catholic – Bruce Llama That's one crazy Llama Mon, 04 Jan 2016 02:22:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Blood on the Floor! Tue, 19 Aug 2014 09:35:34 +0000 [SOURCE]

Get a load of this – a priest blogging about children lining up in church and being given a wafer and a sip of wine.  To the catholics this is seen as eating the body and drinking the blood of jesus.  How nice.

“Even if you don’t like the taste,” I told them, “remember that it won’t really be wine at Mass. It will look the same and taste the same, but it will be the Precious Blood of Christ.

So, it looks the same as wine, tastes the same as wine, but really its blood of a someone who died 2000 years ago?  Or, if it looks like wine, tastes like wine then it’s probably wine.

Then there’s a little bit about not drinking the wine from the cup, but sticking the wafer into the wine and eating that.

So I explained to the children that the Catholic Church doesn’t allow that, because the Precious Blood might drip onto the floor.

Better on the floor than being pissed into a toilet and flushed away with shit I guess.  But as jesus commands.

communion host

After the magic words, this is the real flesh of jesus

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Pray for all powerful peace Thu, 12 Jun 2014 04:44:09 +0000 [SOURCE]

Did you know that the pope did twitter?

This tweet has been re-tweeted about 6,000 times, not bad I guess.  Franky-poo seems to have over 4 million followers, I bet most of them aren’t catholic or christian.

Anyway, it’ll be news to his god that prayer is all-powerful, pretty sure the deity had that one down pat.  It’s great that so many people see prayer as the answer.

Checking the middle east – nope, no peace yet, pray harder.

Checking the world – nope, no peace yet, pray harder.

Maybe they’re doing it wrong?



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Pope Franky is still catholic Sat, 11 Jan 2014 22:30:38 +0000 [SOURCE]

frankyAnyone would think that the new pope Franky was a good thing.  He may seem to like the gays and the atheists and even the poor.  I haven’t yet heard anything decent come out of his mouth that can’t be read as nothing more than catholic traditional teachings.  Basically the church is still a blight on our society, regardless of who the head man is.  Sure, sure, he wants to live in a little apartment and drive his own car, good for him.  That’s a bit like changing one light globe in your house to something more energy-efficient and pretending you just saved the world from global warming.

In his first every christmas message as the pope, Franky had a call to atheists.

“Peace is a daily commitment. It is a homemade peace,” he said.

Looking for something here that may suggest that the leaders of nations should be working toward peace… no, not here, maybe further on.

He said that people of other religions were also praying for peace, and – departing from his prepared text – he urged atheists to join forces with believers.

“I invite even non-believers to desire peace. (Join us) with your desire, a desire that widens the heart. Let us all unite, either with prayer or with desire, but everyone, for peace,” he said, drawing sustained applause from the crowd.

You lot have prayed for peace for thousands of years and yet it still hasn’t happened.  Why is that?  Doesn’t your god listen to you?  Instead of preaching to the poor little people, why not issue the challenge to the leaders of the nations that continue to throw their resources at fighting battles about stupid things.  And to suggest that ‘non-believers’ need to be invited to desire peace is such a crock of Franky poo.  It sounds like atheists really want to be at war!

“God is peace: let us ask him to help us to be peacemakers each day, in our life, in our families, in our cities and nations, in the whole world,” he said.

Oh bullshit, open your bible Franky:

Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.1

If you want peace in the world the last thing you need is a catholic telling you how to get it.  All around the world we have religious people praying for our armed forces, that’s code for wanting god on your side to destroy the enemy without causing any harm to our guys.

In his speech, Francis asked God to “look upon the many children who are kidnapped, wounded and killed in armed conflicts, and all those who are robbed of their childhood and forced to become soldiers”.

It’s a pity that god isn’t being asked to look upon those priests that rape the children and prevent it.  It’s a nice sentiment but really the problem isn’t the children, it’s the adults that use and abuse them.

