No Gays in our Retirement Village!


angry-jesusYou’ll be forgiven if you didn’t catch up with the news during the week that a new bill made its way through the Australian Parliament and is set to become law.

It’s the “Sex Discrimination Amendment (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Status) Bill 2013”.  It is quite historic as it covers gay, lesbian, transgender and intersex discrimination.  That’s really very powerful.

The new law has a raft of exemptions, most notably and with no surprise, for religious bodies to discriminate against the gays.  With one exception.  Religious bodies who run aged-care facilities may not discriminate against the homosexuals.

This has the ACL spitting grey furballs against the bingo board in their aged-care facilities across the nation.

Oh, they don’t actually run any.  That’s right, they only lobby for silly things.

“it removes religious exemptions for Commonwealth aged-care providers to preference a married couple over an unmarried couple or a heterosexual over a homosexual resident.

Some aged care facilities run by faith organisations treasure their ethos and want to be free to preserve this.”

Yes, that’s right, a couple who have lived together for 40 years and aren’t married should be locked out to keep your quaint ethos.  No doubt that old couple of lesbians will go on a rampage making all the old girls quiver in places that long ago stopped quivering.  Heaven forbid that the gay guys might actually manage to get some of the old husbands up again.  And lordy me, how will we deal with the 80 year olds that have just shacked up together?

However, the ACL questions why this legislation was pursued when no examples of actual discrimination have actually been put forward. ACL understands it’s the practice of many faith-based aged-care providers to help and look after elderly people regardless of their sexuality

Excellent, there are no actual examples, so there is no problem in enshrining it in law. Even better that ‘many’ homes are already looking after the elderly gay people, I rather suspect though, that is those outside the ‘many’ that need to be inclusive.

 It was nothing but a stalking horse to pursue this legislation and instead sets up a precedent for other religious exemptions to be challenged in the future.

Oh, that’s it, you’re worried that when the world doesn’t actually collapse from this huge infringement on your rights to be a bigot that the government might remove other exemptions!

If Commonwealth-funded faith-based aged care providers lose the right to positively select clients in accordance with the principles of their faith, will other faith-based organisations similarly lose their religious freedom? Will Christian schools, for example, continue to be able to hire staff who adhere to the values of the organisation?

What does positively select clients mean? This is a silly statement.  Nobody is telling old folks home that they can’t continue to select religious people for their homes, they’re saying more to the point that you can’t exclude someone just because you don’t like their martial status or their sexual orientation or gender identity.  And same thing for your religious schools, of course they can continue to hire nutters from the same faith.  The day is coming when those institutions won’t be allowed to discriminate against anyone.  Bring it on.

Mr ACL – your religious freedoms are not impinged by employing those who are different to your faith.  Unless you’re suggesting that in fact that notion that you hate the sin and not the sinner is actually incorrect.


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Muehlenberg for LCS!


A big day in Australian politics.  The PM thrown out by her own party and the former PM thrown in.  Really it’s enough to make your head spin.

Who should we turn to to work out what’s going on.  Oh, I know, Grandpa Billy.

There is really only one bit of commentary which is needed here: Has this nation ever seen a more inept, incompetent, dysfunctional, reckless, immoral, disunited, egotistical, contemptuous and brainless government? Utterly mind-boggling. What a circus!

Yes, Howard was pretty fucking horrible.

A choice between dumb and dumber. A choice between a pro-homosexual egomaniac and a pro-abortion socialist atheist. Delightful.

This is better than the homophobic “I don’t hate woman” alternative.

We don’t want any of these losers. A pox on both of them. They have caused enough damage and carnage already – no more!

Carnage?  How so?  Just the sort of rubbish you’d expect from a religious nutter.  Rudd and Gillard are both winners, they won their last elections in their own seats.  They both have a good solid following around the nation.  To say otherwise is to have your head buried so far up your own arse you can watch the sun rise through your own eyelids.  So much has been done in the last three years, in a hung parliament.  Have you been asleep?  Oh, that’s right, you just hate them because they are Labor, therefore evil.

