Punishment fits the crime

Over in Malawi a couple of blokes held a ‘unofficial’ marriage ceremony [SOURCE].  They face up to fourteen years in prison for gross indecency.

That in itself is pretty gross.

There are crimes that are committed that do actual harm to other people,  you know, rape, murder, stealing, that sort of thing.  Then there are crimes that really don’t do any damage to anyone at all.  Like two men pretending to get married.  It makes a political statement, it may not be legal, but it is not a crime that deserves 14 years in prison.  Not that they have been jailed for that long yet.

It’s always a tough one, pretending that nations of the world have a sovereign right to do what they want within their own borders.  We all respect that right.  We really need to establish a proper code of conduct that grants everyone bare minimum human rights and when places like Malawi behave in this fashion the rest of the world should simple turn their backs on them and not play with them any more.  Oh, apparently we already have that… remind me, what’s the universal declaration of human rights about?

It is quite frankly appalling, and it’s time this crap was stopped.

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