death – Bruce Llama That's one crazy Llama Mon, 04 Jan 2016 02:22:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Hitchens Dies Tue, 20 Dec 2011 03:12:08 +0000 [SOURCE]

There’s plenty out there to read about Christopher Hitchens.  I’ve read some of his stuff and it was good.  So I read it again.  Now he’s dead.

The christians however, can’t help themselves.  Now they’re saying crazy whacky things like:

 “My friend Christopher Hitchens has died. I loved & prayed for him constantly & grieve his loss. He knows the Truth now.”

Don’t be stupid – he’s dead.  He no longer exisits.  Is it that hard?

He said Hitchens’ death “is an excruciating reminder of the consequences of unbelief. We can only pray others will believe.”

How would you know?  He’s dead.  We can be certain that there is no consequences to the dead person.

“The point about Christopher Hitchens is not that he died of unbelief,” he concluded, “but that his unbelief is all that matters now. Unspeakably sad.”

He died of cancer, not unbelief.  And nothing matters to him, he’s dead.

How fucked up can you get?  A man dies and all his christian friends line up to say how they tried to save him for their jesus and now all’s lost.

I also love the fact that Twitter lit up with a trending topic #GodIsNotGreat – the title of one of Hitchen’s books.  The christian wankers got their holy noses all out of joint over it.  Some of them where so upset they offered to kill whoever started the hash tag #GodIsNotGreat.  Check this list out of some of the highlights.

Hitchens had an impact on me and my way of thinking.  He’s book was well worth the read.

For that I’m grateful.


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Killing people Fri, 26 Nov 2010 23:04:50 +0000 [SOURCE]

Blasphemy is a capital offence in Pakistan.

They want to hang a woman because she said bad things about an imaginary god.

She’s married.

Has 5 children.

Her family is in hiding.

Why is there even a question about whether or not she deserves the death penalty?  This is stupid, stupid, stupid.  More stupid than a bunch of randy alpacas pretending to be llamas.

Nobody gets hurt by blasphemy.  Allah doesn’t get so pissed off that he causes floods.  Jesus doesn’t get so pissed off that he causes earthquakes, god doesn’t get so pissed off that he cause tsunamis.  That just doesn’t happen.

And as if these great deities of our own invention aren’t big and brave enough to smote those that they have a problem with.

Stupid bullshit crap.

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To Die as we wish Tue, 21 Sep 2010 09:43:48 +0000 [SOURCE]

The issue of the right to die as we wish has raised it’s head again in Australia.

The Greens are set to work with the Labor Party to overturn a ruling that sees our Federal Pariliment veto any laws passed in the Northern Territory that they the Feds don’t like.  One of those laws has been euthanasia.  By allowing the Territorians to make up and decide their own laws, it’s thought that they will re-introduce this law.  It’s a hot topic.

Then the church comes sailing in:

Bishop Huggins has asked the national parliament of the Australian Anglican Church, now meeting in Melbourne, to affirm the sanctity of life as God’s gift. The motion says: ”Our task is to protect, nurture and sustain life to the best of our ability.”


Look, whatever backward thinking you may have as a bishop is fine, if your followers want to follow that thinking then good luck to them, but for the love of jesus, get your fucking dick-arse religion out of the life of others.

You, the church, have long surrendered your moral authority, you are awash with stupidity and hypocrisy.  The church is no longer in a position to act as our moral and ethical guardians.  Furthermore, a whole swag of us don’t believe a word you say.  Life is not a gift from any god, it is not  sacred, it does not belong to any one else other than the person who is using it.

”We’ve all been close to people who have had a hard and difficult death,” he said. ”We have watched and prayed in some anguished places, and can well understand why the idea of euthanasia attracts support.

”However, we also understand what a threshold we cross when our efforts are not focused on protecting life, and providing comfort and pain relief until life ends.”

Then that stupid statements that says look, we know it’s hard to die, we know that death is difficult.  Well dur.  We all know that.  Your response is to watch and pray in anguish?  Nothing useful, just watch and pray.  Fuckwits.

Then he prattles on about focussing on protecting life.  It’s just tough shit that the sufferer is suffering.  That the drugs don’t work any more, that pain relief is horrid and no way to die.  It’s mean nasty and lacks compassion to allow someone to die a horrible painful and ‘difficult death’.  You stand by and pray for all the fucking good that does.  What do you pray for?  That your god will come and take them quickly?  I bet you do.