This pope if he really wants to make a difference in the world needs to call out the people who are actually causing the wars, the ones that are really abusing the kids.  It’s the political leaders of this world that need to be named and shamed.

Start with Tony Abbott and asylum seekers.  Putin and gay rights, Obama and Afghanistan.

  1. Yes, it’s in the bible, Jesus said it
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Canberra’s Nutters Gather to Protest Mon, 21 Oct 2013 23:10:20 +0000 [SOURCE]

The government in the Australian Capital Territory is about to pass legislation making it legal for same-sex couples to get married in the ACT.  It’s an interesting step for an Australian state to make, although the Federal Government may attempt to override the new laws through the courts.

Enter the ACL, those wacky christians issued a media release called “Statement by Abrahamic Faith Leaders of Canberra” – that’s a nice way of saying the Jews, Christians and the Muslims.

Below is a copy of a statement of faith by seven faith leaders here in Canberra that was released today ahead of the ACT Marriage Equality Bill that is expected to be debated tomorrow. Whilst not organised by the ACL, the ACL welcomes the statement by the group.

Goodness me, so the ACL wasn’t needed!  Shunned by their own faithful!

Seventy percent of Australians identify with an Abrahamic religion – Christianity, Islam and Judaism.

Yes, 70% may identify, but that doesn’t mean that they all agree on everything.

As leaders of several of these faith traditions, we have gathered to share our concerns about the ACT Government’s proposed same sex marriage legislation.

These leaders do no represent the 70% by a long shot, trying to argue from authority that they simply don’t have.

We are concerned for the long-term risks of such a Bill for our society.

You are?  What are they?  Tell us what those long-term risks are?  I bet you can’t.

While affirming the inherent dignity of all human beings,

Except if you’re anything other than heterosexual.  You’d sooner sack anyone that isn’t just like you.  You’d sooner say that the love I have for my love llama is somehow second rate.  Some of you that have signed this media release think that gays should be stoned to death.  So much for dignity.

our faith traditions also affirm the traditional concept of marriage between a man and a woman as being for the good of the individual, the family and society.

Yes, I agree.  Marriage between a man and a woman is good for the individual, the family and society.  So is marriage between two people of the same sex.  Everyone should be able to get married. In your particular faith feel free to celebrate marriage in the way you want, and those that don’t believe as you can get married and celebrate in the way they like.

We invite the wider community to join with us in calling for the Bill to be subject to community consultation through the normal Legislative Assembly Committee process.

Oh yes, that’s it, it’s not enough that you think you represent 70%  of the population you now want the other 30% to join in and see the world your way.  Great way to show dignity to each human being.  And while you’re at it why don’t you call into question the legitimacy of the passage of the bill in the duly elected parliament of the ACT.  Find a way to delay it so you can start spreading more of your vile innuendo.

Imam Adama Konda, Canberra Islamic Centre

Islam – founded by a goat herder and child sex abuser.

Arnold Cummins, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Founded by a man who transcribed the holy book from brass tablets with magic glasses.  Both which then disappeared.

Pastor Sean Stanton, Australian Christian Churches, Canberra

Believe that the bible is accurate.

Bishop Trevor Edwards, Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn

Marriage is so important that the church was established so the King of England could have a divorce to marry another women.

Pastor BJ Hayes, Canberra National Adventist Church

Will throw you out of their church if you are gay.

Monsignor John Woods, Catholic Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn

Thinks that bread can turn into their god so you can eat him.

Rabbi Shmuel Feldman, Rabbi for Canberra and Region.

Should apologies for inflicting this bunch of nutters on the rest of the world.

Apparently they couldn’t find anyone from the Satanist Society.


Michalik is an Arsehole Wed, 09 Oct 2013 09:52:23 +0000


The attitudes of the hierarchy in the catholic church won’t change any time soon – you can have as many pope Franks as you like, they’re still a bunch of arseholes.

THE top cleric in Poland’s Roman Catholic church has said parents share the blame for certain cases of pedophilia, including those involving Catholic priests.

