Michalik is an Arsehole


The attitudes of the hierarchy in the catholic church won’t change any time soon – you can have as many pope Franks as you like, they’re still a bunch of arseholes.

THE top cleric in Poland’s Roman Catholic church has said parents share the blame for certain cases of pedophilia, including those involving Catholic priests.

Share the blame for kiddie fucking?  This top cleric who probably likes to be addressed as “Your Grace”  wants to share the blame?  Pardon me while I feel sick and lick the shit from my fur.

“Many of these cases of (sexual) molestation could be avoided given a healthy relationship between parents,” Archbishop Jozef Michalik, head of Poland’s Episcopate told the Polish PAP news agency in Warsaw.

All of these cases could be avoided if priests knew how to behave.  Why would you try to shift the blame to relationships between parents?  In typical fashion, rather than look at his own guilt in any of this, yet another bishops seeks to blame the victim.

“We often hear that this inappropriate attitude (pedophilia), or abuse, manifests itself when a child is looking for love,” Archbishop Michalik said.

Who describes raping kids as inappropriate attitude?  I can only think something was lost in the translation.  Linking the child looking for love is akin to saying that the child was a willing participant.  I wouldn’t at all be surprised if he said something along the lines of “she was begging for it” when dealing with rape.

“It (the child) clings, it searches. It gets lost itself and then draws another person into this”, Archbishop Michalik said.

So now it’s the child’s fault for drawing in another person.  The child, if you remember, is the one that is raped by a grown man.  This graceless catholic nitwit is actually suggesting that a child attracts a child abuser.  Clearly the child is to blame as it’s lost.  Forget that the priest is out there hunting for his next victim and takes advantage of a child.  Uses his position of authority to abuse his victim and then uses that same authority to threaten the child into silence.

“How many wounds are their in children’s hearts, in children’s lives, when their parents go their separate ways,” he told the PAP.

“Today nobody talks about divorce doing great harm to a child. It’s obvious that sex abuse does great harm, one can’t forget about it, but it’s not the only thing” causing harm, he added.

bishopinhatSure, divorce is not nice for a child who is needing security and love of her parents, but to try to divert the blame to parents and the child instead of focussing on the real perpetrators of crime is reprehensible.

The people to blame for sexual abuse is the abuser.  Those that were aware of the abuse and do nothing, you know, cover it up or move the abuser are to blame.  Those who are apologist for the abusers are to blame.  The last person who has any fault at all is the child.

Grow some balls bishop, take some responsibility for your part in the whole messy affair.

You are an arsehole.


This entry was posted in Rant.

3 Responses to Michalik is an Arsehole

  1. Everyone has an arsehole (well, nearly everyone, unless they’ve had colorectal surgery and had a colostomy bag fitted to bypass it), so it is not surprising that Archbishop Michalik too should have one. The anus is really the bottom end of the column which passes down from the mouth, “above”.

    That is why it is important for us to speak “truly”, for what comes out of the mouth is what the heart should be full of (loving words), and the hands should be capable of (kind actions). Otherwise, what the mouth speaks is a regurgitation of what should have passed “through”, and “downward”, as waste, for the dung-heap; the work of unkind hands is fit only for the trash.

    As to whether Archbishop Michalic IS an arsehole, or not, I’m happy to leave that decision with our maker. But in the meantime, I would say that your assessment is on balance, probably “right”; and that bullies of all stripes should be exposed. Adult bullies who knowingly abuse the trust placed in them by children, need to be removed from positions of power for their own good, as well.

    However, not one of us is free from “sin” (unkind actions) over a lifetime; not one religion or philosophy can change that. Where people suffer abuses, we can be sure that what is reported is only the “tip of the iceberg”.

    It is only possible to report those abuses in free societies, and for this hard won freedom (now gradually extending across the globe), we should “give thanks”, and extend our efforts for truthfulness into those areas still in the grip of religious, philosophical, economic, sexual, ethnic etc tyrannies, where equality is never preached or even discussed. That is the responsibility of the truly free.

    Many thanks Bruce for your blog, which has enabled me to respond as I have, from the Land of Aus, downunder !

  2. Axel Andrews says:

    Thanks for pointing out the hypocrisy so prevalent in the Polish Catholic church. Here’s a good article about it in “The Economist” http://www.economist.com/blogs/easternapproaches/2013/05/poland-0?fsrc=scn/tw/te/bl/darksidechurch

    The church is Poland is still far too powerful in spite of the formal separation of church and state. If you wish to formally leave the church you have to make an appointment with your local parish priest (in the presence of 2 witnesses) to convince him of your intentions and reasons with no guarantee of a favourable outcome. In Germany, where I live, it’s a bit easier but still requires formal renouncement at your local registry office..