Let’s be clear on what exactly has happened here. Rudd is elected; he is then assassinated by his own party; he engages in a destabilisation campaign resulting in a hung Parliament; he spends the next three years being a thorn in Julia’s and Labor’s side; and then gets back in! What a bizarre scenario.

Yes, I agree with that summary.  It is bizarre and shouldn’t ever have happened.  I will never again agree with Grandpa Billy.

This is simply a party of liars: Julia Gillard insists, “There will be no carbon tax…” Kevin Rudd insists, “I have no plans to challenge…” Shorten insists, “Julia has my full support…” How can anyone trust any of these clowns? They have so undermined their own credibility that they have simple become a very stale joke.

No it’s not.  They are not simply a party of liars.  No more than any other politician who does so for their survival.  We have come to expect it.  It’s how politics works.  Your sense of outrage is unfounded and unnecessary.   Under Howard we had broken promises, that is promises became either core or non-core.  In any other language that’s called a lie.

How many times do we have to endure all this? It is like a bad dream – worse than groundhog day. Does anyone seriously believe Kevin will make one bit of difference? He is still hated by so many in his own party and on the front bench that any talk of a newfound Labor unity is just a joke.

The Labor party seem to differ with you Grandpa – they put him back in.  It seems that he has the support of more people than you give him credit for.  Another silly billy assertion.

The electorate has had a gutful of the sheer idiocy of all this. They are fed up, and can’t wait till September 14.

Rubbish.  You don’t know the mind of the electorate.  Another silly billy assertion.  There are those who are cheering that Rudd is in and Gillard is gone.  The nation will actually be split on this.  To some what you consider idiocy makes a great deal of sense.  Start with the Labor party, it seems that a majority of them think this is sensible.

The truth is, it really did not matter who won the ballot tonight. Both these despicable characters have mortally wounded their own party. They will be slaughtered in just under two and a half months, and they both can take full credit for this.

I reckon they are ever so grateful to you Grandpa Billy.  You alone know what the truth is.  I can hear the glee in your voice and I suspect you probably did a little wee.

It will be a long time before Labor can recover from these last few years of chaos and disintegration. They should have learned their lessons at the last few state elections, especially the Queensland wipe-out. But political ideologues are notorious for blindness and self-deception.

You really are pathetic Billy.  At least half the population supports the political party that is elected.  The parties that are really blind and full of self-deception never get anywhere.  One Nation, Family First and Rise Up Australia.

Of course today we also heard from the two sham Independents, Oakeshott and Windsor who said they will not stand at the next election. Good riddance as well. Those two are directly responsible for this whole debacle, casting their voted with Labor even thought their own electorates expected them to side with the conservatives.

More silly assertions. The two ‘shams’ were elected as independents.  That’s neither Labor or Liberal.  Only they know the terms of their agreement with Abbott and Gillard.  They have done great things with a minority government for their local communities.  That seems to me to be what the local members should do.  They took the best deal.

Billy never gives an objective opinion.  His whole world is so starkly conservative, he has no time for any thing that is a bee’s dicks width away from the far-flung right.  I can see him jumping from leg to leg, stroking his beard and doing his best to not wee with excitement.

LCS = Liberal cocksucker.




Pope is indifferent, hasn’t found jesus yet

This is some sort of joke yes?  The man who catholics have dubbed pope, Poppy Franky, is telling us that he isn’t indifferent to those who are suffering and sad.

Tell me what it is when a new church can be built for $8.9 million dollars in Aiken, South Carolina where 27% of homeless people in the state are families.

How would you describe the erection of a $2.9 million church on the Gold Coast when the schools are over crowded.  Only an indifferent parish would pour the money into a church that will be use a couple of times a week, rather than an educational  building that would be used everyday of the week and is free on Sundays.

What words to use to understand why 1 in 4 people in Philadelphia are hungry and yet the Catholics can build a $9.6 million church in Downington?  How many fridges, stoves and rice can that much money buy?

