pell – Bruce Llama That's one crazy Llama Mon, 04 Jan 2016 02:22:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Pell Thinks French are Better Sat, 05 Jan 2013 23:37:43 +0000 [SOURCE]

George Hell, his grub of the most high in the catholic church has been crowing like  a chook that needs its head cut off as it’s stopped laying.  He likes that some French folk are against marriage equality.

France is different, known for its food and wines, beautiful countryside, and the French Revolution (1789) with its principles of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, which changed the world. The French think differently. They love ideas.

Really?  That’s an opening line?  The French think differently?  To what, dolphins?  Last time I checked Australians loved ideas too.  Australia also has food, wines, beautiful country side and the Eureka Stockade.  Ok, I’ll give you the French Revolution, but only because people lost their heads.

The Minister for Justice let the cat out of the bag when she told the cardinal that “what is at stake is a reform of civilisation”. He agreed, saying the change would redefine humanity, the roles of men and women and procreation.

Cardinal Pell in a silly dress

You want us to take you seriously. Nice Frock

How will it redefine humanity?  How would the redefinition of marriage to include all couples change the role of heterosexual couples having babies?  It simply won’t.  Gay couples already live together, have families and generally get on with everyone else.  Most of them already call themselves married.  Simply changing marriage rites to include them will not bring the world to an end.  What it will do is call into question the authority of men in fancy dress living in luxurious accommodation while spouting bullshit.

He made no appeal to Bible teaching, saying the issue touched the nature of human life. Unlike us, who concentrate on the small number of couples who would enter homosexual marriages, or the short-term practical consequences, many of the French from both sides of the fence realise basic issues are at stake. They know ideas are powerful and will be taught in schools to the next generation.

Does Hell think only the French teach powerful ideas to the next generation?  I guess what he’s saying is that schools will probably include in their classes information about people being diverse.  That rather reflects reality.

 On November 17 hundreds of thousands marched through the streets of Paris and a dozen other cities supporting traditional marriage.

As is their right.  But rights are not determined by the size of crowds.  My rights, and your rights are not up for the popular vote.  Most Australians are not catholic, therefore we should legislate that catholics are not entitled to get married.

The uprising was led by a gossip columnist Frigide Barjot, the socialist Laurence Tcheng from a movement called The Left For The Republican Marriage, and an atheist homosexual Xavier Bongibault, founder of a movement called More Gay Without Marriage.

Not everybody wants to get married, and that’s ok.  But why would anyone stand in the way of others getting married?  That simply makes no sense.  Then there is the ‘uprising’ issue.  It’s a bit of an insult to the many millions of people who do rise up against their government and suffer for it.  Think of the middle east as the latest example.  In this case people marched to protest, the government was not overthrown, and the army was not dispatched to quell the masses.  It isn’t an uprising.

The feminist philosopher Sylviane Agacinski, wife of a former socialist prime minister, strongly criticised those who claim sexual differences are not founded in nature, but simply ways of thinking, cultural constructs.

There’s a call to authority.  Not happy with allowing a woman to be able to stand in her own right, Hell has to mention that she is married to a former French PM.  It’s very important to him.  She’s a philosopher and everything!  How impressive.  But she was also married to a man who was the PM.  And look, she strongly criticises sexual differences, probably doesn’t support marriage equality!

The Chief Rabbi of France, the mufti and even the foreign spokesman of the Russian Orthodox Church joined the fray to defend marriage.

There’s a line for you.  The rabbi is capitalised, the Russian is, but the mufti isn’t.  Not even a mention of his mosque. And now it’s a fray.  I love a good fraying.

All the parties know what is at stake.

When are you going to articulate exactly what is at stake?  Grand words, but nothing at all about how things will change if gay couples can get married.  In fact, apart from filling space, just what was the point of the article?

Must be a quiet news day.

Pell is sorry? Thu, 12 Apr 2012 22:30:29 +0000 [SOURCE]

Cardinal Hell, his grace the most graceful of grace sort of said on the telly last week that he thought the jews were intellectually inferior to the advanced civilisations around them.  That’s why  god chose them as his special friends, with benefits, so he could fuck them over and they wouldn’t know.  He didn’t want to give his divine word to the Egyptians, cos they might ask too many questions.

he also suggested that ”no people in history were [as severely] punished as the Germans were”, apparently ignoring the Holocaust, for which the Germans were punished.

