. I am probably full of fear most of the time. But as George S. Patton has reminded us, “Courage is fear holding on a minute longer”.

You’re not courageous. You’re a coward and an arrogant one at that. You have created a belief system that pulls useful phrases out of ridiculous texts to support your bigotry and you pretend that this is the only way for the world to be. You allow your beliefs to enable you to think you have some sort of authority and power. You’re not full of fear, you’re full of horseshit, and you try to goad people into the fight by telling them that unless they think like you, act like you. they’re bound for hell.

A.A. Hodge once put it this way: “It is easier to find a score of men wise enough to discover the truth than to find one intrepid enough, in the face of opposition, to stand up for it.” But men of courage will inspire others. As Billy Graham said, “Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened.”

The truth stares at you. Look up into the night sky, the cosmos is there, uncaring, getting on with it’s spinning. It doesn’t care, it can’t care. Your religion is there for you to comfort yourself against the reality of the universe. You, I and everyone else on the face of this earth are insignificant to the cosmos. The universe will not end based on your ramblings and predictions.

Remember what Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 1:7: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” And if that is not enough (although it should be), let me finish with some words of fiction which I often turn back to. They come from the film version of The Lord of the Rings. Aragorn is mustering the troops to stand against an army of orcs much greater and more numerous that they, and he encourages the troops with these words:
“I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me! A day may come, when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of Fellowship, but it is not this day! An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you, stand, men of the West!”

And like the Lord of the Rings, the bible is a made up story, full of impossible things. Nobody in their right mind thinks that the Lord of the Rings is real, we understand it’s fiction.

In these days of unprecedented evil, Christ is looking for men and women of courage. Will you be one of them?

Christ is looking? Perhaps he should create a facebook event and invite everyone. There is real evil in this world. The real evil of starving people, the real evil of dictatorships, the real evil of corporate greed, the real evil of the churches of the world having the ability to prevent both hunger and greed and not doing so. Instead of taking on the real issues, the really important things, the likes of Bill Muehlenberg attempt to make minor issues like equality in marriage the big battlefield, ignoring the very real life situations in our small part of the cosmos.

Here’s some advice Bill. Shut the fuck up. Pull your head out of your arse, and do something useful like help the starving by ensuring that the money and food gets to them, by ensuring that dictators are driven from office, and by ensuring that corporations don’t attempt to make massive profits out of food required to feed the hungry.

I suspect you’ll just pray.


Just who is being vindictive? Tue, 07 Jun 2011 00:36:49 +0000 I just love it when christians get upset when you call them names.

Without passing or implying judgement on homosexuals, ACL has been the subject of a vitriolic backlash in the online and social media in the past week.

Lyle Shelton said that on a blog.  He glosses over the fact, flat out ignores it, that people of his ilk believe that homosexuals are evil sinners and if they don’t change their ways they’re going to end up in hell for ever, burning away in pain in the lake of fire for ever.  He pretends that he’s not passing or implying judgement.  What a hoot!

Over-sensitive homosexual activists and their uncivil friends on Twitter and Facebook are quick to jump from a great height with moral huffiness and personal abuse on anyone they perceive to step on their toes.

We’re over-sensitive because we think your god is crap?  We are uncivil because we take exception to your pious claim to some sort of moral superiority based on pathetic stories that are clearly made up about a carpenter dying for everyone’s sins?  You reek of moral huffiness and you dish out personal abuse on a regular basis.  You think you may couch your terms in a way that doesn’t pass judgement, but lets face it, behind your push to stop marriage for all is the biblical notion that people who are gay are an abomination.  That’s the word, an abomination, your book of vile tales also suggests that we be stoned, to death, with stones.  Hurled from the likes of you.

Then there’s the people who think that you shouldn’t be abused.  That nobody should say nasty things about you, it’s counter productive to our cause.  We should all play nice and not swear or call people idiots.  We certainly should not call people fucking idiots.

But dissent is our right in a democracy. It does not make us bigots and it is time social policy debate was free of abuse and slurs.

And yet the abuse and slurs freely flow from religious nutters.  Look at this comment:

They seem to swarm out from under the rocks. Obviously people are threatened – and we know where that comes from! Just remember who we serve!

Implying that we are evil trolls hiding under the rocks until we feel threatened, and ‘we know where that comes from’ – oh yes, we’re sinners from hell.  And remember who we serve – jesus, implying that the rock dwellers serve satan and therefore are not worthy of anything in life until they accept jesus and become straight breeders.  Yes, not swear words, but still really vile abuse.

This comment from sharan at 06 Jun 2011 9:42:02am

This is a winnable war, because it makes common sense to do what is doable.