StPetersThere are plenty of examples around the world of people, some of them catholic, doing great things for the poor and down trodden.  Yet, here we have a pope, that despite his claims to care about the poor, still lives in a huge palace the likes of which the world has never seen.  He presides over the richest institution of all time and still we have suffering and sad people.  Catholics pretend to have found jesus and have meaning in their lives and yet they continue to build useless buildings that do nothing for those who are suffering.

How is this anything but indifferent?



Mark Rabich on stupid evil agendas


You probably can’t see the source, but I just had to share it with you.

Screenshot from 2013-06-22 14:39:45



Is this really a surprise? But supporters of SSM don’t want debate, they are ‘right’, after all. Being convinced of their own moral righteousness and intellectual superiority, they cannot be told that their thinking is backward and veiled in total darkness. The only tactic they have to play is to denigrate and bully those who oppose their stupid and evil agenda, and shut down debate. If only everyone in our parliament had the courage to stand up like Bernardi.

Bernardi’s contention is that gay marriage will lead to polygamy.  Which seems a bit odd really as polygamy is really a straight mans want.  One man, many women.  I would have thought that it was marriage that leads to polygamy, the gays have nothing to do with it.

It any case, poor Rabbys outrage is so laughable.  The poor luv.  It must be horrible thinking that you are the one with the moral righteousness and intellectual superiority.  It must be a special place for him to think that others are in total darkness and backward and then to talk about those stupid and evil people with their agenda’s that are trying to denigrate and bully him to shut the debate down.

It’s not the first time Mark Rabich has been laughed at by me.  He has a fixation with the size of the walls of the vagina.

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Exodus closes down makes christians void

One of the big players in the ‘Pray the gay away’ society of homophobic bigots is closing its doors.

Exodus International, the oldest and largest Christian ministry dealing with faith and homosexuality announced tonight that it’s closing its doors after three-plus decades of ministry. The Board of Directors reached a decision after a year of dialogue and pray

It seems that they don’t think they can pray the gay away any more.  The president of Exodus made a full apology to all those that have suffered because of the programs of Exodus.

I am sorry for the pain and hurt that many of you have experienced.  I am sorry some of you spent years working through the shame and guilt when your attractions didn’t change. I am sorry we promoted sexual orientation change efforts and reparative theories about sexual orientation that stigmatized parents.

This is a significant change.  This is what shiny llama’s like myself have said for a long time.  Gay?  So what.  Don’t try and pretend to be straight it doesn’t work.

Of course, our regular contributors to the jesus camp of love by bigotry have been quick to say just how outrageous it is.

Me old mate Spinksy has this to say:

In the end perhaps it is a good thing that Exodus International has now closed. With people like Chambers and Whitten at the helm there was bound to be a lot more destruction on the way. As the final reason why Chambers made the decision he claimed that it was the culture’s changing attitudes to homosexuality that called for the organisation to finish up. Again Chambers shows a complete lack of biblical discernment and a disdain for truth in the face of opposition.

Hahaha, that’s so funny.  Spinksy is talking about a disdain for the truth?  He finishes with a wonderfully worded last sentence

We need to be prayerful that another organisation, and Scripture-compelled Christians, be ready to fill the rapidly distorted void that has been left by Exodus International.

He wants another organisation to fill the distorted void?  It’s nice that at last he sees just how distorted his void really is.  I’m not surprised, the amount of crap that comes out of his void would distort anything.  At least while he’s busy praying his not bothering other people.  He and his void should spend more time on all fours praying to the distortion.

And what of Uncle Billy?

Homosexuals will continue to find liberation and restoration by the mighty power of the risen Christ. Forget what the MSM and the militants are saying: Christ came to set the captives free, and he is in the business of turning lives around. He has been doing it for 2000 years now.

Seriously?  You lot have prayed for world peace for 2000 years, how’s that working out?  Can you point to just where your christ thing has set anyone free?  Which lives has he turned around?  How easy is it to simply ignore those that study the area of sexuality.

