Christians to be vilified coz Bill Muehlenberg said


While salvation may be free, it in fact is costly. It certainly cost God everything – he lost his only son so that we might be saved from our sin. But genuine discipleship is costly for us as well.

Really?  Let’s look at that.  Christians like the author of that bunch of senseless rubbish, Bill Muehlenberg, believe in eternal life.  That’s the whole point, you die and get to live forever, if you play by the rules.  So when the claim that god lost everything is made, the question is, just what did he lose.  Well nothing at all.  As the story goes, jesus and god are the same thing… deity.  One part of god split off and became mortal so he could get killed, and when you get killed, you go back to god.  Nothing lost, no price paid.

 Jesus paid the ultimate price for us. The least we can do in grateful response is to offer our lives back to him. If that means we will be vilified, mocked and treated like dirt, so be it. Jesus is worth it. Every single bit of contempt and abuse we may face is forever worth it.

That’s rich.  Jesus paid the ultimate price for you sins, debt paid apparently, and yet his followers are still going to be vilified, mocked and treated like dirt.  The same people that enjoy special status in our society, prime real estate for their churches, tax free money, special protection under the law, access to our children in schools.  The same people that treat outsiders with disrespect, that tell outsiders that they’ll burn in hell, that vilify, mock and treat like dirt the non-believers, they now want to claim the persecution for themselves.

Their real fear is not that they’ll be treated like dirt, its that they’ll be treated just like everyone else.


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