Stem Cells

News Item

There are just so many great things that science can do. Religion continues to hinder progress as it argues against new breakthroughs based on the Churches skewed view of the world.

This one takes the cake though.

Let me get this right – stem cell research using human embryos is wrong because that is a potential human life, god said so somewhere – in the rule book that can be interpreted in so many ways. Anyway – science can use stem cells to research possible cures that exisit on the earth. That sounds really good. But the church weighs in and says its wrong to try and find cures this way – but luckily god, who is responsible for such disease in the first place, provides a way to use stem cells with no embryos dying. So he put us through all this angst only to provide a solution to meet his demands of no lose of embryos.

Give me a break – get back on your knees you idiots, and ask god a few question, like why did he allow such diesase in the first place if he was going to also provide a method to cure them, after centuries of needless illness, pain and death. Tell you what, if he should answer you let me know. What’s that? It doesn’t work like that? Of course it doesn’t – there is no god. Tossers.

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