Tag Archives: Rant

Plenty of Jesuses

[SOURCE] Sometimes all you need to do Uncle Billy is take the next step: There are in fact plenty of Jesuses out there. Most are the creation of men’s minds, instead of the Jesus of Scripture. Thus we have the hippy Jesus, the lefty Jesus, the social reformer Jesus, the good example Jesus, the social […]

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Nasty Attacks on Other Persons!

[SOURCE] You have to love it when in one sentence our old mate Great Uncle Billy the Mule Faced Bigot can sum himself up so well. The more controversial an issue, the more likely that common sense, rationality, and sound analysis will go right out the window. And in the very next sentence I can’t […]

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God, guns and 2 year olds

[SOURCE] In a very disturbing incident in the US a 5-year-old boy shot and killed his 2-year-old old sister.  The young lad was given a rifle for his 4th birthday, apparently that’s the way it’s done in Kentucky. It is without a doubt horrific.  Nobody deserves to die like that, no parent deserves to lose […]

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Uncle Billy Shows us Why Religion is Evil

[SOURCE] In an age of oppressive political correctness and a militant social engineering crusade, it seems homosexuals can do no wrong. They have become the new untouchables who are forever above fault, and must be treated as sacrosanct. And if any charge is levelled against them, it of course must be untrue, and simply the […]


Nenad Nele Arcaba Hates the Gays on Facebook

[SOURCE] What do you say to a guy on Facebook who says this… Australia, Sydney City, NSW…. Should Oxfords’s St’s new rainbow corssing be permanent, read more about it or watch a faboulous timelapse video of the crossing being painted last night from the City of Sydney….. BY GAY MARRIAGE RIGHTS IN AUST. Dear wogs, […]

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Stories of God’s Protection

[SOURCE] A day after several vicious storms killed at least 38 people and leveled buildings ripping through the South and Midwest, stories of survival and God’s protection began to emerge amid ongoing rescue efforts Saturday. The 38 that died must have been gay or had abortions. Having seen a warning on the television, the pastor […]

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Getting hitched

So, some people in England are getting married.  I’m wet with excitement.  Sorry, didn’t mean to drool on you. Seriously?  They’re getting married and the rest of the world is going to watch?  You’re fucked up. You are. Now, I’m all for happy events, I’m glad that Willy and Cathy reckon they’re made for each other. […]

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5 Conclusions I Firmly Believe

[SOURCE] Over at the The Christian Post Perry Noble has been talking about things he firmly believes but leaves out the really good stuff that he also firmly believes. He’s a sweet guy that thinks jesus will save him for his wise words in saving all those sinners.  He’s excited because he’s been reading 1 […]

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Abortion Booklet

[SOURCE] Margaret Forrester works for the NHS in England as a mental health worker in a health centre.  She was suspended last year because she was distributing a booklet on abortion in an abortion clinic.  She’d given the booklet to a fellow staff member because she felt that the NHS wasn’t giving enough information.  She’s also a […]

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The Nationals are Gay!

Can’t wait for all those gay Nationals to start coming out! Barnaby Joyce wants to out his colleagues.

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