A war?  How appalling is that.  In the world, no, let’s just look at Afghanistan, 26 Australians have been killed in the war against terrorism1.  Now that’s a war.  Yet, here is a christian who uses that word to describe the activism of people to gain equality in Australia, to allow people who are gay to be treated fairly.  What she (or he) does is equate it to war.  There’s nobody being killed here.  War in her view is the battle between good and evil.  The gays are evil and will be defeated because god is on the christians side.  Again, no foul language, but the intent is really reprehensible.

So you fucking retarded dumb cunt arsed vitrolic nasty christians.  You can sit there all smug with the likes of homosexual activist who don’t swear and bitch and moan about how everyone picks on you and pretend you’re all nice and sweet, but really, you’re appalling, bad, contemptible, corrupt, degenerate, depraved, despicable, dirty, disgraceful, disgusting, evil, filthy, foul, horrid, bits of work.  (Yes, yes, I use a thesaurus)  Nobody is trying to shut you up, but hey fucksticks, just because you don’t swear (because you think it’s a sin) your words and actions are still quite cutting.  It’s time you got over yourselves.

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Consent from the ACL Mon, 16 May 2011 03:46:37 +0000 [SOURCE]

ACL maintains that the interests of the birth mother, and especially children, who can never give their consent to the practice, should come before those of the intended parent(s) when it comes to surrogacy.

That’s right, children don’t give their consent to surrogacy.  Therefore we should stop it.

Children don’t give consent to being born either.  We should stop it.

Children don’t give consent to being circumcised, therefore we should stop it.

Children don’t give consent to being baptised.  Therefore we should stop it.

Children don’t give consent to being raised christian.  Therefore we should stop it.

Children don’t give consent to the ACL interfering in the possibility of the child being born into a loving happy family life with two Dads or two Mums, therefore we should take their archaic attitudes, douse them in salt and pop them into a hot oven with a bit of olive oil.


Blasphemy is crazy shit Sat, 22 Jan 2011 00:45:32 +0000 [SOURCE]

I wrote about the crazy situation in Pakistan here where a woman is to be stoned to death because of some stupid blasphemy charge.

Then a Pakistani governor was gunned down by his own body guard because he spoke out against the blasphemy laws.

The country has been in uproar!  You’d think that the citizens would be out in the street decrying the outright murder, but no.  They think that the body guard is a hero.  How insane is that?

Now the Prime Minister has stated quite clearly that his government has no intention of changing the blasphemy laws.

Islam is screwy and unbalanced.  The religion causes great harm and its people take offence at mere words that don’t hurt anyone.  The response of the citizens of Pakistan shows the danger of religion in our world, and it’s yet again a clear indication of the full extent of harm that it causes.

Even pope bendydick, glad in his pure white marvels, thinks that Pakistan should repeal the laws.  Of course, bendydick is only concerned about his flock being stoned, he really doesn’t give a flying toss about anyone else and probably thinks that blasphemy should be punished if a muslim says something nice about the stick-hanging jesus.


Careful where you sit! Tue, 18 Jan 2011 12:07:44 +0000 [SOURCE]
In Israel, for reason of modesty, women are expected to sit in the back of the buses. They have to enter by the rear door and they have to sit in the back least the poor men in the front should catch of glimpse of them, crack half a mongrel and have to deal with it.

Last week the High Court of Justice has seen fit to throw out the idea of segregated buses and let women sit where they want.

Wait on a minute… this had to go to court?  They really need a court to decide that segregation on a public bus is just wrong?  That’s a laugh.

I mean it’s such a hassle being a man in Israel.  You have to be careful to avert your eyes, least you glance a female on the bus, you must never sit where she has sat because it might be that time of the month, you must never hear her sing or gaze upon her hair.  I mean, how’s a man to cope with all the rules given by god, for all to follow.

Judaism is crazy, they beat women for sitting in the front seat for fuck sake, (ok, that’s the fundamentalist), but this is crazy shit and it’s a crying shame that basic human rights have to go to court because some hard-line religious nuts don’t understand that most of the world does not agree with their silly religion.

Yet another reason to keep religion and state separate.

Makes me want to don a dress and sit next to a guy in a big hat and a black coat. I’m a lady.

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To Die as we wish Tue, 21 Sep 2010 09:43:48 +0000 [SOURCE]

The issue of the right to die as we wish has raised it’s head again in Australia.

The Greens are set to work with the Labor Party to overturn a ruling that sees our Federal Pariliment veto any laws passed in the Northern Territory that they the Feds don’t like.  One of those laws has been euthanasia.  By allowing the Territorians to make up and decide their own laws, it’s thought that they will re-introduce this law.  It’s a hot topic.

