How small are you?


The AJN Watch, a blog written by a sky pixie believer, is outraged that the Jewish Community Council of Victoria (JCCV)  should be establishing a reference group to look at issues for people who are gay and jewish.  The author trots out predictable lines about how most people don’t accept homosexuality, and how homosexuals are noisy.  At least he’s changed his stance a bit and now admits to understanding that there are specific issues around being jewish and gay.  Although his advice is still off.

Anyway, the laughable bit for me, the real laughable bit is that he talks about pandering to the noisy and minuscule gay lobby.  This coming from a person from a small noisy and minuscule group – orthodox jews.  He’s very noisy and very minuscule, and yet he wants the bigger organisation to listen to him.  If you don’t listen to him he will get very upset, he’ll stamp his widdle feet and wun awound bawling until somebody kisses him better and makes it all awright again for him.

Putting the author of AJN Watch down as another religious nut job.

This entry was posted in religion.

One Response to How small are you?

  1. Andrew says:

    Fluffy hats should not throw stones