Happy Dead Baby Jesus Day

Today is the day that most christians the world over celebrate the death of their god.  He was strung up on a bit of wood and died.  Arms outstretched, it was a sacrifice for you and for me to pay for the sins we never committed, but a sacrifice in vein because that bastard rose from the dead and inflicted generations of suffering on poor unsuspecting children.

If you go any where near a catholic church you  are giving approval to their wrong doing, for their cover up of sexual abuse of children.  From the pope down they’ve been covering up for their staff who have sexually abused children for hundreds, maybe thousands, of years.  The church with the most wealth in the world doesn’t give a flying fuck about those suffering, feels no responsibility towards the hurt and injured and seeks to blame the victims and their families.

It’s time you showed your frustration, anger and disgust with your church, stay away and tell those arseholes why.

Happy dead baby jesus day.

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