Then the church comes sailing in:

Bishop Huggins has asked the national parliament of the Australian Anglican Church, now meeting in Melbourne, to affirm the sanctity of life as God’s gift. The motion says: ”Our task is to protect, nurture and sustain life to the best of our ability.”


Look, whatever backward thinking you may have as a bishop is fine, if your followers want to follow that thinking then good luck to them, but for the love of jesus, get your fucking dick-arse religion out of the life of others.

You, the church, have long surrendered your moral authority, you are awash with stupidity and hypocrisy.  The church is no longer in a position to act as our moral and ethical guardians.  Furthermore, a whole swag of us don’t believe a word you say.  Life is not a gift from any god, it is not  sacred, it does not belong to any one else other than the person who is using it.

”We’ve all been close to people who have had a hard and difficult death,” he said. ”We have watched and prayed in some anguished places, and can well understand why the idea of euthanasia attracts support.

”However, we also understand what a threshold we cross when our efforts are not focused on protecting life, and providing comfort and pain relief until life ends.”

Then that stupid statements that says look, we know it’s hard to die, we know that death is difficult.  Well dur.  We all know that.  Your response is to watch and pray in anguish?  Nothing useful, just watch and pray.  Fuckwits.

Then he prattles on about focussing on protecting life.  It’s just tough shit that the sufferer is suffering.  That the drugs don’t work any more, that pain relief is horrid and no way to die.  It’s mean nasty and lacks compassion to allow someone to die a horrible painful and ‘difficult death’.  You stand by and pray for all the fucking good that does.  What do you pray for?  That your god will come and take them quickly?  I bet you do.

Religion is selfish and nasty, the nutters think that god wants you to hang around until he’s ready to take you.  It’s the biggest load of shit and really needs to be called to account.

If you christians are so keen on letting people live for as long as possible, regardless of their state, then go ahead.  But get your damn prayers and wishful thinking out of the lives of those of us that don’t believe or accept your stupid dumbarsed view of the universe.  It’s my life, get out of my way, let me live as I want and let me die when I want.  Stop pretending you have the moral authority to dictate how the rest of us live and die.

Mark Rabich is a bit rabid Sat, 29 May 2010 08:23:55 +0000 This llama is currently engaged in a conversation of sorts with Mark Rabich1, it’s a Facebook discussion that goes backwards and forwards and really gets nowhere.  We have two very different views of the world, he’s is based on accepting that the bible is the word of god, his god, and that everything should sprout from that point. If you don’t know my world view, read some blogs, it’ll became pretty clear to you.

I just like this response to me – It’s so christian… I’ve added my notes in brackets and in green for you!

[facebook quote]

Mark Rabich commented on XXXX XXXX Photo:
“Bruce – I’ve been a Christian almost 24 years and a serious student of the Bible the last 3 especially. (How anyone can be serious about the bible is beyond me.) It is an incredible work (of fiction) written in such a way as to be more relevant in the 21st Century than any other book because it documents the heart of man (You really need to read more widely, I’d suggest the “The Selfish Gene” by Richard Dawkins would be better), which you are displaying for all to see its rebellious nature. The more I read it, the more opinions like the one you are giving make me wonder whether to laugh or be sad at such willful ignorance. (Willful indeed)

You do not sit in judgement of the Bible, Bruce, it judges YOU and finds that YOU have failed. (Actually, I have made a judgement about the bible – it’s shit and should be treated as really bad fiction, almost as bad as Harry Potter) You have failed to acknowledge something bigger than yourself that is able to break the power of death itself. (That’s not a failure, I have a very realistic view of death. You die, you can’t break the power of death) Everything is filtered through that great tortured journey through your black heart and muddled mind.(My mind is uncluttered with tales derived from rabid goat fuckers in the year dot, my heart is pumping blood – it’s probably not black. My life journey is interesting and not tortured, I have learned much, among the things I’ve learned is how to spot people judging me while pretending not to) The problem is you love darkness more than light.(I quite like bright sunny days, and I am very fond of dark cloudless nights so I can see the stars) That the Bible is difficult to understand in some sections is merely a hurdle God has placed in our lives to see if we will be diligent in searching for truth, (Why? Why make it so hard?) like a hidden treasure in a maze of any number of false choices. (Even a maze has an exit, the bible is full of contradictions and stupid stories that mean nothing) We are constantly being tested in any number of different ways. (Tested? Why? By who?) But some things in it are beyond dispute – Jesus himself and his work is beyond question. (No, not beyond question, and there’s your problem, you don’t question – I do.  Jesus is a non-entity) We have enough knowledge available to us NOW in order to choose wisely. (Oh you don’t have anything that I find remotely credible, and you don’t like that people say that). And yet little Bruce thinks his opinions change historical facts. (What do you know about facts? In Matthew 27:52 we find this:

The graves opened. Many of God’s people who had died rose from death. They came out of their graves after Jesus rose from death. They went into Jerusalem. Many people saw them there.