Share the blame for kiddie fucking?  This top cleric who probably likes to be addressed as “Your Grace”  wants to share the blame?  Pardon me while I feel sick and lick the shit from my fur.

“Many of these cases of (sexual) molestation could be avoided given a healthy relationship between parents,” Archbishop Jozef Michalik, head of Poland’s Episcopate told the Polish PAP news agency in Warsaw.

All of these cases could be avoided if priests knew how to behave.  Why would you try to shift the blame to relationships between parents?  In typical fashion, rather than look at his own guilt in any of this, yet another bishops seeks to blame the victim.

“We often hear that this inappropriate attitude (pedophilia), or abuse, manifests itself when a child is looking for love,” Archbishop Michalik said.

Who describes raping kids as inappropriate attitude?  I can only think something was lost in the translation.  Linking the child looking for love is akin to saying that the child was a willing participant.  I wouldn’t at all be surprised if he said something along the lines of “she was begging for it” when dealing with rape.

“It (the child) clings, it searches. It gets lost itself and then draws another person into this”, Archbishop Michalik said.

So now it’s the child’s fault for drawing in another person.  The child, if you remember, is the one that is raped by a grown man.  This graceless catholic nitwit is actually suggesting that a child attracts a child abuser.  Clearly the child is to blame as it’s lost.  Forget that the priest is out there hunting for his next victim and takes advantage of a child.  Uses his position of authority to abuse his victim and then uses that same authority to threaten the child into silence.

“How many wounds are their in children’s hearts, in children’s lives, when their parents go their separate ways,” he told the PAP.

“Today nobody talks about divorce doing great harm to a child. It’s obvious that sex abuse does great harm, one can’t forget about it, but it’s not the only thing” causing harm, he added.

bishopinhatSure, divorce is not nice for a child who is needing security and love of her parents, but to try to divert the blame to parents and the child instead of focussing on the real perpetrators of crime is reprehensible.

The people to blame for sexual abuse is the abuser.  Those that were aware of the abuse and do nothing, you know, cover it up or move the abuser are to blame.  Those who are apologist for the abusers are to blame.  The last person who has any fault at all is the child.

Grow some balls bishop, take some responsibility for your part in the whole messy affair.

You are an arsehole.


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Pope is indifferent, hasn’t found jesus yet Sun, 23 Jun 2013 09:36:19 +0000

If we have found in Jesus meaning for our own lives, we cannot be indifferent to those who are suffering and sad.

— Pope Francis (@Pontifex) June 22, 2013

This is some sort of joke yes?  The man who catholics have dubbed pope, Poppy Franky, is telling us that he isn’t indifferent to those who are suffering and sad.

Tell me what it is when a new church can be built for $8.9 million dollars in Aiken, South Carolina where 27% of homeless people in the state are families.

How would you describe the erection of a $2.9 million church on the Gold Coast when the schools are over crowded.  Only an indifferent parish would pour the money into a church that will be use a couple of times a week, rather than an educational  building that would be used everyday of the week and is free on Sundays.

What words to use to understand why 1 in 4 people in Philadelphia are hungry and yet the Catholics can build a $9.6 million church in Downington?  How many fridges, stoves and rice can that much money buy?

StPetersThere are plenty of examples around the world of people, some of them catholic, doing great things for the poor and down trodden.  Yet, here we have a pope, that despite his claims to care about the poor, still lives in a huge palace the likes of which the world has never seen.  He presides over the richest institution of all time and still we have suffering and sad people.  Catholics pretend to have found jesus and have meaning in their lives and yet they continue to build useless buildings that do nothing for those who are suffering.

How is this anything but indifferent?


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Ding Dong off He Goes! Mon, 11 Feb 2013 21:59:18 +0000 Evil-Pope

Every world shattering event needs a theme song:

So, Pope Benndydick has called it quits.  In the clearest sign yet that there is no god, the pope has gone and left his job without divine intervention!

