World Aids Day

Well, December 1st is World Aids Day, and the pope and USA President Bush have been at it again.  They just can’t help themselves.  Both suggest that the way to reduce HIV infections is to stop people having sex.  It’s the age old crap – control the way people have sex.

You’d think by now that Bush and Pope would have worked out  you can’t dictate peoples sex lives.  We will have sex with whomever we want, whenever we want, and for lots of men, sex is sex – in the heat of the moment, all caution is thrown aside – its the way we are and you guys are forever trying to fight it.

The catholics  still refuse to help people in Africa prevent this horrible disease by simply wearing a condom – that’s it.  Make them freely available and stop stuffing around thinking you can stop men wanting to get their ends wet – the only way to combat this disease is to realise that humans will copulate any chance they get.  Sure some of us will be careful, but mostly well… just look at the rising infection rate.

What the Pope had to say
What Bush had to say

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