That seems to be a fact to me, if you believe in the bible as a true historic account of the death of jesus,  the description is very clear, dead people walked the streets of Jerusalem, many people saw them there, but yet outside that passage there is nothing recorded in either Roman or Jewish history why is that?  Dead people walking around is pretty amazing stuff and surely would be the stuff of legend.  Oh, I know why, it didn’t happen and it’s made up.)

That is a fail on the grandest scale. But I hope you will come to your senses sooner rather than later. (I have my senses, you seem to lack the ability to think critically when it comes to matters biblical)

Its relevance to the issue of homosexuality is unquestionable because it acknowledges the depravity of man in the very first book Genesis with the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. (As I have already established, the bible is a work of fiction, it’s a fairy tale and after all this time people still want to use it as a weapon to control people they don’t like) Here we are in 2010, and Man sets himself against God again. (Here we are in 2010 and PEOPLE (because half of us are women) still treat the bible as something worthy of our respect) So we are still here, the same male and female humans, making the same mistakes. (Well that’s not true, we don’t make the same mistakes, we don’t beat children, we don’t kill adulterers by stoning, we don’t do the whole slavery thing, don’t you think it’s time to address sexuality properly and actually listen to those that know and don’t use old books to quote from?) The reason you don’t need much more than the Bible because, as Solomon wrote, there really is “nothing new under the sun.” (Well of course there is, for starters we now know the Earth revolves around the sun, you did know that didn’t you?) Even people exactly like you are mentioned in it, Bruce, did you know that? (The bible talks about rabid llamas with egos bigger than my shoe size?)

Without God, your only alternative is to believe that matter just exploded into being from nothing (Why is it the only alternative?  What a pointless statement, you don’t know how the universe started, neither do I – at least I don’t pretend some unknown entity created it by having a bit of a think) and organized itself into life so complicated centuries of accumulated knowledge of mankind still doesn’t fully understand it, let alone emulate it. (Is that seriously an argument?) LOL! (Oh wait, maybe it’s a joke) If that isn’t a fairy story and “out of touch with reality”, then nothing is!!! You seriously expect me to believe THAT when EVERY experience of my life tells me that an effect is NEVER greater than its cause??? (You seriously believe that your god created you out of dust?  Lunacy!) Lunacy! (Snap!) Head-spinning madness!!! I just mentioned that people like you are mentioned in the Bible, Bruce – yes they are – they are called, rightfully, fools. (Oh, that’s a bit personal) Fools because they would not believe even if the dead were raised in front of their eyes, fools because they will not honestly approach the limited evidence available to them, fools because they think everything just ‘is’ without God. (You have heard of science, you know, where they prove stuff… but I guess when that evidence is presented to you you’d soon just ignore it or pretend they aren’t right)

God exists, Bruce, get over yourself, (Where?  Is he on Twitter? There is no god – never has been, never will be) and I’ve got even worse news for you – He owns your life. Every heartbeat, every breath, every step – everything. (Then he really fucked up – I have ingrown toenails, you’d reckon he’d get that right.  I have root canal treatment, you’d reckon he’d get that right, my kneecaps hurt, you reckon he’d get that right – I’d like to ask for a non-faulty body if you don’t mind)

It is time you asked yourself “the big questions”. (I have – have you?) Here’s some to get you started:

Did Jesus exist and if so, what can we know about him?  (Well depending on who you want to believe, either christians or non  – the answer seems to be no) How does that knowledge affect what we think we know about the world around us? (Even if he did exist he was just a left-wing socialist that the jewish establishment didn’t like so they had him killed)
Why does the Christian Church exist? (Oh people like Paul enjoy the power to lord it over the peasants) What happened to kick start this movement which fundamentally changed the world? (Power, property, lack of education)

But I seriously doubt you would approach these questions with even a modicum of honesty. (I just did, have you?) Until you do, please don’t bother me with your skewed Bruce Llama take on ‘truth’ again. (I’m bothering you?  How about you try to answer some of my questions) If there’s one thing Bruce Llama will never do is give in to something that means he has to change his thinking in a way that costs him some control of his life. (If there is one thing Mark Rabich can do, is release himself from supernatural beliefs and live in the real world) In the battle between truth and Bruce Llama, truth always loses. (It’d be ok, I know when I’m wrong.  Do you?)