For thousands of years the Pope has to wait until god ‘calls them home’, it apparently is god’s way of thanking his representative on earth for all the hard work he’s done.

I can just imagine the pope’s silent and wasted prayers to his god.  “Please god, I’m so fucking tired, this job gives me the shits, all these kiddie fuckers to protect I just don’t want to do it.  And then there’s the whole twitter thing.  I can’t trust the butler, there’s all these gays and people fucking! Can’t you kill me now?”

Instead of waiting to be smitted, Benndydick just gives up and goes off to a nice little palace where plenty of nuns will fuss about him and fluff him.  His pillows.  God must be really pissed off to have the supreme pontiff quit on him.

Now, in true style of religions around the world, the people who support the church, the people who do the work, they won’t get a say about who leads them.  Instead they’ll have to fund a bunch of guys in dresses and stupid hats fly to Rome to sit around and wait for the holy spirit to give them the name of the next pope.

And somewhere, someone will be looking through the prophecies of Nostradamus hoping to discover the end of the world is nigh!

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Pell Thinks French are Better Sat, 05 Jan 2013 23:37:43 +0000 [SOURCE]

George Hell, his grub of the most high in the catholic church has been crowing like  a chook that needs its head cut off as it’s stopped laying.  He likes that some French folk are against marriage equality.

France is different, known for its food and wines, beautiful countryside, and the French Revolution (1789) with its principles of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, which changed the world. The French think differently. They love ideas.

Really?  That’s an opening line?  The French think differently?  To what, dolphins?  Last time I checked Australians loved ideas too.  Australia also has food, wines, beautiful country side and the Eureka Stockade.  Ok, I’ll give you the French Revolution, but only because people lost their heads.

The Minister for Justice let the cat out of the bag when she told the cardinal that “what is at stake is a reform of civilisation”. He agreed, saying the change would redefine humanity, the roles of men and women and procreation.

Cardinal Pell in a silly dress

You want us to take you seriously. Nice Frock

How will it redefine humanity?  How would the redefinition of marriage to include all couples change the role of heterosexual couples having babies?  It simply won’t.  Gay couples already live together, have families and generally get on with everyone else.  Most of them already call themselves married.  Simply changing marriage rites to include them will not bring the world to an end.  What it will do is call into question the authority of men in fancy dress living in luxurious accommodation while spouting bullshit.

He made no appeal to Bible teaching, saying the issue touched the nature of human life. Unlike us, who concentrate on the small number of couples who would enter homosexual marriages, or the short-term practical consequences, many of the French from both sides of the fence realise basic issues are at stake. They know ideas are powerful and will be taught in schools to the next generation.

Does Hell think only the French teach powerful ideas to the next generation?  I guess what he’s saying is that schools will probably include in their classes information about people being diverse.  That rather reflects reality.

 On November 17 hundreds of thousands marched through the streets of Paris and a dozen other cities supporting traditional marriage.

As is their right.  But rights are not determined by the size of crowds.  My rights, and your rights are not up for the popular vote.  Most Australians are not catholic, therefore we should legislate that catholics are not entitled to get married.

The uprising was led by a gossip columnist Frigide Barjot, the socialist Laurence Tcheng from a movement called The Left For The Republican Marriage, and an atheist homosexual Xavier Bongibault, founder of a movement called More Gay Without Marriage.

Not everybody wants to get married, and that’s ok.  But why would anyone stand in the way of others getting married?  That simply makes no sense.  Then there is the ‘uprising’ issue.  It’s a bit of an insult to the many millions of people who do rise up against their government and suffer for it.  Think of the middle east as the latest example.  In this case people marched to protest, the government was not overthrown, and the army was not dispatched to quell the masses.  It isn’t an uprising.

The feminist philosopher Sylviane Agacinski, wife of a former socialist prime minister, strongly criticised those who claim sexual differences are not founded in nature, but simply ways of thinking, cultural constructs.

