Wish I had thought of that

News Story

So, you’re sitting around late at night, with your fellow geeks, and somebody says “Hey, I bet I can get the Torah on the top of a silicon chip smaller than a pin head”

Now that’s over 300,000 words.  On something so small that you can’t even see it.  Umm… why?   Well, lets put that aside just for now.  They used focused beams of tiny particles, called gallium ions, to ‘print’ on the surface of the silicon chip.  Focused beams hey!  I wish I’d thought of that.  I assume that gallium ions are cheap to make, let alone a focused beam.  So, we have this amazing technology now that will enable us to write in really small type and place that on to really small things.  We will all now be able to carry around the entire works of world literature on a couple of buttons.  I’m impressed.  I mean really.  Anything I want to know will be available as soon as I pluck the right button and stick it into some machine with a decent sized keyboard so I can search for the right book… oh wait.  Oh never mind.  Its just really stupid.

There’s plenty to get on with, perhaps there is some reason as to why this has been done, some method that this can and will mean that we have a better humanity – it escapes me just now.

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