How to get action

Kingston Mayor’s aunt killed in Clayton railway line accident – Emergency Services – News | Mordialloc Chelsea Leader.

Death comes to all of us.  You just never know when.  An elderly woman, crossing the railway line was struck by a train and died.  A truly horrible event, preventable in two ways, proper barriers and due care taken by the people.

The particular crossing of which I bleat has two lines, the little old lady saw a train coming and waited for it to pass, only to be struck by a train going the other way which she didn’t look for.

It would seem that this death has caused the local mayor some personal grief, and he has decided that something needs to happen.

The crossing has been this way for years, no proper barriers.  The city has been well aware of this, and has taken no action to fix the crossing.  But now the mayors aunty has died, its something that needs to be fixed.

Locals have been calling for this for ages, so now he wants it fixed.  Too little too late.

The mayor should be sacked.

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