There’s a call to authority.  Not happy with allowing a woman to be able to stand in her own right, Hell has to mention that she is married to a former French PM.  It’s very important to him.  She’s a philosopher and everything!  How impressive.  But she was also married to a man who was the PM.  And look, she strongly criticises sexual differences, probably doesn’t support marriage equality!

The Chief Rabbi of France, the mufti and even the foreign spokesman of the Russian Orthodox Church joined the fray to defend marriage.

There’s a line for you.  The rabbi is capitalised, the Russian is, but the mufti isn’t.  Not even a mention of his mosque. And now it’s a fray.  I love a good fraying.

All the parties know what is at stake.

When are you going to articulate exactly what is at stake?  Grand words, but nothing at all about how things will change if gay couples can get married.  In fact, apart from filling space, just what was the point of the article?

Must be a quiet news day.

Sacerdotus Demands an Apology from Dawkins! Sat, 05 Jan 2013 02:53:32 +0000 [SOURCE]

My new play thing Scabbydot has had a bit to say about hell after a tweet from Richard Dawkins.

Dawkins tweeted this:

He then links to an article from his book that discusses his thinking.  It’s really very good.  Of course, he then attracts a lot of attention and the christians get all pissed off.  Queue Scabbydot…

So-called “new atheist” Richard Dawkins is at it again. Like the late Christopher Hitchens, Dawkins is using shock value tactics to draw attention to his insignificant self.

Dawkins is a well recognised personality.  Rabid Llamas and Scabbydot catholics are insignificant.

He goes on twitter posting his view that teaching kids about hell is child abuse. What a foolish guy. Is he really scientists?

That’s not foolish.  As Hitchens said – religion poisons everything.  Reading the tweet would also give you a hint about his question.  He didn’t make a statement, he asked two questions.  Is it child abuse?  Might it be worse?  No statement of fact, just a couple of curious questions that are then expanded in the linked article.

If this were true, then telling kids that if they break the law they will go to jail; then that is child abuse as well. If a teacher tells a student he/she will get detention, then that must be child abuse as well. Each of these scenarios does affect the psychological state of children. They bring about fear and anxiety. In most cases, the change behavior. I remember in elementary school thinking “the corner” was the worst thing ever and avoided getting myself put there by charming my teachers.

canComePlayDevilWinkWell, it’s true.  If you break the law, you may go to prison.  However, we don’t lock up children.  We understand that they make mistakes and need to learn.  Sure, there may be some form of punishment.  And yes, threatening a child with prison would be a form of child abuse, when it’s taken to extremes.  That is very different to the threat of eternal torture.  At least in prison you get parole.  We need rules in society to continue to work.  Hell and sin are human constructs that only serve to waste time and energy.  Getting caught for committing a crime as an adult has a real outcome.  Talking about hell and being persecuted for breaking rules you don’t fully understand or are aware of is abusive.

Psychology teaches that punishment can work depending on the situation and how it is administered. When bad behavior is associated with an aversive stimuli, then the organism learns or is conditioned to avoid the bad behavior so as to avoid the aversive stimuli. Hell, detention, jail can be processed by a child’s mind this way. Nobody wants to burn forever, no one wants to be in a boring room, no one wants to get locked up, so he/she changes his/her behavior in order to avoid that.

It’s wrong to hang a threat over the head of a child.  Either you behave or you’ll burn in hell for all eternity is.  The devil will push you into a lake of fire where there is gnashing of teeth.  You will be forever in pain, it will be unbelievably hot and you will never escape from it.  That’s what hell is, that’s a horrible, horrible thing to tell a child.  That’s child abuse. That’s an unjustifiable threat and different to saying ‘if you disobey me I will put you in your room for one hour’ . There is no hell.  At all.  Anywhere.

It is sad that Dr. Dawkins misconstrues psychology and theology in such a way. Not only is he offending Catholics and others of faith, but he is downplaying the affects of sexual abuse.

