Resistance is useless!


Some strange christian fucktard over at an appropriately named site “Resistance Thinking” is talking about Geoff Shaw1, the silly state politician in Victoria who thought it a good idea to display his deep seated homophobia when talking with one of his constituents.

Cameron Spink is the author and he’s a right little Bill Muehlenberg, he likes to quote him lots.

I seriously believe Geoff Shaw is actually attempting to make a difference to this young man. No doubt his advice will be rejected but one can’t help but try. After all, his advice is quite sound if you think about it. Homosexuality leads to a lower life expectancy, it leads to a more likely chance of abuse and worst of all a homosexual lifestyle leads to sin and a departure from God.

And there’s the problem with people like Spink and Muehlenberg, they actually believe this rot.  Being gay does not lead to a lower life expectancy, it doesn’t lead to more abuse, unless that abuse is coming from religious douche bags.

Again and again we get this clap trap about the ‘worst of all’ notion that the ‘lifestyle’ is sinful and that their god doesn’t like that.  It’s up to them to save us from the sins, these self-appointed saviours of the sinners are full of arrogance and self importance.  They actually believe their own shit.

My sins are as numerous as any homosexual or child molester, yet, I am saved and my identity is not found in my sin. This is not through my actions, it is not through my complete knowledge of the Bible. It is through my faith and my humility to a God who saves.

If your sins are so numerous, then go and fucking deal with them dipshit.  Arsewipes that connect people who are gay and child molesters are seriously deluded and completely ill informed.

If you had complete knowledge in the bible, you’d know what a crock of shit it really is.

As soon as you can show that your god saves anything at all, get back to us.  In the meantime, get this into your thick head, some people are gay.  Suck it up baby.

The only resistance thinking going on in his head is resistance to the reality and truth of the world.

  1.  Geoff Shaw is the state member for Victoria, I’ve written about him before
This entry was posted in Rant.

11 Responses to Resistance is useless!

  1. prayforrain says:

    So let me get this straight: There’s this god who wrote a book explaining that homosexuality is wrong; then he proceeded to churn out (because he creates everything) countless homosexuals for the ensuing thousands of years? Sounds like a nasty trick to me.

  2. Lawrence says:

    Resistance is the “youth” brand of Salt Shakers, serving in the same offices, spawned off the same branch, complete with the same PO Box and phone number contact details. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree in this respect. That’s also why they, like their political counterparts, Salt Shakers, are into random inane controversy as a way of selling God to people. ACL do it; with Jim Wallace’s ANZAC day tweets, Salt Shakers do it, Bill Muehlenberg does it, and so does the brand that’s attempting to sucker young people into becoming right wing dominionist bigots without trying. It’s all one big Christian love in, with the method being spamming controversy (gays, Muslims, sex, hookers, etc..) in order to gain visibility.

  3. Wow, this article made my night. Well that and West Coast winning.
    Keep up the hating.

  4. Villham says:

    From what I gather this is just the beginning, every week I look around and there are new sites and new voices with a huge amount of content.

    Up until now I think its been an easy ride because most Churches don’t talk about politics in this country and alot of fools think its ‘Gods will’ for them not to be.

    Pardon the pun but you ought to pray they don’t change their mind.

  5. Bruce says:

    How nice of you to drop by Cameron, I’m glad you’ve had your night made for you.

    If you examine yourself really careful, you’ll find the hating seething within you. If you’d give up the pre-tense of your crazy religion, you’d find much more peace in your life and suddenly things like football will be so much more entertaining as it will be based on the skills of the players and not what some make believe god wants

    I like that you Google your own name after your footy team wins… do you do it naked?

  6. “Up until now I think its been an easy ride because most Churches don’t talk about politics in this country and alot of fools think its ‘Gods will’ for them not to be.”

    Yes, they are fools.

    “I like that you Google your own name after your footy team wins… do you do it naked?”

    My fiancee found it and was quiet distressed.

    “Resistance is the “youth” brand of Salt Shakers, serving in the same offices, spawned off the same branch, complete with the same PO Box and phone number contact details.”

    All true and has never been denied.

    “the method being spamming controversy (gays, Muslims, sex, hookers, etc..) in order to gain visibility.”

    Not the reason why we do what we do. Never has been. Neither Peter nor Bill do it for those reasons. They would certainly prefer that their ministries had no reason to exist. But that’s not reality and here we are.

    Anyway, I won’t clog up your website anymore. Certainly feel no animosity towards you, not even deep down seething in me. Will be praying for you.

  7. Bruce says:

    It’s good that you stopped by, this isn’t clogging up my website at all, unlike your website, I’m happy to allow comments and an exchange of ideas.

    I have no respect for religion, I think the world would be better off without it.

    As I always say, you can do something useful with your time, or you could pray.

  8. Lawrence Meckan says:


    So you think it’s about the hating? I was a card carrying member of Salt Shakers for shy on a decade. I got the monthly newsletter. I might even be on their databases still, considering Crossway Baptist still consider me a member. I pretty much road tested online anything that was spawned out of there, along with all the alleged “psychological” material churned through NARTH, Nicolosi et al. So I know exactly where you came from.

    So you have a choice. You can either deny me my heritage and trot out the oh so condescending trite “You’re not a true Christian” speil or you can listen and learn since I’ve pretty much had an inside line to the Christian conservative political lobby for the last decade or so, along with my accredited Psych degree. How do I know you and your fellow lobby groups are dominionist? I was part of the same lobby membership for a decade. How do I know the Christian lobby groups upsell on fear towards others (e.g hookers, homosexuals, etc..) ? I got the newsletters and alerts attempting to campaign me into being a good Christian follower of whatever was spawned for the cause.

    And that’s the problem at the end of the day. The cause you defend is more important, held closer to the heart, without question, without rational judgement, oversight or scientific veracity than anything else.

    Jesus came so that mankind would know Him through us loving one another, not through certain lobby groups doing morally questionable campaigns to filibuster their views, ideology and bad science across wider society.

  9. Emma says:

    Without groups fighting for ethically moral (Christian) positions it would become only too easy for Christians to lose their way in this self-focused society.

    • Bruce says:

      Fight all you like for your christian morals, but those of us that think your god is a laugh reject outright your attempts to moderate our behaviour based on you crazy bat shit religious insanity. Keep it to your churches and leave the rest of us alone.