God should be gone.

UN anti-blasphemy measures have sinister goals, observers say.

In what would have to be one of the most ridiculous things I’ve heard in quite awhile, the UN (that’s the United Nations)  have passed a ‘measure’ called Combating Defamation of Religions – its aimed at preventing people saying nasty things about religion.  Which is clearly silly.  If I want to say that parting the Red Sea is stupid, that Thor never lifted his hammer, the hindus are silly to have so many gods, that islamic dress for women is mad or that jesus never lived, therefore christianity is built on a lie, then let me.  If your religion isn’t strong enough to handle that, then go stick your head in an alpaca.  Better yet, I’ll do it for you.

I deny your god, I do not believe in any god, I think all religions are bogus.  Not only is that a personal opinion, its also a complete description of my un-belief.  I quite frankly don’t care whether or like it or not, I should have the right to express my view without fear of any form of action.  It’s called free speech.

This new ‘measure’ aims to reduce people criticising religions.  It appears mostly to be lead by Islamic nations, which I suspect are not democracies. It’s self-serving and will enable them to better control their population by restricting any criticism of their ‘faith’.

Those in power will stop at nothing to protect their little patch of control.  Well, it doesn’t matter, very shortly you’ll be gone, dead.  You’ll be forgotten, but behind you’ll leave a little bit of nasty law that helps no one.  Get a grip.

Here’s a “death if you leave” the faith article. What sort of dumb arsed attitude is that to have? Hanging if you say you want to be a chrisitian not a muslim, death if you want to stop playing games based on the ramblings of a goat herder?

How much more do we need to see before sane people start crying out that enough is enough. Get on the top of tall buildings and start bleating.

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