IR Laws

News Story

The former Australian Government spent some $17 million spent on ads for its Industrial Relations laws.  Those laws will now be wound back.  That was money well spent wasn’t it.

What an incredible waste of my tax dollar.  I object!  Do you hear me?  I object!  So much money is wasted on crap that we don’t need.  A simple brochure in my letter box was enough, and yet they continued to bombard us with ads to tell us how good the new system was.

Our hospitals are under funded.  Kevin Rudd wants to give my daughter a laptop – never mind that its going to cost me well over $3,000 just to get my kids back to a public school.  The roads are a mess, public transport is crap in Melbourne, not enough of it, even the local swimming pool has had its hours reduced because there’s not enough money to keep it open.  And here we are, swanning around watching $17 million worth of ads.

Glad I didn’t vote for them.

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