btw, I love how you think that I’m dictating to others how to live their lives, when all I am doing is not wanting them to force ME to celebrate unhealthy (What?  unhealthy?  You mean like some sort of sexually transmitted disease, just like straight people have?) sexual practices, (No one is asking you to do anything with your bits that you don’t want to do) that strangely enough, God also says are wrong. (As has already been established, there is no god to give a rats arse where I stick my people poker) And leave real marriage alone – if some don’t want to marry (defined as someone of the opposite or other sex),  (until recently in Australia, that wasn’t defined) then I say, fine, you are FREE to go away then. (I don’t want to marry anyone, but I do think that we all have the right to live our lives as we choose, and for some of us that means marrying someone of the same sex) But then, like most people about the issue of homosexuality, you have virtually everything that matters backwards. (Oh no, that’s not right – I know what matters, you seem to have trouble with the concept) The gay activists will scream and rant and rave like petulant children until they get their way. (Yes, and well they should because people like you with your outdated dogma and religious believes are standing in the way of freedom and happiness) Just WHO is dictating to who “how to live their lives”?” (Who indeed)
[end facebook quote]

My expectation is that Mark will not be willing to see this as anything other than an attack and an attempt to avoid the real questions. He will think that he as a christian is being persecuted, and that will make him happy because jesus told him that would happen. He may even offer some prayers for me, in some vague sort of gesture that might bring me to understand his truth.

You know what? All I want is for the christians to butt out of my life. I don’t subscribe to your crazy rules, and I don’t want them impacting on my life. I’m happy for you to believe what ever you want, I support your right to have those quaint little beliefs. I also have the right to call them crazy, stupid, fucked up and just plain silly. When you respect that a vast majority of the world doesn’t accept your god or jesus as important then you may be humbled to accept people as they are. You can’t. You are too puffed up with your own importance and arrogance to see beyond you little tribal squabbles.

  1. A quick Google search finds that Mark Rabich has been spouting his religious clap trap all over the internet for a few years now – he likes to write letters to The Age and has been the subject of several blogs
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Artificial Life and god Sun, 23 May 2010 05:35:11 +0000 [SOURCE]

Scientists Create Synthetic Organism


Heralding a potential new era in biology, scientists for the first time have created a synthetic cell, completely controlled by man-made genetic instructions, researchers at the private J. Craig Venter Institute announced Thursday.

How amazing is that!  This new and artificial life may lead to us designing bacteria that could clean up environmental hazards!  I’m sure that there are hundreds of other possible uses.

Guess who is standing in the way?  The Woman Cafolicks.  Bishop Domenico “Love cock” Mogavero1 has said that it could be a devastating step, he questions whether or not its ethical.  This from the same stupid religious death cult people that think abortion is wrong, even if it means both the mother and baby will die2, that stem cell research is wrong, even though it might save the lives of thousands of people3 , that wearing condoms is wrong, even though it might save the lives of thousands of people4  He wants to talk about ethics.

Get out of the way, stupid dress wearing bigot.  Religion is not in a position to talk about ethics, ever.  You believe in magic words and beings you can’t see.  This is about science, so .. ssssh… the grown ups are talking.

  1. Bishop Mogavero is the head of legal affairs commission for the Italian Episcopal Conference (woo bloody hoo) SOURCE
  2. A woman would have died if the baby was not aborted SOURCE
  3.  The church is more concerned with designer babies, than curing people of horrible disease SOURCE
  4. The pope condemned the use of condoms to stem the flow of HIV infections on a recent visit to Africa SOURCE, that it’s ok to move paedophile priests around rather than sack them and jail them[5.  The church continues to protect its own rather than the children  SOURCE
Get ya gear off Sat, 01 May 2010 00:23:00 +0000 [SOURCE]

In Belgium and France they want to ban the burqa1.  That’s the mobile tarpaulin worn by muslim women at the insistence of their men folks.

Of course, some women might like to actually wear the thing.  Should we let them?

In another view of the world gone crazy, here we have a secular state trying to ban a religious garb.  You can hide behind whatever ‘rule’ you want, you can talk about how the burqa is a threat to security, or how you don’t want to have any outward signs of religion on display.  But I think it’s clear what we really want.  We want to stamp out Islam.  We want them to stop treating their women as something that needs to be hidden from men.

Burqas are a form of control, by men. We all deserve better respect.  The men of Islam need to get over themselves and start treating the rest of the world with respect and understand that their goat herder, sheep fucking, child molesting religion is not worth a crock of shit and their petty god is make believe.

Pat Condell has some wonderful things to say about the burqa.

  1. Read the history of the thing on Wikipedia