The True Meaning of Christmas


Let us ask the Lord to help us see through the superficial glitter of this season, and to discover behind it the child in the stable in Bethlehem, so as to find true joy and true light.

So says the Supreme Pontiff (which sounds vaguely like some sort of pizza) as he sat there resplendent with his gold encrusted staff and sparkly vestments with their glittering stuff.  The old man has the gall to sit up on a stage and tell the rest of the world to look through the ‘superficial glitter’. He then goes on to say:

And let us also pray especially at this hour for all who have to celebrate Christmas in poverty, in suffering, as migrants, that a ray of God’s kindness may shine upon them, that they – and we – may be touched by the kindness that God chose to bring into the world through the birth of his Son in a stable. Amen.

He’s praying for the poor people.   He wants us to pray for those ‘who have to celebrate Christmas in poverty’.  The man has enough gold around him to feed the whole of the starving people in Africa and he wants to pray especially for them?  He wants God’s kindness to shine upon them.   He wants that kindness to touch them.  He sits surround by thousands of years of history, with immense wealth and the best he can do to alleviate the poverty in the world is ‘pray especially’.  The poor people would be happy with a bit of rice you arsehole.  They don’t want to be touched by the kindness of god, fuck the baby in the stable.  Give them some food.

At this time of the year, I say to you, as I have said many times, you can either pray or do something useful.

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