I know many of these people. They were once deep into the homosexual lifestyle, but by repentance, faith, and the grace of God, they have been made new creations in Christ. Their very existence puts lie to the claims of the activists that change is impossible.

Which people is it that you know Uncle Billy?  The very existence of people who say organisations like Exodus do not help and in fact cause great harm should show you that the claim that it works is a lie.  Get your head out of your own arse.  Perhaps that arse is the same distorted void that Spinksy seems to be in.

Change is indeed possible, and it happens all the time. God bless all the ex-homosexual ministries that have remained true to Christ, to God’s Word, and the power of the Holy Spirit to radically change lives. They are doing tremendous work, as countless former homosexuals can attest to.

Change is of course possible and it does happen all the time.  Whether or not some gay guys become straight is a moot point.  There’s actually nothing wrong with being gay.  There’s no basis for your claim dear Billy that there are countless former homosexuals.  It’s another of your rather odd assertions that you use to simply bolster your own arrogance that you alone know the truth.

Be sure to check out Bill Muehlenberg: Bullying and lying for Jesus blog for a very good read on Uncle Billy’s hatred of all things non-heterosexual.

Then there is the wonderfully deluded Sacerdotus.  He thinks that the catholics are always right. No matter what.

In any event, I applaud Chambers for apologizing and showing true concern for the LGBT people.  It takes a lot of humility to do this.  However, homosexual behavior is still sinful and dangerous for those who practice it.  We must find an effective pastoral way to work with homosexuals and help them live God’s will without them feeling any burden or stigma.

He has the audacity to talk about finding a way to ‘work with homosexuals’ so that they don’t feel any burden or stigma.  But before you think how wonderful that is the preceding sentence sinks his goodwill and shows just how harmful religious people are.  Telling me, telling gay people that we are sinful and that my sexuality is dangerous because I ‘practice’ it is to apply a stigma and a burden.

Exodus International is a delightful example of what should be happening to religious organisations that attempt to tell others how sinful they are.  A bit of self-reflection and honesty would show just how fraught and dangerous religious extremists are.   They have no interest in helping people, their only interest is in the preservation of their narrow view of the world based on their lies of there being a supernatural being.

Here’s a whole galaxy, so far removed from us that we will never get there. Do you know how much this galaxy cares where you put your willy?






Grandpa Billy is On the Slippery Slide


Grandpa Billy has got his white undies wedged firmly up his arse in his latest “I told you so!” blog.  This time he thinks that there are plans afoot to legalise paedophilia.  He can’t distinguish between a few rat bags and the rest of the world.

Those who want to see normalised sexual relations with children have been very vocal of late. Of course they have long been making these demands, and they have had a long relationship with the homosexual rights movement as I have documented in my book Strained Relations.

There are lots of vocal people out there – but who’s listening?  Nobody really.  Oh, and if you want to really know what’s going on, buy his book.

In fact, the homosexual activists have long called for the lowering of the age of consent – or abolishing it all together.

Which ones? Oh, we have to buy your book.   In any case, that’s just bullshit.  There is nobody calling for a lowering of the age of consent and certainly nobody is suggesting that it be abolished.

Sadly they are not alone in all this. Just recently a leading legal eagle in the UK called for the age to be dropped to 13, to stop the ‘persecution of old men’! Yes, that is what she actually said. As a newspaper report says:

“A senior human rights barrister has sparked a storm of outrage after calling for the age of consent to be lowered to 13 in order to prevent the ‘persecution of old men’. Barbara Hewson made the controversial suggestion in an article for the online magazine ‘Spiked’. In the column, Hewson, who is a barrister at Hardwicke in London, stated that the move was necessary in the wake of the Savile scandal. She refers to Operation Yewtree as the ‘Savile Inquisition’ and describes its inquiry as reminiscent of Soviet-era Russia. She goes on to suggest some of the offences investigated were ‘low level misdemeanours’.”

Well yes, she does call for the age of consent to be lowered to 13.  I don’t think that means it’s going to happen.  It’s best to read her full article to get an understanding for the reasons why, something I doubt Grandpa Billy has done.  She is but a lone voice, there simply isn’t a groundswell of support for her idea and quickly the concept was dismissed.

