Tag Archives: acl

The ACL denies democratic rights!

Wally at the ACL again is trying to dictate public policy. He doesn’t want anyone to vote on marriage equality! Wallace shows how undemocratic he’d like Australia to be.

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Queensland’s Civil Unions and the Christian Haters

[SOURCE] The gay hating christians in Queensland are falling all over themselves to yell and scream about the proposal for civil unions legislation. Before you can fart a fart those nasty types at the Australian Christian Lobby have decided that this is really a ploy to bring on full equality in marriage.  They’ve got their […]

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Muehlenberg, Wallace and Q&A – Christians bitch fight!

Q&A is a program that I look forward to every Monday night.  They manage to select panels that are interesting and thought provoking.  I have to wet my fur down I get so excited some nights!  I laugh, spit and hurl abuse at some of their guests! Last weeks episode, A Philosophical Q and A, was […]


If a Tree was Gay

[SOURCE] Earlier this week, Brigadier Jim Wallace, head of the Australian Christian Lobby appeared on morning television to debate with Dr Kerryn Phelps about why churches are opposed to marriage equality. Jim, now after several blunders, renamed General Wally, said this: And I find it absolutely amazing that at a time in our history when we’re jumping […]


The ACL and Advertising

[SOURCE] You remember just recently that the Australian DeadMan on a Stick Lobby objected to a bus shelter advertisement for safe sex, they didn’t want mummies and daddies  having to explain what a condom was1 The ACL have been pushing for G-rated billboards, but a parliamentary committee has rejected the notion, they said: billboards should continue […]

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Just who is being vindictive?

Just who is being nasty when it comes to the use of language and equal rights?

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The ACL, a condom and rip and roll

[SOURCE] The Australian Christian Lobby was congratulating themselves because they managed to get some ads ripped out of Brisbane bus shelters.  The ads showed two men, fully clothed, hugging and one of them holding a condom, the campaign is called Rip and Roll run by the Queensland Association for Healthy Communities, it’s a public health […]


Consent from the ACL

[SOURCE] ACL maintains that the interests of the birth mother, and especially children, who can never give their consent to the practice, should come before those of the intended parent(s) when it comes to surrogacy. That’s right, children don’t give their consent to surrogacy.  Therefore we should stop it. Children don’t give consent to being […]

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Wallace and ANZAC Day 2011

Jim Wallace from the ACL thinks it’s ok to use any cause to further his hatred of gays and muslims. The douche!


The bible is rubbish

Time to question what good the bible is in our society.

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