Religion is selfish and nasty, the nutters think that god wants you to hang around until he’s ready to take you.  It’s the biggest load of shit and really needs to be called to account.

If you christians are so keen on letting people live for as long as possible, regardless of their state, then go ahead.  But get your damn prayers and wishful thinking out of the lives of those of us that don’t believe or accept your stupid dumbarsed view of the universe.  It’s my life, get out of my way, let me live as I want and let me die when I want.  Stop pretending you have the moral authority to dictate how the rest of us live and die.

Mark Rabich is a bit rabid Sat, 29 May 2010 08:23:55 +0000 This llama is currently engaged in a conversation of sorts with Mark Rabich1, it’s a Facebook discussion that goes backwards and forwards and really gets nowhere.  We have two very different views of the world, he’s is based on accepting that the bible is the word of god, his god, and that everything should sprout from that point. If you don’t know my world view, read some blogs, it’ll became pretty clear to you.

I just like this response to me – It’s so christian… I’ve added my notes in brackets and in green for you!

[facebook quote]

Mark Rabich commented on XXXX XXXX Photo:
“Bruce – I’ve been a Christian almost 24 years and a serious student of the Bible the last 3 especially. (How anyone can be serious about the bible is beyond me.) It is an incredible work (of fiction) written in such a way as to be more relevant in the 21st Century than any other book because it documents the heart of man (You really need to read more widely, I’d suggest the “The Selfish Gene” by Richard Dawkins would be better), which you are displaying for all to see its rebellious nature. The more I read it, the more opinions like the one you are giving make me wonder whether to laugh or be sad at such willful ignorance. (Willful indeed)

You do not sit in judgement of the Bible, Bruce, it judges YOU and finds that YOU have failed. (Actually, I have made a judgement about the bible – it’s shit and should be treated as really bad fiction, almost as bad as Harry Potter) You have failed to acknowledge something bigger than yourself that is able to break the power of death itself. (That’s not a failure, I have a very realistic view of death. You die, you can’t break the power of death) Everything is filtered through that great tortured journey through your black heart and muddled mind.(My mind is uncluttered with tales derived from rabid goat fuckers in the year dot, my heart is pumping blood – it’s probably not black. My life journey is interesting and not tortured, I have learned much, among the things I’ve learned is how to spot people judging me while pretending not to) The problem is you love darkness more than light.(I quite like bright sunny days, and I am very fond of dark cloudless nights so I can see the stars) That the Bible is difficult to understand in some sections is merely a hurdle God has placed in our lives to see if we will be diligent in searching for truth, (Why? Why make it so hard?) like a hidden treasure in a maze of any number of false choices. (Even a maze has an exit, the bible is full of contradictions and stupid stories that mean nothing) We are constantly being tested in any number of different ways. (Tested? Why? By who?) But some things in it are beyond dispute – Jesus himself and his work is beyond question. (No, not beyond question, and there’s your problem, you don’t question – I do.  Jesus is a non-entity) We have enough knowledge available to us NOW in order to choose wisely. (Oh you don’t have anything that I find remotely credible, and you don’t like that people say that). And yet little Bruce thinks his opinions change historical facts. (What do you know about facts? In Matthew 27:52 we find this:

The graves opened. Many of God’s people who had died rose from death. They came out of their graves after Jesus rose from death. They went into Jerusalem. Many people saw them there.

That seems to be a fact to me, if you believe in the bible as a true historic account of the death of jesus,  the description is very clear, dead people walked the streets of Jerusalem, many people saw them there, but yet outside that passage there is nothing recorded in either Roman or Jewish history why is that?  Dead people walking around is pretty amazing stuff and surely would be the stuff of legend.  Oh, I know why, it didn’t happen and it’s made up.)

That is a fail on the grandest scale. But I hope you will come to your senses sooner rather than later. (I have my senses, you seem to lack the ability to think critically when it comes to matters biblical)

Its relevance to the issue of homosexuality is unquestionable because it acknowledges the depravity of man in the very first book Genesis with the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. (As I have already established, the bible is a work of fiction, it’s a fairy tale and after all this time people still want to use it as a weapon to control people they don’t like) Here we are in 2010, and Man sets himself against God again. (Here we are in 2010 and PEOPLE (because half of us are women) still treat the bible as something worthy of our respect) So we are still here, the same male and female humans, making the same mistakes. (Well that’s not true, we don’t make the same mistakes, we don’t beat children, we don’t kill adulterers by stoning, we don’t do the whole slavery thing, don’t you think it’s time to address sexuality properly and actually listen to those that know and don’t use old books to quote from?) The reason you don’t need much more than the Bible because, as Solomon wrote, there really is “nothing new under the sun.” (Well of course there is, for starters we now know the Earth revolves around the sun, you did know that didn’t you?) Even people exactly like you are mentioned in it, Bruce, did you know that? (The bible talks about rabid llamas with egos bigger than my shoe size?)