Oh yeah, coz dropping two nukes on Japan was of course a doddle for the Japanese. But that’s ok.  They’re not christian.

Hell is more bent on paying homage to his boss, who happens to be German, than he is in carrying any sense of social justice to the jewish people, non-christians and atheists.

Cardinal Pell in a silly dress

You want us to take you seriously. Nice Frock


Catholics and Respect Wed, 02 Feb 2011 02:09:59 +0000

It would help me in considering your request for a meeting to receive an assurance that you and the AME do not regard opposition to same-sex marriage in itself as a form of prejudice and discrimination, and that you are prepared to say this publicly.

This is from George Hell’s Christmas letters to Australian Marriage Equality.  I blogged about that here and here.

Well, it would seem that the AME have agreed to his demands.


According to Australian Marriage Equality National Convener, Alex Greenwich,

“As the debate on marriage equality intensifies this year, it is important that both sides conduct themselves with maturity, respect, and committ to using truthful and factual arguements”

Mr Greenwich said he hopes both sides can start the debate by identifying common ground and shared values.

Mature? The church, the one that thinks sex is only for making babies? Respect? The church that thinks and says gay people are disordered? Truthful? That god ordained marriage? Factual? Have you read their bible? Arguements? With Catholics? You’re kidding me, they’re not changing for you or Galileo (ok, 500 years).  Shared values?  What a load of holy shit.

It would seem that AME have agreed to give an assurance that they will not regard opposition to same-sex marriage in itself as a from or prejudice and discrimination.

This is despite the AME website under their Case for Marriage Equality saying this:

Exclusion of same-sex attracted people from marriage also sends out the message that discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation is acceptable.

This negative messages is amplified by the fact that, since 85 federal laws were amended to recognise same-sex de facto partners in 2008, the Marriage Act is the only remaining federal law which still discriminates, and because marriage is considered an important  legal and social institution.

The negative message sent out by discrimination in marriage foster prejudice, discrimination and unequal treatment against same-sex relationships in the wider community.

You see, exclusion of same-sex people getting married sends out a message of discrimination, it sends out a message that we are unequal, it fosters prejudice and makes us second class citizens.

And just why does the church oppose marriage between two people of the same sex?  Because it means that the sex between the couple is not open to procreation.  It’s because their bible says that sex between men is an abomination and that people that engage in a bit of backdoor entry must be stoned.  To death.  That’s with rocks, not drugs.

Sure, they don’t come out and say that any more.  In some places people are still hanged for being gay, but not here.  We must be grateful!

This isn’t a two way street here.  The catholics will never agree to same-sex marriage, on any account, ever.  To even consider their point of view as anything other than discriminatory is ridiculous.  They may well say that their point of view is about protecting the family and the sancity of marriage.  They may well say that they don’t hate homosexuals, but just because some PR expert manage to put a spin on it doesn’t change the real meaning of their intent.

The church’s own rule book, CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, has this to say about the gay folk:

Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity,tradition has always declared that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.”142 They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved1.

We are intriniscally disordered, contrary to natural law and sex between members of the same sex is grave depravity.

But then the clincher, Under no circumstances can they be approved. There you have it.  Not homophobic, not discriminatory, and not flying in the face of our modern understanding of sexuality.

Sex will always be for the catholics between a man and a woman and only with an eye for making babies.  There is no other purpose for it.  Just look at Archbishop Miller in Vancover Canada, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops released a statement2:

Married people living chastely can have vibrant sex lives. In the relationship between a man and a woman, chastity helps them love each other as persons rather than make each other an object of pleasure or satisfaction. Despite what the media and Hollywood suggest, the value of sexual intercourse does not lie in recreation, or physical gratification. Any physical pleasure should lead toward the ultimate expression of love between husband and wife, the total self-giving of one person to another. Sexual intercourse in marriage can be so intimate that it becomes an emotional, intellectual, physical and spiritual experience. It strengthens and completes the bond of marriage. That is why the sexual act has to be unitive and procreative and why some kinds of sexual activity are not chaste. Though pleasure may be present, some acts are a misuse of sex when they fall short of what God intends.

