Tag Archives: islam

Throw Them Off the Roof of a Mosque

[SOURCE] I really couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Babies being shaken and then dropped over the edge of a building.  The parents would catch them in a blanket and then the babies are ensured good health and prosperity.  It’s been going on for 700 years, so that makes it ok then.  Clearly everyone there […]

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Llama dung

If you eat llama dung you get swine flu, it’s a well know scientific fact. If you’re a pig in Egypt, expect to be deaded. If you’re the flu in Israel be prepared to be called Mexican. If you’re a muslim nutter have a look at this YouTube video.  Is this guy for real? If […]

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The rot goes on

‘Next Pauline Hanson’ joins One Nation. Back in 2008 someone thought it’d be a great idea to build a school at Camden, just outside Sydney. [SOURCE]  It just happens that the school was to be an islamic school. Enter Kate McCulloch – local mother of  6, catholic and local resident of 12 years.  She doesn’t […]

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United? Nations?

Iranian president triggers racism conference walkout | theage.com.au A conference on racism at the United Nations  – who would’ve thought. And what a crock of shit it was.  Iranian President Ahmadinejad stood up to say some really spiteful nasty things about Israel and diplomats walked out.  Some nations, such as the US and Australia knew […]

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Brush me baby

It would seem that the two weekly Israeli newspapers  Yated Neeman and Shaa Tova can’t cope with women, at all.  So much so, that they airbrushed a couple of cabinet ministers out of the new line up for the Israeli government. [SOURCE].  One of the papers just blacked them out, the other cut and paste […]

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Jesus Helps!

[SOURCE] I was looking around some blogs, as I do from time to time and ended up on “Our Daily Bread” where the daily devotional is about some thoughts on the terrible events fo Sept 11th 2001. It was certainly a day that changed the world.  We still feel the impact now, I was very […]

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Crazy Islamic Laws

[SOURCE] I have a lot of trouble accepting that anyone should be jailed for 20 years for making a mistake in a book.  I’m a liberal sort of guy.  I’m happy for people to believe in what they believe in, (I reserve the right to point out the error of your ways), but this is […]


Muhammad Teddy bear

You are joking. Did someone really lock another person up because of the name given to a teddy bear. Not only is that a crime in Sudan, but the people then took to the street saying that the punishment was not sufficient. Not sufficient? 15 days in prison just for calling a toy Muhammad is […]

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