Without God, your only alternative is to believe that matter just exploded into being from nothing (Why is it the only alternative?  What a pointless statement, you don’t know how the universe started, neither do I – at least I don’t pretend some unknown entity created it by having a bit of a think) and organized itself into life so complicated centuries of accumulated knowledge of mankind still doesn’t fully understand it, let alone emulate it. (Is that seriously an argument?) LOL! (Oh wait, maybe it’s a joke) If that isn’t a fairy story and “out of touch with reality”, then nothing is!!! You seriously expect me to believe THAT when EVERY experience of my life tells me that an effect is NEVER greater than its cause??? (You seriously believe that your god created you out of dust?  Lunacy!) Lunacy! (Snap!) Head-spinning madness!!! I just mentioned that people like you are mentioned in the Bible, Bruce – yes they are – they are called, rightfully, fools. (Oh, that’s a bit personal) Fools because they would not believe even if the dead were raised in front of their eyes, fools because they will not honestly approach the limited evidence available to them, fools because they think everything just ‘is’ without God. (You have heard of science, you know, where they prove stuff… but I guess when that evidence is presented to you you’d soon just ignore it or pretend they aren’t right)

God exists, Bruce, get over yourself, (Where?  Is he on Twitter? There is no god – never has been, never will be) and I’ve got even worse news for you – He owns your life. Every heartbeat, every breath, every step – everything. (Then he really fucked up – I have ingrown toenails, you’d reckon he’d get that right.  I have root canal treatment, you’d reckon he’d get that right, my kneecaps hurt, you reckon he’d get that right – I’d like to ask for a non-faulty body if you don’t mind)

It is time you asked yourself “the big questions”. (I have – have you?) Here’s some to get you started:

Did Jesus exist and if so, what can we know about him?  (Well depending on who you want to believe, either christians or non  – the answer seems to be no) How does that knowledge affect what we think we know about the world around us? (Even if he did exist he was just a left-wing socialist that the jewish establishment didn’t like so they had him killed)
Why does the Christian Church exist? (Oh people like Paul enjoy the power to lord it over the peasants) What happened to kick start this movement which fundamentally changed the world? (Power, property, lack of education)

But I seriously doubt you would approach these questions with even a modicum of honesty. (I just did, have you?) Until you do, please don’t bother me with your skewed Bruce Llama take on ‘truth’ again. (I’m bothering you?  How about you try to answer some of my questions) If there’s one thing Bruce Llama will never do is give in to something that means he has to change his thinking in a way that costs him some control of his life. (If there is one thing Mark Rabich can do, is release himself from supernatural beliefs and live in the real world) In the battle between truth and Bruce Llama, truth always loses. (It’d be ok, I know when I’m wrong.  Do you?)

btw, I love how you think that I’m dictating to others how to live their lives, when all I am doing is not wanting them to force ME to celebrate unhealthy (What?  unhealthy?  You mean like some sort of sexually transmitted disease, just like straight people have?) sexual practices, (No one is asking you to do anything with your bits that you don’t want to do) that strangely enough, God also says are wrong. (As has already been established, there is no god to give a rats arse where I stick my people poker) And leave real marriage alone – if some don’t want to marry (defined as someone of the opposite or other sex),  (until recently in Australia, that wasn’t defined) then I say, fine, you are FREE to go away then. (I don’t want to marry anyone, but I do think that we all have the right to live our lives as we choose, and for some of us that means marrying someone of the same sex) But then, like most people about the issue of homosexuality, you have virtually everything that matters backwards. (Oh no, that’s not right – I know what matters, you seem to have trouble with the concept) The gay activists will scream and rant and rave like petulant children until they get their way. (Yes, and well they should because people like you with your outdated dogma and religious believes are standing in the way of freedom and happiness) Just WHO is dictating to who “how to live their lives”?” (Who indeed)
[end facebook quote]

My expectation is that Mark will not be willing to see this as anything other than an attack and an attempt to avoid the real questions. He will think that he as a christian is being persecuted, and that will make him happy because jesus told him that would happen. He may even offer some prayers for me, in some vague sort of gesture that might bring me to understand his truth.

