Euthanasia a ‘false’ answer: Pope

Euthanasia a ‘false’ answer: Pope.

The dress wearing, red shoed German pope thinks people dying of cancer or other nasty diseases should be helped to confront the pain rather than opt out.

You twat Bendydick.  There you are, suffering in some hospital surround by nurses who are tyring to help you out of this life, the morphine has little effect on the pain, you can’t eat, you can’t walk, your friends have stopped visiting and you’re wasting away to nothing.  What’s to confront?  That sounds fairly horrible to me and its no way to live

“The real response cannot be to give death, no matter how gentle, but to testify to love to help confront pain and agony,” he said.

Real response?  To testify to love?  What are you?  There is nothing pleasant about pain and suffering, and if there is no hope of recovery, then really, its time to go.

I want my life to be quality.  I don’t want to spend my last days wishing it was over, by that time I want it to be over and regardless of what the frock wearer wants, I want out.

This entry was posted in Rant.

2 Responses to Euthanasia a ‘false’ answer: Pope

  1. Andrew says:

    Pope Himmler says: “You vill suffer und you vill enchoy ittt!” This is one of the popes that the cardinals need to poison. Fast.