So, now it’s a plan?

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The recent tragic loss of six students and one teacher in New Zealand is probably one of the saddest events I’ve heard of in recent times. My heart goes out to all those effected by this most unfortunate event.

All concerned where at school, Elim Christian College in Auckland. I know its really hard to find a reason when something bad happens, and I know I try to find some sort of explanation that makes sense. It upsets me to see these sort of comments:

Andy Bray, whose daughter Natasha was one of those who died, said the deaths were a tragedy not just for the school but for the whole country, the New Zealand Press Association reported.

“They were selfless, giving their lives to make a difference. They loved God and wanted to be part of making this world better,” Bray said.

“We are saying to God, why has this happened? Where does this fit into your plan and I do not have an answer to that.”

I’m sorry, did I hear you right – they gave their lives to make a difference? You think it’s somehow part of your god’s plan. This was planned? 6 kids, young, full of life, out on an adventure – probably having a great time, drown in a horrible way and god planned this? You idiot.

I wonder if people actually follow their thoughts through, after the grief has somewhat subsided. What sort of loving god do you have on your hands that plans this sort of thing – why put the innocent through such a horrible death? Why subject the families to such a horrendous emotional roller coaster. Why would you love and obey a god that did that too you?

Mr Burton, the Principal of  the college is quoted in the Sydney Morning Herald as saying this:

“If our faith means anything at all, it must mean everything now.”

“Having said that, I have no answers, you have no answers, we have but miles of questions, and that is human.”

“And students especially, I want you to ask as many questions as you want to ask, and to cry, and to grieve, talk and write poems.

“This process is long, but it’s going to be good because we believe in God who created this world. He began it, he sustains it and he will end it.

“He is a god worthy of your trust  – he gave his own son.  He alone knows how our families and you feel today.

“I refuse to stop trusting in him  I can’t work him out, and that’s a good thing because he is God, and I hold on to him.

“You hold onto him today, be angry, I don’t mind if you’re angry, be angry at God he can handle that, but keep trusting.”

Still, when god sucks, their faith means everything to them.  He doesn’t know the answers, but that’s only because he’s not willing to explore the possibility that there is no god, and there are no answers and there is no plan.  Even after god, the all powerful, that knows all, lets these kids board a bus, drive to a remote local, descend into a canyon and die, he still refuses to stop trusting him.  You’re god is a bastard that sets people up to die horrible deaths.

I shake my head in the stupidity of it all, and just wish people would get a grip – it was an ‘accident’, or at the very least a series of very unfortunate events, caused by rain falling from the sky, gathering and running down the mountain. It really is a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, nothing more nothing less.

Before you start those crap emails about how god will be providing comfort to these poor people in their loss, consider this – if it’s part of god’s plan, then this is even worse. He kills these people and then offers comfort to the families?

Oh dear.

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