You know what? All I want is for the christians to butt out of my life. I don’t subscribe to your crazy rules, and I don’t want them impacting on my life. I’m happy for you to believe what ever you want, I support your right to have those quaint little beliefs. I also have the right to call them crazy, stupid, fucked up and just plain silly. When you respect that a vast majority of the world doesn’t accept your god or jesus as important then you may be humbled to accept people as they are. You can’t. You are too puffed up with your own importance and arrogance to see beyond you little tribal squabbles.

  1. A quick Google search finds that Mark Rabich has been spouting his religious clap trap all over the internet for a few years now – he likes to write letters to The Age and has been the subject of several blogs
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Canberra crash. Who is to blame? Mon, 22 Mar 2010 02:12:49 +0000 [SOURCE].

This is truly horrific. A 23 year old man, allegedly steals a car, takes his girlfriend for spin, he’s spotted by the Police, he runs a red light, slams into another car killing three other people, a couple and their young child.

The mother of the only surviving person, (the girlfriend of the driver) says this:

“They’re to blame, they’re to blame totally, I blame the police totally,” she said.

Let’s get this right.  The police gave chase because the car was stolen.  The driver of the stolen car planted it because he was in a stolen car.  He didn’t want to get caught.

The only person to blame here is the criminal that stole the car.  Not only did he kill himself, but he also took the lives of innocent people. He did that.  He clearly knew that stealing a car would have consequences, otherwise why run?  The notion that you don’t give chase is just stupid.  Of course you give chase, yes, back it off when it gets dangerous, but really, you break the law, expect some sort of chase.

I hate it when people die unnecessarily, even the thief doesn’t deserve to die at 23.  It’s very easy to attribute blame, we want someone to blame when things go wrong, but that blame must be clearly laid at the feet of the perpetrator of the crime, not the enforcement agency.  You know that makes sense.  Way to often, in our shock and grief, we blame the wrong person, it’s easy and cheap.

The man stole a car, he stole it, he sped in it, he ran away from the police and he ran a red light and he killed three other people.

He did it.

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Pray Pell, Pray Mon, 21 Dec 2009 00:58:29 +0000 [SOURCE]

Cardinal George Pell Hell, thinks that if you pray, god will cure your cancer.

“Yes, obviously (cancer can be cured by prayer),” Cardinal Pell told ABC television today.

Obviously you are the ultimate wishful thinker George.  Cancer is the leading cause of death in Australia, this year 42,000 are expected to die from the disease in Australia alone. 1

Its such a stupid crock of shit thinking that prayer will get rid of cancer, even worse when that ‘cure’ is attributed to a dead person who the living want to be a saint.  So, this god thing, the creator of the universe, in his wisdom created cancer so that when you get it you can pray to him and he’ll cure it?  What sort of warped system is that.

And what’s the criteria for cure from god?  How do you explain to the other 41,999 people that they’re going to die regardless of their prayers.  How does god decided who to cure.  People believe this bullshit with all their heart and they still die a long and painful death because of the false hope that Mary Fucking Mackillop will step in and cure it for them.

Cancer costs $3.8 billion in direct health system costs.2 Perhaps those that get cured could ask the church to hand over a bit of money, maybe we could sue the church for all those believers that pray and die anyway.

Cardinal Pell says that won’t give sick people a false sense of security because they realise cure by prayer is a “very long shot”.

Very very very long shot, so long that it has never happened.

Medical treatment, surgery, skill of the doctors and health care professionals is what cures cancer.  It’s time to stop the rot and call stupid statements like this for what they are, stupid, inane, uneducated, wishful thinking, baseless, idiotic crap.

  1. Facts and Figures Cancer Council of Australia
  2. Facts and Figures Cancer Council of Australia
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Thank U god Tue, 22 Sep 2009 12:57:40 +0000 Twitter is a wonderful thing.  You can find out all sorts of information.

There are always trending topics – a subject that a number of people are tweeting about.  I like today’s it was called #thankugod. There were about 100 messages a minute coming in thick and fast.