Archbishop Michael Miller

Another Frock

There’s so much rhetoric here that I just don’t know where to start.  Apart from the fact that me and the love llama have an active sexual relationship, treat each other like objects of pleasure and satisfaction and love it.  We deeply love each other on an emotional, intellectual and physical level.  So there.  Let us get married, oh wait, we can’t in the eyes of the church because we participate in the ‘some kinds of sexual activity are not chaste’ variety, and while pleasure is present there will never be any babies from it, so we are misusing it.  Fuck, it feels nice but.

The ‘Pastoral Letter’ from the Canadians is for young people, they are spreading this vile understanding of human sexuality and marriage to young people.

So what has this to do with Australia?  Well that’s easy, it’s catholic, which means universal.  The church moves as one big virus on the face of the planet.

There will never be understanding or acceptance from the church.  They will never allow same sex marriage, and they will always treat gay people as sinners and unworthy of membership.  They speak of respect and truth and while their words are nice, their meaning is ugly and most unwelcome.

I don’t support AME in this latest endeavour, the church is dictating terms, terms set by men who wear stupid outfits, don’t have sex, don’t have families and have no fucking idea about real life.

They live in a world of bowing and scraping, they use titles like Your Eminence, Your Grace, Father and other self given wanky titles like Your Holiness.  They’re not real, and they don’t deserve our respect.

  2. The Pastoral Letter is intended for young people to tell them that sex is for marriage only, and only to make babies. SOURCE
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Frock Devices Wed, 05 Jan 2011 11:55:48 +0000 George Cardinal Hell has been corresponding with Australian Marriage Equality, I blogged about it here, but didn’t really talk much about the substance of his message in ‘The Christmas Letters’, so let me pick out a couple of bits for you.

….. But in Australia priests and bishops enjoy the same rights to freedom of speech and to participate in public debate as everyone else. This applies particularly to important questions of justice, and to issues which threaten to further erode the family, with all the suffering this brings for individuals and the community.

Now remember, he’s talking about gay marriage, so just what is the issue that is a threat to further erode the family?  What is ‘all the suffering’ that it will bring to individuals and community?  There is none of course, but it doesn’t stop him from making outlandish statements.

It is precisely the false claim that opposition to same-sex marriage in itself is a form of prejudice or discrimination which has been so damaging in undermining freedom of thought, conscience and religion in those jurisdictions overseas where same-sex marriage has been legalised.

Umm… no.  It’s not a false claim.  I know it’s not a false claim because I’m discriminated against.  You are denying marriage to a group of citizens because of their gender.  That’s what I’d call discrimination, and lets not get started on the prejudice that’s being created by your ministers during Christmas sermons. Oh, and there’s no intention to undermine freedom of thought, conscience and religion.  Nobody is asking you, Hell, to marry a bloke, oh you can’t you’re one of those celibate types, nobody is asking anyone to marry outside their consciene or religion.  Nobody is telling you that you can’t continue to believe your twaddle, but I think it’s important that you keep your twaddle to yourself and stop trying to impose it on the rest of society, that’s not too much to ask is it?  After all, you do understand that most people don’t actually agree with you and it’s unfair of you to try and influence people to your way of thinking by using your position in the church and in our society to further your cause.

The issue of same-sex marriage is not about the rights of non-heterosexual people or about equality.

Yes, it is.  It’s exactly what it’s about.

We already have “relationship equality” in Australia, because marriage, homosexual relationships, and unmarried heterosexual relationships are all treated equally before the law.

Just semantics, Hell – you know that there is no equality because I can’t marry my Love Llama who has a willy.

As a way of ensuring that everyone is treated fairly, I support this, although I also think more needs to be done to support marriage as a relationship which is particularly important for the well-being of families and the community.

I’m not being treated fairly, not by a long shot.  You’re not supporting fairness or equality.  And yes, more needs to be done to support marriage as a relationship, those couples with children need help for their well-being, and the families of same sex couples are just as important as the families of opposite sex couples.

