Jesus Helps!


I was looking around some blogs, as I do from time to time and ended up on “Our Daily Bread” where the daily devotional is about some thoughts on the terrible events fo Sept 11th 2001.

It was certainly a day that changed the world.  We still feel the impact now, I was very moved by Billy the Atheist’s account of the events who worked at the site after the attacks.  I have a great deal of empathy with all those affected by the this horrible nasty event.

I don’t actually go looking for trouble, I just surf.  I like to do that every now and then.  This daily devotional uses the phone call between Lisa Jefferson and Todd Beamer [SOURCE] (Todd was a passenger on one of the planes – a hero as he and some other passengers are credited with bringing the plane down in a paddock).  Apparently god saw it fit to use Lisa to give Todd the courage to jump on a terrorist with a bomb.  God didn’t have enough sense to alert security at the airport, or to alert a passing police car as the terrorist drove to the airport, or to alert the midwife who gave birth to the terrorist so she could save everyone a lot of bother.  Oh, no, the almighty fuckwit waited until Todd used his credit card (to pay for the call – I wonder if that’s tax deductible) to call Lisa, a poor unsuspecting supervisor.  At that point, the almighty jumped in to help Todd wrestle the plane out of the sky.

Unlike Jesus, Todd didn’t arise from the dead three days later.  (Well, neither did Jesus, but that’s another story).

This christian god thing is a right bastard, and people who sell a whole book based on a 13 minute phone conversation know how to manipulate a tragic event into a money spinner.

We all suffer now, if you believe in this god thing.  This god that is credited with doing so much ‘good’ in helping poor Todd died, or I’m sure thousands of other stories of his greatness, when it would have been much better all around if he never let Mohammad leave Mecca in the first place.

This entry was posted in Rant.

One Response to Jesus Helps!

  1. Jesus says:

    You’re a stupid, stupid man. God will cast you into the fiery pit. I pray for your soul.