Tag Archives: judaism

Killing people

[SOURCE] Blasphemy is a capital offence in Pakistan. They want to hang a woman because she said bad things about an imaginary god. She’s married. Has 5 children. Her family is in hiding. Why is there even a question about whether or not she deserves the death penalty?  This is stupid, stupid, stupid.  More stupid […]


Still not getting it

[SOURCE] Over at the blog, Galus Australis, Mark Baker has written a delightful piece on a recent trip to Germany.  He explains how he and his students found a monument and inside the monument was an image of two men kissing. During World War II, gay people, as well as jews and others were rounded up and […]

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A New Blog

Mikey Bear starts a new blog to continue the fight against religious intolerance.

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The bullying must stop.

[SOURCE] Bullying is an insidious power game.  As if it isn’t bad enough trying to grow up and be under pressure from a bully just because the bully doesn’t like you, if you also happen to be gay you have to deal with your school mates picking on you and making your life hell. Where […]


Everyone wants a bit of Mary!

[SOURCE] As if it’s not bad enough with all the politicians and media falling over themselves wanting to get in on the Mary Fucking MacKillop crap, as if it’s not bad enough listening to Tim Fisher and Cardinal Hell wetting themselves with excitment over the impending canonisation of a dead person, now the jews are […]

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From the mail box

In a response to my last blog I got this email. Friends One way to elevate this entire discussion to a higher level (in theory at least) is to remember that Jewish law does not end with Torah. Even if you believe – as some do – that the entire Law was handed down to […]

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Compassion is what’s needed

It’s really easy to use the bible to support your own point of view and ignore the rest of what’s written in it, until you need it for something else.  It’s such a big book full of some of the most violent nasty stories you’ll read anywhere.  There’s also love and compassion, lots of sex!  […]

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What to do!

While Pat Robertson accuses the Haitian’s of making a pact with the devil, and that is the cause of the tragic earth quake (and even goes so far as to call the quake a blessing in disguise)1, the guys over at the Jerusalem post have bigger things to worry about.  Matthew Wanger is worried that […]


How small are you?

[SOURCE] The AJN Watch, a blog written by a sky pixie believer, is outraged that the Jewish Community Council of Victoria (JCCV)  should be establishing a reference group to look at issues for people who are gay and jewish.  The author trots out predictable lines about how most people don’t accept homosexuality, and how homosexuals […]

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How Sensible! Part 2

Ok, I just can’t help myself. I’ve been following the comments on a blog, The Sensible Jew, to do with the issue of homophobia in the orthodox jewish community and I’ve gotta say, I’ve never seen such pure dribble come out of the mouth of anyone like Alex Fein before. Talk about finding a brick […]