Victoria Burns – again

[Story from The Age]

This Llama grazes in the fine pastures in Melbourne, before that I was a Western District lad.  I know full well the impact of bush and grass fires on small communities, and even larger ones.

Saturday saw soaring temperatures in Victoria, 46c broke all records, along with that we had a hot northerly wind that was gusting very strongly, this day followed 3 or 4 days the previous week where temperatures peaked at in the low 40’s.  A very rare event.

Take a very long drought (over 10 years now) and a few hot days to further remove what moisture there is and the State is tinder dry, just waiting to exploded.

And explode it did.

I have been moved to tears as I read that over 100 people have perished in the fires, towns have been destroyed.  People have lost everything, they only have the clothes they were wearing.  I cried as I listened to the radio as a very brave woman, her voice choking with emotion described what was happening for her.  She lost friends, all her belongings and her community.

They have needs.  Can you help them?

I support the Red Cross, they are secular organisation that does plenty of good work in our community.  I’ve whipped out my credit card and donated on line.  Check out their website, which is clearly under a great deal of pressure at present, to see how you can help.

This is what being human is about, reaching out to those in need.  This is a local event, if you live close by put your hand up and see how you can help.  If you live far away, spare a little thought and some cash if you can.  (I know its hard to support everyone in distress, but if we can all put in a little, great things might happen!)

I’ve made it know at my work place that we should act, I’ve offered to help in whatever capacity is required.  What’s your work place doing?

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