Killing is killing

The Americans have taken to killing their citizens again.  Seems they stopped for a while to have a think about it, but decided it was ok to go on murdering those that murder.  (Google William Earl Lynd)

I think the most disturbing aspect of the whole process is the attitude of the people.  Sure, some of them are against the killing of people, but it seems to me that most of what I’ve read indicates that Americans generally think its a good idea.  I’ve got to say, it doesn’t appear to be a very good deterrent, as people continue to get murder.  How careless of them.

I like Alexander the Atheist take on this – have a look at his blog.

I think (see, think, not believe, I think) that to take a life in revenge is to relieve the person of all their guilt.  Death is death, no burning in hell to pay for you evil ways, just nothing.  No feelings, no joy, no regret, you’re just dead.  So, rather than a life time to ponder your mistakes, you’re just dead.  What an easy way out.  If you want revenge it makes much more sense to deprive them of freedom for the rest of their lives, so in the end they’ll beg for death.  There that should keep the revenge seekers happy.

There seems to be some question about the method of killing people.  It would seem that the chemical lethal injection causes a great amount of pain to the unlucky bastard.  I mean really.  What is wrong with you  people?  If you can’t be sure its quick and painless don’t do it.  Unless you’re cracking a chubby in your pants at the thought of some poor bastard suffering as he leaves life.  Its perverted and wrong.  How can there be an easy way to kill someone?  Hanging can take ages, firing squad could mean you bleed out, electrocution is just ugly and gassing is painful.

Enough!  Stop it!  Thoughtless sods.

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