He should apologize to all those he offended and retract his uneducated statement. If not, he will continue to lose credibility as a scientist and will bring atheism down with him.

Scabbydot has not bothered to read or understand the tweet or the link that was in the tweet from Dawkins.  If he did he would find this:

Anecdotes and plausibility arguments, however, need to be backed up by systematic research, and I would be interested to hear from psychologists whether there is real evidence bearing on the question. My expectation would be that violent, painful, repeated sexual abuse, especially by a family member such as a father or grandfather, probably has a more damaging effect on a child’s mental well-being than sincerely believing in hell. But ‘sexual abuse’ covers a wide spectrum of sins, and I suspect that research would show belief in hell to be more traumatic than the sort of mild feeling-up that I suffered.

There’s a curious scientist, doing what he does.  He makes a really good point, and I too would be eager to read some reports on the relevant research.

The reaction from Scabbydot shows how little he bothers to follow the trail and comprehend before announcing how offended he is and demanding an apology.

Sacerdotus imparts his godly wisdom on the Lame Thu, 03 Jan 2013 10:04:52 +0000 Sacerdotus has been the subject of a couple of my recent blogs.  He’s decided to answer me on his blog.  He’s done what I do, pulls apart my words sentence by sentence.  So, I’ve grabbed a couple of his sentences and done the same thing.  If you want to get the jist of his answers, you can find the full blog here.  And I haven’t answered every point that he’s made.  I’m sure if Sacerdotus thinks I’ve missed something important he’ll let me know.

We are all part of the same species and originated from the first human beings to walk the Earth.  You dismiss God without basis and you argue from assertion. We need more than that in order to take your position as valid.

I don’t need more than that.  There is no god.  If there is then show me.  You can’t, and it’s a pointless argument.  You’ve got plenty of others to argue that point with, I’m not interested in your god at all.  Whether or not you want to take my position as valid is entirely up to you.  You can, and will, believe whatever you like.

Speaking the truth does not make one a bigot.  It is not news that all civilizations, old and recent, have had some sort of a death penalty.

You don’t speak the truth.  You accept the gospel and the magisterium of the catholic church as truth.  Both are flawed human endeavours.  You hide behind your church and use that to pretend you’re a step removed from your bigotry.  You’re not.  You have a choice, use it.

The Catholic Church has earn its right to be a dominant relevant voice on Earth.  We are the largest and oldest social structure in modern times.  We have outlived every empire that are now gone.

So?  The catholic church has no right, it is governed by a bunch of old men that elect themselves.  In a modern society it is antiquated and out of touch.  It doesn’t matter how old it is.  The only reason that it is here is because it created its own power base by accumulating property and devotion from a gullible people.  We’re not in Kansas any more Dorothy.  It’s time to pack it up, sell it off.

The governments of today have modeled their laws after our beliefs, philosophies and understanding of the natural law.  We have provided modern science to the world, the school and hospital system as well.

Oh please. The laws the church pretends to have supplied were well in existence before you lot rooted your first goat.  In fact, the law has to be designed to limit the control of the church.  And while the church does a great deal of good in the world, it does so because it thinks that’s what some imaginary deity wants.  The reality is that those schools and hospitals are full of normal people who think most of the churches teachings are bollocks.

That being said:  The Catholic Church can never be silent when a minority subculture is attempting to distort reality.  You are a fool if you think the Church will let an idea that just appeared this morning to take down thousands of years of knowledge, wisdom and common sense.

The church is a minority.  Most people in the world don’t agree with you.  Most Australians are not catholics.  The only reason the church opposes things is because it’s a threat to its authority or livelihood.  You’re a fool if you think otherwise.

Sin is a real thing.  Look around you.

Sin is not real, it’s an invention created by religious nutters.  It’s a perceived wrong done against a deity.  There are no gods, therefore no sin.

Why do people do evil?

Because.  They do.  You’re god is very limited if he can’t even get that right.