The reality of marriage is that it is about a man, a woman and children. This is how marriage has always been understood across time and cultures, and it is how Australians continue to understand marriage, as shown by the fact that most Australian couples decide to marry when they decide to have children.

The reality of marriage is that same sex couples want to do it too – and same sex couples have children.  It doesn’t matter that marriage has always been understood across time and cultures, what matters is now.  Same-sex couples want to have children and they want to marry – why do you stand in their way?

It would help me in considering your request for a meeting to receive an assurance that you and the AME do not regard opposition to same-sex marriage in itself as a form of prejudice and discrimination, and that you are prepared to say this publicly.

You’re joking right?  How understanding and compassionate of you.

I don’t know why anyone would take you seriously George Cardinal Hell.

Cardinal Pell in a silly dress

You want us to take you seriously. Nice Frock

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Enter Pell’s Hell Sat, 01 Jan 2011 14:10:04 +0000 [SOURCE]

His Grimace George Cardinal Pell, or Hell to his mates is upset because politicians who say they’re catholic won’t vote the catholic way, that is, the way he says that they should vote.

He’s stamping his feet because the catholic MPs are following the age old tradition of leaving their religion at the door and representing their constituents and not Cardinal Hell.  (Pity they didn’t do this more often really, religion has no place in the decision making process of a nation)

“I’m not telling people how to vote,” he said. “I’m telling people how I think they should vote. I’m an Australian citizen and I have as much right to do that as any other citizen.”

Oh please, most Australian citizen’s are not the leaders of an organisation that expects it’s followers to follow and not question. Most Australian citizens do not believe in the supernatural world of George Hell and all his skirt wearing mates.  In all of this there is an undertone of a threat.  He’ll bloody make sure you can’t take the little wafer and wine, that’ll teach those naughty politicians a lesson, it will.  I tell you.

You flex those muscles Hell baby, you and your ilk don’t have long to go now.  Your influence is waning, that must really suck.  Big time.  I guess you are a big time sucker.

What makes you eminent? Tue, 28 Dec 2010 00:22:42 +0000 [SOURCE]

Over at the website for Australian Marriage Equality, Peter Furness, Acting National Convener, has written a letter to Cardinal Hell, and called them The Christmas Letters.

He calls Cardinal Hell ‘His Eminence’,  which I find a hoot, especially since Peter is just a Mr and not an Eminence or a Highness or some other twaddle.

Eminence, of course is a term used to refer to Cardinals in the Catholic (and several other traditions) Church and denotes a position of importance for them in the church, they are Princes of the Church. More like tossers of the church.

Of course, Hell babes quite likes the fact that he’s been treated with the respect he deserves,

Thank you again for your letter and for the courteous way in which you have raised this issue with me. Please accept my very best wishes for Christmas.

And you only have to look at how he signs off the letter to understand that George Babes is really into this:


He actually inserts Cardinal before Pell and after George.  It’s like me signing a letter as Bruce Mister Llama.  And is the X before the George a cross or a typo?  On his own website the letter is topped with a +.

It’s the way you suck up to the leeches of society, you treat them with an unhealthy respect, give them titles that they have no right to, kiss their rings, bow and scrape.  They are just human.  They are not anointed by any god but by something call a pope, who himself pretends to be king, dresses in fine linen, lives in a palace that goes against the very notion of helping the poor. Hell and his cohorts don’t contribute to much to society, apart from their purple outfits, multi-million dollar accommodations and fine jewellery, the only way they help the economy and the people of their faith is by creating employment.  By his very position of importance in the church, he demands respect and wants you to kiss his ring and call him “Eminence”.

Fuck that.

Written this day, in the year of the Great Lit 13.75 Billion by Bruce, The Grand and Noble Leader of the most high order of the Imperial Immortal President, his Grace and Most Highness of High the President, Karma Bruce Banana Llama, otherwise known as Immortal President Karma Llama (Bruce to his friends)

Why not get Bruce in your box?

