Leeds likes Cocks that Crow


Leeds is a homophobic twat who actually thinks there is such a thing as gods.  Here’s a really good example from some of her recent blogs that shows how easy it is to look stupid when carrying on about the god bullshit stuff.

Her blog starts with this blessing:

Blessed are you G-D King of the World Who Gives the Rooster to understand the difference between day and night



She always starts her blog with the letter b and h, it means ‘with gods help’.  It would seem that her god isn’t helping, that would be because there is no god.

This is one of the first brachot (blessings) we say in the morning. Why you might ask would we thank and bless Hashem for giving a rooster the understanding to herald the break of day after the night? On a very simple level it is an allegory for light and darkness and the eternal struggle between the two conflicting elements. If such a simple creature as a rooster can understand the difference between night and day and vice versa, how much more so can the human who is of a far superior intellect – an intellect that is more complex and rational as well as emotional, understand the fine lines between right and wrong.

On a very simple level, I don’t know what she means by the eternal struggle between two conflicting elements.  Light and dark?  I think she’s probably suggesting something more along the lines of good and evil.  However, there is no ‘struggle’ between them.  It’s only us humans that ascribe the terms good and evil to things that happen around us.  Nature and even roosters have no concept of good and evil.

Roosters, I suspect have no idea about the difference between night and day, not even if they are vice versa. To then attempt to connect the instinct of hens and roosters to that of people knowing the difference between right and wrong is stupid.  It’s a bit like saying the door is open therefore windows are evil.

Some of my blog posts are controversial and extremely confronting. They are meant to be. If it makes some people re examine their whole emotional and psychological paradigm and think about consequences of their life styles it is worthwhile.

Her blogs are crazy.  The only person that should be doing the ‘re examine’ is Leeds.

Many people have and do call me ignorant and stupid. They have suggested all sorts of physical abuse should be coming my way in order to enforce their viewpoints as right. I find that very ironic and indeed a little frightening that such violence without reason be directed towards me and my son.

There may be something in it if people tell you that you are ignorant and stupid.  Perhaps you should do some reflection on that.  Threats of violence are not laughing matters.  Everyone should feel able to express themselves without fear of violence.  Whoever does such a thing needs to be told to stop.  On the other hand, I note that no harm has come to her.

We have never threatened you or any person of gay or lesbian lifestyle. I find ironic that my lifestyle is so threatening to you. I, for one, find violence is an extremely simple and primitive response to any sort of stimuli.

sucking-cock-youre-doing-it-wrongWhile there may not be any threat of physical violence from Leeds, she certainly goes out of her way to antagonise those who are not straight.  She’s great at vilifying others for their sexuality.  Just look at her recent blog about goats.  She actually suggests that a way to ‘cure’  homosexuality is to let gay people roll around in goat shit.  She uses the word ‘pish’  as a way to hide her vulgarity, as if to make it sound nicer.  Her idea is that because two gay guys smell like goat shit they’ll be sworn off wanting sex with each other, then she would introduce them to a luxury hotel room with perfume and chocolates, every time they see a woman they would then be rewarded with a chocolate.  This would re-enforce that sex with women is good.  It’s really a very vilifying blog that, even if it is a joke, shows the underlying intolerance she has to think that people’s sexuality needs curing and it can be cured by doing horrible things.  Like rolling gay people around in goat shit.  If Leeds could she would introduce aversion therapy.  She would force people to ‘change’ their orientation.  She makes a threat to the well-being of gay people.  Very clearly she does that.  Aversion therapy has been discredited around the world, and here she is making light of it.  Yes, how funny to suggest rolling people around in shit, that’s really funny.

Or look at this blog to get an idea on her contempt and intolerance of gay people.

A certain Michael Barnett offered his nether regions to Michael Danby a politician to ‘kiss’ and then stated the pleasure is reserved for his male partner. Gross. I am sure Michael Danby would not be in a hurry to take up the offer. It just shows how crude and the inelegant depths our social interactions have sunk to in these days of anything goes.

Barnett actually said this:

I wish Danby would just say that he doesn’t give a rats arse about gays, that they can go to hell and that his political career, fueled by the Jewish vote, is the only thing important to his overgrown ego.

Danby, I’d tell you to kiss my hairy arse, but that pleasure is saved for my partner.

He’s talking about Danby and the way he supports Israel and not gay issues.  He also is not offering or even asking Danby to kiss his hairy arse. The expression is a not so polite way of expressing displeasure and telling Danby to go away.  She’s not being asked to kiss the hairy arse, and while it may not be for her each to their own.  Whether or not Danby likes his arse being kissed, or if he likes kissing arse, we don’t know.  Nor does it matter.  To re-write this in a language for Leeds to comprehend…. “Danby, I’d tell you that your attitude is wrong and I’d wish you’d take it and go away.  Pleasures in life are reserved for my partner and you should respect and support that, just like you do the rights of Jewish people to support Israel.”

The stark contrast between Barnett not offering his arse for kissing and Leeds suggestion that he be rolled in goat shit shows her level of inelegant depths she is prepared to sink to

Michael is certainly no Oscar Wilde and never will be. He is too crude, too unintelligent and frankly vulgar. Such a person cannot discern the subtleties of elegant and proper living.

This from a woman who wants to spread shit over gay people, that’s not crude and vulgar?  To actually suggest it’s a way to ‘cure’ gay people is unintelligent and intolerant   It’s also fair to ask how intelligent you have to be to suggest that roosters crow when the sunrises and that they display some sort of chicken intelligence.

I have far more respect for people who can make their point without having putting it in the most vile and filthily perverse terms. I prefer funny people, people with a sense of humor that is not based around certain bodily functions or is at least sharply observant and funny at the same time.

Make your own comments about that statement.  Think about pots and kettles.

Back to the rooster blog.

No one has put forth a rational and well thought out argument for same sex marriage. It is all emotive BS. That descends into the depths of personal abuse and ad homenim attacks that do not argue rationally or coherently before the above.

What a load of rubbish.  There are plenty of good solid arguments out there for marriage equality.  It may not be for everyone, but to continue to deny marriage is to ignore the real desire of people to have their relationships valued and endorsed by society.

If a rooster, an instinctive creature is aware of the of the exact boundary of day and night, how much more so should we not be tuned to what is appropriate behaviour and what is not.

And there we have the final stupid statement that had be laughing out loud.

The first bit is right, the rooster is an instinctive creature.  It’s all outright dumbness afterwards.  A rooster is not aware of the passage of time.  It has no concept of the boundary of day and night.  The boundary of day and night is elusive even to humans.  When does day start?  When the sun rises?  When is that?  Is it when the first part of the sun touches the horizon  or is it when the first part of daylight starts an hour before we seen the sun?  Is it when the last star disappears?  Where is the exact boundary?  A rooster certainly doesn’t know the exact time of sunrise.  To suggest that a chook crows when the sun is up at the exact moment is to simply ignore the fact that roosters crow all the time for a whole range of reasons.  Sometimes the chook might not crow at all.  Does that mean it’s still dark? Cocks crowing at dawn is not because the sun has come up, unless you happen to be doing bad TV cartoons.

Leeds is not as smart as a cock as she doesn’t know what appropriate behaviour is.  She needs to study cocks more.

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