Why be an addict?  Do you want to be the sum of an act?  Do you want to be defined by where you insert your penis, or do you want to define yourself by your character, knowledge and contribution to society?   The choice is yours.  I don’t think human beings exist to penetrate each other to one’s own content.  There is more to life than that.

I’m human.  I enjoy inserting my penis.  I also have a job, community involvement, deal with 100’s of people every week.  Sex is only a small part of my life, a nice part.  It’s only you religious types that think because we’re gay we only ever think about sex.

God is extremely merciful.  You’d be surprised at the many gay people who accept God at the last breath and make it.

Oh please, that’s such a silly line.  You’d be surprised at how many catholics accept there is no god at their last breath.

Well every time I see something about the LGBT community, it is always sexual.  Black and Hispanic history months demonstrate each respective ethnicity’s contribution to society.  Its famous individuals, its intellectuals and the like.

Then you should get out and look more.  Every year here in Melbourne we have a Pride March and most of the people who march are fully clothed showing their support.  Support organisations,  police, bands, schools, pubs and clubs, hair dressers are all represented.  And yes, Dikes on Bikes, the gay Football team are mostly unclad people.  But that’s not sexual, that’s just people with little on.

Gay pride month? Well…. disgusting sexual manifestations on city streets.  Sex is portrayed, even in front of children.

Sex is everywhere.  You heteros are forever putting in in TV shows, ads, billboards, magazines.  It’s not disgusting at all.  It’s part of being human.  You seem to be hung up about it.

 People are people. They have dignity.  They are not objects of gratification for others.  Why do you think so many LGBT opt out of life?  Your lifestyle is killing them!

You’ll be pleased to know that sex between a man and a woman is about gratification.  And it’s about love.  You’ll then understand that sex between two men is also about gratification and it’s about love.  Just like straight people hook up for a one night stand, so too do gay people.  It’s the way it’s always been and no amount of you crying about gratification will escape the fact that there is more bodily fluids exchanged between people that doesn’t result in birth than does.  There is more sex for gratification for both parties than for love.  There just is.  It’s what animals do.  It’s what humans do.  We just got it right, we don’t have to procreate just because we have sex.  Being gay is a bonus.

Perhaps the reason LGBT people opt out of life is because they are persecuted by catholics with a narrow view of the world.  Being gay is not a lifestyle.  Sitting on the beach in a luxury resort is a lifestyle.

Please show me an event where gay authors, poets, philosophers, scientists etc speak to the people and encourage them.  Please show me a LGBT event that is void of strippers, men dressed in silly costumes, young teens in underwear, old obese men in leather.  Please show me something other than this circus.

Seriously?  Get out more.

If that is true then why did my post get your attention?  If you are so set in your life, then you would have just turned a blind eye to my post.

It’s a hobby.

Do you approach women to flirt?  I am assuming that you don’t because they are not worth your time.

Why do you assume that?  I work with some wonderful women.  Yes, we interact, and yes we flirt.  Women are an important part of the world.  Catholics treat them like dirt.

So why pay attention to my blog and the Catholic Church’s views on homosexuality?

There was nothing good on the telly.

Obviously, my prayer to reach others did work for me. 🙂

I guess from the smiley face that you make a joke.  Prayer just keeps you busy.  You should pray more.

All human beings, Christian, non Christian, homo or hetero are called to something higher.

No they’re not.  There is nothing higher.  You get one life, that’s it.  When you die it’s all over.  Stop wasting your time on religion and do something useful with your life.

 We are not the sum of our sexuality or of what pleasures us.  When you realize this you will be free and know true joy.

I already realise that.  I am free, and I have true joy.  I’m also bound by the society in which I live, I work hard, I play hard and I love life.  That’s the way it should be.  People get on in the world because they know and understand the value of those around them.

It’s a pity that you won’t open your eyes to the true wonder of the world, leave the medieval religion behind and embrace humanity for what it is.  A moment in universal time.  A very brief moment, and one that you have been lucky enough to participate in.

Stop wasting that briefest of moments.

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