Further Reading:

His Eminence


Titles in the Catholic Church

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Sainthood – here I come! Sun, 17 Oct 2010 01:32:01 +0000 So, it’s finally here. Today. Australia gets its first saint. I can feel my furry chest swelling with great pride and emotion… no wait, that’s a build up of phlegm.

Mary Fucking MacKillop was a nun. She was trying to provide education to the poor. Perhaps she did it really well. I don’t know.

I don’t know just how worthy MFM1 is of all this rubbish about sainthood. For all I know she was a manipulative horrible nun that spent her time trying to further her own career and make her life more comfortable, or she was a genuine person out to help those less fortunate than herself. She may be a hero, I don’t know and I don’t care.

But… when toss pots like Cardinal Hell saying inane things like this:

“Australians overwhelmingly are good people, but we need to be reminded of the reality of the supernatural, of the importance of God, the reality of life after death, the importance of spiritual values,” he said. [SOURCE]

I have to respond.
Point 1: Australians are overwhelmingly good people… well duh. Most people are good, Australian or otherwise, we all understand we must have some empathy towards others to get on in life.
Point 2: We need to be reminded of the reality of the supernatural. Fuck you. Show us the supernatural, just because you can wear a dress doesn’t mean that there’s anything supernatural going on.
Point 3: Reality of life after death… wait on, what reality, when was the last time someone who had died actually communicated with you? Are you hearing voices?
Point 4: Importance of spiritual values… ummm, the what? Spiritual values? How are they determined, and by whom. Oh wait, you get to determine them.

This stupid devotion to dead people really has to stop. The evil Pope and his cohort Cardinal Hell are in Rome to say the magic words to make MFM a fucking saint. Thousands of people have gone to Rome to view the whole show, and a stage show it is. Meanwhile, people continue to starve, people continue to die from unnecessary disease and MFM and the rest of her saintly tribe sit at the right hand of god and do fucking nothing other than pick some poor random catholic who muttered their name a couple of times and heal them.

It’s horrible, really horrible. It’s about time we got on with helping the living and forgot about the dead, because, well, they’re dead, and can’t help anything or anyone any more.

Shame on all of you for wasting the earths valuable resources and ignoring the plight of so many people the world over just so you can sing the praises of dead people who would have much prefer you spent the money on actually doing something useful.

  1. MFM = Mary Fucking MacKillop
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Election called. Sun, 18 Jul 2010 09:19:41 +0000 The voters in Australia will be forced to go and vote at an election in a few of weeks.  Forced, because if we don’t vote we get fined.

Yesterday the Prime Minister of Australia went to visit the Governor General of Australia, both women and I’m sure they were moist as they sat down to talk about having an election.  Nipples standing on edge no doubt.  Which is probably unusual, it’s normally men sitting cross-legged trying to hide their raging boners as they discuss such things.

Anyway, what’s been missing in the Australian system is a party that isn’t beholden to religion. Until now.  Just recently the Secular Party of Australia has been registered, and guess what, they’re standing at this election!  At last a bunch of people who want to get rid of stupid laws that allow governments to fund religion.

I’ve been saying for ages that we need to tax the bastards, we need to stop our leaders from taking part in debates organised by religion.  We need to shut up people like Cardinal Hell who has way to much influnence in the political sphere.

And here it is.

So, that’s the Greens and the Seculars who get my vote this time around.  No pandering to the religious nutters, equality for all Australians, protection for the environment and at last, pollies that won’t get moist and hard at the thought of all the power they will wield…. I think.

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Politics and jesus – The ACL Wed, 23 Jun 2010 03:22:00 +0000 The ACL have been busy getting themselves organised for the upcoming election, Jim Wallace, the most upstanding and righteous person in Australia, closer to his god than even Archbishop Hell, organised to get KRudd and The Rabbit into the same space to talk about all things christian. It was a secret meeting, unless you paid the ACL $150 for the honour of seeing the broadcast, sent directly into your church.

It was all about making sure that the pollies knew to support christian ideals, you know, keep the poor poor, keep the gays hidden, keep the asylum seekers out, make sure you still open parliament with the lords prayer and other sectarian bullshit.