But worse yet, there are now many “experts” who are arguing that paedophilia is an innate predisposition and orientation, just like is claimed about homosexuality.

Here we go again, making a link between paedophilia and homosexuality.  You know, it matters not to the average person whether or not paedophilia is innate.  If it is innate it makes it no more acceptable.  Billy is trying really hard to link the age of consent with homosexuals and paedophiles.   In his mind the deviants are trying to get access to the kiddies and must be stopped!

A number of illustrations of this can be provided here. Take for example this ominous headline: “Some homosexual activist groups a ‘dream’ to pedophiles”. The piece begins as follows:

“Two psychologists testified before a parliamentary session on a bill related to sexual assault on children that pedophilia is a ‘sexual orientation’ just like homosexuality or heterosexuality. Lifesitenews reported on the testimony at a parliamentary session in Canada regarding a bill intended to increase mandatory minimum sentences on child sex offenders for particular crimes.

“Dr. Vernon Quinsey and Dr. Hubert Van Gijseghem were testifying on how offenders responded to treatment. Van Gijseghem, psychologist and retired professor of the University of Montreal, said, ‘Pedophiles are not simply people who commit a small offense from time to time but rather are grappling with what is equivalent to a sexual orientation just like another individual may be grappling with heterosexuality or even homosexuality.’ He went on to say, ‘True pedophiles have an exclusive preference for children, which is the same as having a sexual orientation. You cannot change this person’s sexual orientation. He may, however, remain abstinent’.”

We find here the same line used for homosexuals: this is an orientation from which no change is possible. And just as groups like the American Psychiatric Association (APA) were hounded by the militants to change their stance on homosexuality, so too the paedophile activists are trying to do the same thing.

Of course, it’s about what he leaves out.  Grandpa Billy is right, these trained and professional people recognise that paedophiles can’t simply change.  Billy no doubt thinks that they can, probably by praying over them.  I’d sooner take the word of people in the relevant scientific disciplines than a religious nutter in Melbourne’s outer east.  The article goes on to say:

Dr. Quinsey, professor emeritus of psychology at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, agreed with Van Gijseghem. Quinsey said pedophiles’ sexual interests prefer children and “There is no evidence that this sort of preference can be changed through treatment or through anything else.”

 Van Gijseghem and Quinsey’s views are not unique. Harvard Health Publications said in July 2010 that, “Pedophilia is a sexual orientation and unlikely to change. Treatment aims to enable someone to resist acting on his sexual urges.”

See – they are simply acknowledging the way things are, they are not calling for paedophiles to be allowed access to children.  “Treatment aims to enable someone to resist ..sexual urges”

Another alarming piece entitled “Many researchers taking a different view of pedophilia” in the Los Angeles Times also notes how so many of our sexperts are arguing that paedophilia is an unchangeable condition. It begins with a “case study” of a man who claims his desires for children are intrinsic to who he is. It then says this:

“In the laboratory, researchers are coming to the same conclusion. Like many forms of sexual deviance, pedophilia once was thought to stem from psychological influences early in life. Now, many experts view it as a sexual orientation as immutable as heterosexuality or homosexuality. It is a deep-rooted predisposition — limited almost entirely to men — that becomes clear during puberty and does not change. The best estimates are that between 1% and 5% of men are pedophiles, meaning that they have a dominant attraction to prepubescent children.”

Once again we see this as a mere “sexual orientation” which we are meant to simply accept.

Once again Grandpa Billy leaves out the important part of the article.

Not all pedophiles molest children. Nor are all child molesters pedophiles. Studies show that about half of all molesters are not sexually attracted to their victims. They often have personality disorders or violent streaks, and their victims are typically family members.

By contrast, pedophiles tend to think of children as romantic partners and look beyond immediate relatives. They include chronic abusers familiar from the headlines — Catholic priests, coaches and generations of Boy Scout leaders.