I followed it for much of the day and was laughing at some of the things that god gets thanked for.

Just now, as I’m writing this blog, the Americans are waking up.  The christian Americans reach for their computer or mobile phone and send a tweet – it says something like:

#thankuGod for waking me up this morning

Hundreds of these messages.  Those guys have jesus bad.

Of course, I could let the chance pass me by – I had to send some of my own tweets:

#thankugod for toilet paper – imagine a world without it.
#thankugod for the rich catholic church – jesus can get on and help the poor people now
#thankugod for lions, tigers, snakes and other things that control the population – can we have some more please? In the churches perhaps?
#thankugod for nits, fleas, mosquitoes and rats – great way to spread disease – you’re so clever
#thankugod for all priests who sexually assault the faithful – nice work jesus you prick
#thankugod for the 1400+ people that died in Hurricane Katrina In New Orleans – soggy souls for jesus.
#thankugod fo the total number of undernourished people in the world it reached 963 million in 2008
#thankugod for paying the Qantas CEO $11mil -that helps the poor
#thankugod Let’s thank god for killing over 130 people in the Victorian Bushfires 2009 -BBQ the souls jesus
#thankugod Let’s thank him for killing over 200,00 people in the 2004 tsunami. Real decent of you god.

Check out the latest thanks to the lord here.

I can just see jesus sitting on the toilet trying to catch up with his overnight tweets.  Oh, maybe that’s just me.

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Jesus wants you to suffer Sat, 18 Jul 2009 20:44:05 +0000 [SOURCE]

I made comment on Desiring god blog here.  A really crappy blog that attempts to help you desire god.

Reading through the blog I came across the article about not wasting your cancer.  Its seems that the lord bastard is keen on making you suffer for your own good, and you should not waste your cancer on the wrong thing.  You need to be prepared to accept the pain and the lessons that jesus is trying to teach you through his cancer.  Yes, its his design.  The scourge of the modern age is in fact designed and delivered by god.  That cunt.

If you want to get our attention, why not just holler.  Oh no, says god, I can’t do that, how uncouth.  What I’ll do is I’ll create a really horrible disease that slowly eats away at people, I’ll then tell them that they can’t end their lives early and that they must suffer a slow and painful death.  They need to do this because.  No reason, just because.  I am the lord your bastard.

If you don’t believe your cancer is designed for you by God, you will waste it.

Let’s face it, the cancer will waste you.  No amount of praying will make it go away.

The aim of God in your cancer (among a thousand other good things) is to knock props out from under our hearts so that we rely utterly on him.

Fuck me.  Now he wants us to rely utterly on him.  Why not just stick us in a bucket of water and wave a snorkel slightly above our heads until we believe.

This is the worse, it’s bad, really bad.  It hinges on insanity and pure evil to suggest, to even begin to say, that cancer is the design of god.  How can anyone believe this crap.

Offer your pain up to god all you good believers.  God will look after you and allow you to die a slow horrible death because he is so wise.

I’m shaking my head, damn I think I got an eyelash stuck under my eyelid.

Michael Jackson Dead Thu, 25 Jun 2009 22:27:58 +0000 So, he’s snuffed it at 50.

This Llama waits to see how this will be treated.  The 450 + articles on Google news seem quite clear that it’s a dramatic departure from life, the word ‘rush’ ‘unexpected’ and ‘suffering’ seem to come up a lot.

Will this be another media frenzy, will there be another outpouring of world wide emotion, and how many of us will shrug the llama shoulders and move on?

Watch this space.

How to get action Sat, 11 Apr 2009 21:14:54 +0000 Kingston Mayor’s aunt killed in Clayton railway line accident – Emergency Services – News | Mordialloc Chelsea Leader.

Death comes to all of us.  You just never know when.  An elderly woman, crossing the railway line was struck by a train and died.  A truly horrible event, preventable in two ways, proper barriers and due care taken by the people.

The particular crossing of which I bleat has two lines, the little old lady saw a train coming and waited for it to pass, only to be struck by a train going the other way which she didn’t look for.

It would seem that this death has caused the local mayor some personal grief, and he has decided that something needs to happen.

The crossing has been this way for years, no proper barriers.  The city has been well aware of this, and has taken no action to fix the crossing.  But now the mayors aunty has died, its something that needs to be fixed.

Locals have been calling for this for ages, so now he wants it fixed.  Too little too late.

The mayor should be sacked.
