Golden Compass

News Story

The Vatican has been saying some very nasty things about the Golden Compass. The previews on the telly look really good – we’ll be doing a family trip to see it.

Its about time that the Pope pull his mitre down a little harder, enough to cover his eyes. The world does not concur with you, the catholic church has given up its right to be the moral guardian. You guys suck.

Perhaps the story line is a little too close to the truth for you? I’m told that I need to be more accepting of other peoples beliefs. Stuff that – catholics can no longer hide behind their purple clad cardinals and bishops. Your faith is baseless, based on a lie, as is all version of the christian faith. You are full of dark little secrets, you allow people to die of horrible diseases because they can’t wear a condom, you have too much wealth and there are too many poor people. Melt your gold crosses down, donate your works of art to museums and start paying taxes. Then when you have joined the rest of us as tax paying citizens you can pick on whatever you like.

Oh that went off on a different tangent. Oh well.

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