It was a real love fest, our glorious leaders letting the glorious christian leaders know that they are all on the same side, and fuck anyone that wasn’t christian, because we all know how important jesus and god are to Australia, fuck anyone that doesn’t believe, and fuck anyone who has belief in some other stupid retarded god, this is god we’re talking about, the one who gave his life for us, so the least the self appointed moral guardians of the world can do is ask the important questions of our pollies.

I like An Onymous Lefty’s take on the story, it’s well worth a read:

And everytime somebody criticises George Pell or doesn’t give him what he wants, an angel dies

Here was an ideal opportunity for Krudd and The Rabbit to ask some tough questions of the ‘esteemed’ religious leaders present, they need to ask these questions:

  1. What is your church doing to ensure that none of it’s employees have an opportunity to sexual or physically abuse or rape its members?
  2. How is your church assisting and compensating those who have been raped by your kiddie fuckers?
  3. Has your church ensured that all those suspected or guilty of rape have been investigated by an independent authority, like the Police?
  4. How will your church ensure that it truly helps the poor of the nation
  5. How will your church continue to fund itself when we remove your tax exempt status?
  6. What plans do you have in place to treat all Australians as equals so that gay and lesbian citizens have the same employment rights as other staff

And what about the rest of us. Now that Krudd and The Rabbit have been along to a religious meeting, how about fronting up to something secular, addressing those of us, and there is rather a lot, that have no believe in fanciful tales of an afterlife or supermen flying around the cosmos picking on homosexuals or Greens. What would be the questions we’d ask? How will you pander to our requirements that there be a true separation of church and state? Why must we be subjected to rules and laws created to meet the needs and requirements of the faithful while our needs are set aside?

Join the Facebook Group

I’m not voting for anyone who thinks god is a good idea.

The Freshly Doug Rabbit Fri, 26 Mar 2010 08:27:49 +0000 [SOURCE]

Doug Pollard interviewed Tony Abbott on his radio show earlier this week (Joy 94.9).  It was a really good interview, the rabbit seems quite honest in his answers.  Of course the rabbit recently said that he felt threatened by gay people, and that we challenge the natural order of things.1

So, I guess he decided to front up and talk about his ‘poor choice of words’  with Doug.  He tells us that Cardinal Hell isn’t such a bad bloke, essentially he is forgiven because he’s just doing his job (whatever) and how he has a lot of really close gay friends (so do I, got straight friends too… what’s your point?).

Doug asked him how he felt about couples that end up in aged care and often are the subject of discrimination as they get split up.  They may have spent years together, in a loving relationship, until they get into a home.  Rabbit said that it’s obvious that you don’t want to see people being split up, he thinks it’s obvious that that would be most unfortunate and he says that he wants to see a practice that works for people (he doesn’t say which particular people).  Then he says he has to consider it, how it’s best done in practice before being prescriptive.  he wants to consider how ‘we get the practice right’.  What are you?  Stupid?  You said how obvious it was that they shouldn’t be split up – so it should be obvious to you that you don’t split them up, for fuck sake, what is there to consider?  The feelings of all the other happy couples who are of different sex?  Please.

Doug asks him if he would support federal anti-discrimination law.  The rabbit says he would have to consider it.  The rabbit will support ‘good law’  He says that he’d have to be careful that it didn’t have unintended consequences, I think that’s code for Cardinal Hell wouldn’t like it, so I wouldn’t support it.

Doug covers the whole relationship marriage thing and the rabbit trots out his the normal conservative attitude that marriage is between a man and a woman.  The rabbit talks about the importance of relationships, how they should be celebrated and recognised, he says lots of very nice motherhood statements, but then just can’t bring himself to say that he thinks marriage between gay people is an ok way to do the recognising and celebrating.

Much the same for gay parents, he still has the notion that a child should have a mother and father, but can only say that that’s the best for the child, when in fact he acknowlegdes that gay parents are just as loving and caring as any other parent.

He messes around, makes all the right noises, but ultimately he still thinks that gay people are second class citizens that shouldn’t be discriminated against, it’s ok to remove some, but not all, of that discrimination, but they are still them and not real citizens.

It’s disgusting.

Oh, nice job Doug.

  1. Read  My Blog
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