This I would think is an important part of the discussion.  Adults who molest children may not be sexually attracted to their victim.  They often have personality disorders, much like some religious fundamentalist have a personality disorder.

And the real worry here is this: in numerous places laws are being enacted which makes it a criminal offence to “discriminate” against anyone based on their “sexual orientation”. So the obvious concern here is this: if paedophilia is just another sexual orientation, must we now accept, embrace and promote it like we now must do with homosexuality?

Playground_Slide_MetalAnd here is Grandpa Billy at the top of the slippery slide.  Nobody anywhere, apart from the nutcases, is suggesting that the age of consent is lowered or that laws be passed to enable adults to have sex with children.  So paedophilia may be innate, that simply means we change the way we deal with those so afflicted.  It should be clear that therapy won’t change their orientation, and drugs will have a limited effect, so we must find alternatives to protect the adult and more importantly to reduce the risk to the children.  Grandpa is right, we should not discriminate against a paedophile, so we shouldn’t deny them access to a house or a job, but if they commit a crime, that’s different.  When you offend, the whole game changes.  I don’t have an answer as to how that happens, but for those offenders, regardless of their orientation or reasons, they must be excluded from society.  Lock them up.

But thanks to the homosexual activists, we now are having a very hard time saying no to any of this. Indeed, we know things will not stop there. Soon every conceivable “sexual orientation” imaginable will be argued for and publically championed – and eventually legalised. You see, there is still so much “sexual inequality and injustice” which needs to be dealt with.

Oh poor Grandpa Billy, because the gays are being treated in the right way we have to treat everyone else in the same way.  Because we let the gays have sex with each other and don’t lock them up that means that we have to let people have sex with whoever and whatever they want.  The subtext is that homosexuality should be again criminalised.  Billy can’t distinguish between someone’s innate nature and then offending.  Just because you want to do something doesn’t mean you can.  Most of the world understands this.

Nobody is seriously suggesting that the age of consent be abolished, nobody is calling for rape to be legal, nobody is calling for sex with animals to be legal and nobody is calling for sex between adult christian fundamentals to be outlawed.

That last one would be a good idea.  Stop them breeding.



God, guns and 2 year olds


In a very disturbing incident in the US a 5-year-old boy shot and killed his 2-year-old old sister.  The young lad was given a rifle for his 4th birthday, apparently that’s the way it’s done in Kentucky.

It is without a doubt horrific.  Nobody deserves to die like that, no parent deserves to lose their child like that and no sibling deserves to be responsible for such an act.

c4806-1.jpgThere are so many questions.  Why was the rifle still loaded?  What was the rifle within easy reach?  Who the fuck markets rifles to children as toys?  What sort of parents think this is a suitable present?

Just around the corner however, there is always someone wanting to bring god into it.  As if somehow that makes it better.

The children’s grandmother Linda Riddle is devastated, but comforted knowing that her granddaughter is in a better place.

She is talking of her grand-daughter being in heaven of course.

Riddle said her granddaughter enjoyed singing and playing outdoors, and she loved her brother.

Just like any 2-year-old.  The world is simply fantastic, a marvel.  There is so much happiness in children.  Through the stupidity of the parents she’s now dead.  That’s it, there is no coming back from this.  An easily preventable accident.

“It was God’s will. It was her time to go, I guess,” she told WLEX. “I just know she’s in heaven right now and I know she’s in good hands with the Lord.”

This god is a bastard.  This god of theirs that picks and chooses when and how we die, decided the best way to take this little girl was to have her 5-year-old brother shoot her in the chest with a rifle that was given as a present.  It’s a tragedy in itself that the grandmother rationalises this and gets comfort by suggesting that her grand-daughter is now in good hands.  She really should be asking why the good hands of the lord didn’t act before the trigger was pulled.  How easy is it for an all-powerful being to knock a bullet off its path or to jam the mechanism, or to prevent a company from marketing such products.

You want evidence that there is no god.  Here it is.  Rather than try to make sense of this terrible death by invoking god, try to understand how a 5-year-old boy was able to gain access to a loaded .22 calibre rifle, point it at his sister and kill her.




