How much?

News Story

This is just obscene. $2 billion dollars for some casinos. That’s billions. And what for? Because the casinos are expected to show steady growth. That’s code for ‘we’re gonna double our money in 12 months.’ What is this necessity to continue to make more money when you already have enough?

In an ideal world of course, we have people making money because they produce something.  You know, like a newspaper or a farm.  Instead what we have are huge corporations who make their money by shuffling other money around.  Sure they might produce some buildings and jobs for the manufacture of small round chips – but really, what does a casino add to humanity?

It’s fun to play, cry the pundits.  Of course it is.  For you.

Casino’s and churches.  I put them in the same category.   They should be pulled down and wiped from the face of the earth.

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