Priest says don’t kill Bali bombers

Priest says don’t kill Bali bombers – Breaking News – National – Breaking News.

The reason for executing killers is a mix of punishment, deterrent and revenge.  It’s considered the ultimate retribution for being naughty.  If you take a life, in some places in the world, you will have your life taken.  The assumption is that nobody wants to die and that this is the worse thing that can be done to you.

For the Bali bombers, they consider the impending execution as a reward for doing what was right, in their eyes.  They welcome death.

I consider death to be final.  There is no after life, there is nothing better to ‘go to’.  You do not ‘pass over’ to a new life.  With that in mind, I think that capital punishment is useless.  What it gives is the easy way out.  The perpetrator of the crime will no longer feel guilt, remorse or anything at all.  Muslims will not spend time with 72 virgins in a roller coaster of constant orgasm.  Christians will not be held to their god’s bosom, naughty criminals will not burn in hell in great pain for all eternity.

To kill someone is to deprive them of life.  I think its much better to actually make them ‘pay’ for their crime.  The rest of your life locked up, held apart from society, with enough to eat, is punishment.  It meets my concept of revenge and very likely will induce some sort of remorse.  It also means if we get it wrong, we can say sorry, give the innocent a bucket full of money and help them get on with their lives.

What happened in Bali was horrible.  The criminals should, and have been held accountable.  Killing them is not the right response.  They need to be locked away.  They need to be made to suffer for their wrong doing for the rest of their lives.

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