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Uncle Billy Shows us Why Religion is Evil


In an age of oppressive political correctness and a militant social engineering crusade, it seems homosexuals can do no wrong. They have become the new untouchables who are forever above fault, and must be treated as sacrosanct. And if any charge is levelled against them, it of course must be untrue, and simply the fruit of homophobia.

Really?  Uncle Billy is saying that gay people can do no wrong, and that they get away with it?  Wow.  Everyone should turn gay!

Such is the stranglehold the pink mafia and its supporters in the media and elsewhere have, that no one dares to say anything critical about this movement – even if it happens to be true. Any claim brought against them will be considered to be “hate speech” and harshly dealt with.

Heck, so the media won’t report the truth about what’s happening if the criminals are gay.  Incredible.  What would we do without Uncle Billy to point this stuff out to us?

The bullying and intimidation from the homosexual militants has been so intense that most people are terrified to say anything remotely negative about them. And if real wrongs are being committed by them, the powers that be will likely not believe such charges.

Amazing, people won’t report because they’re terrified!

We have a perfect illustration of all this coming out of the UK just recently. A boy was being abused by his homosexual “parents” but no one believed him, simply because they were homosexual. The whole ugly story is worth recording, so I offer it here:

Hold on… it seems that the story has got out!  How did the ‘pink mafia’ let such ‘hate speech’ get into the media?  What went wrong with the bullying and intimidation from the homosexual militants?

You can read the report here.  It is really disturbing and tragic.  It’s a situation that should never have arisen.  I’d like to focus more on Uncle Billy’s words.

Wow, what a tragic story. But the real tragedy is, this is likely not an isolated incident. So fearful are most folks today of saying anything which might be seen as negative or critical about the homosexual lifestyle, that they will allow horrific scenarios like this to go unchecked or unreported.

No, that’s not right.  These are isolated incidents.  It has nothing to do with the fearful folk.  To suggest that professionals will let horrific scenarios go unchecked or unreported is just wrong and you know it.  Sure, someone fucked up here, but it can’t escape your view Uncle Billy that this incident is not unreported or unchecked.

The ugly face of PC censorship and homosexual intimidation has resulted in the mass of citizens in the West almost as afraid to say anything as they are in North Korea. We are allowing terrible abuses and injustices to take place because of fear of being politically incorrect and offending the homosexual lobby. This ought not to be my friends.

There’s no mention of intimidation in this report.  It went wrong when a social worker failed to do his job:

A social worker failed to report the allegations to a family court and instead called Cannon ‘a very caring parent who considered his children’s needs’.

To suggest from this that somehow people are as frightened as they might be in North Korea is just plain and simply wrong and an exaggeration   If that was the case, this story would never have seen the light of day.

You will notice that the story has been reported in the main stream media, a report has been written and tabled to the County Court, people have been jailed and the homosexual lobby (whatever the fuck that is) are not on the street protesting or calling for special considerations.  It would be fair to say that the media has not somehow hidden the truth.

Yes they certainly have become sacrosanct untouchables who can do no wrong. And they certainly do not give a rip about truth or empirical evidence. A friend just told me of how he was debating a homosexual who demanded evidence and references. My friend spent two hours providing just that, only to be told by his opponent that he was not interested in “cold, hard facts”!

So, Uncle Billy goes out of his way to show us all how untouchable the gay lobby is, how the media is doing its bit by hiding the truth about the ‘homosexual lifestyle’ and how people  are too scared to expose the truth.  He talks about truth and evidence, and even when an article about a gay couple who abused their child hits the main stream media he blinds his own bigotry and hatred of gay people by claiming the exact opposite.  A mistake was made, and yes, perhaps because of the sexuality of the parent, I don’t know.  The error has been exposed, the parents jailed and the man abused compensated.

When you are a politically protected species, you do not need truth or facts. You just go ahead and do whatever you want, because you are untouchable. That is exactly how a sadistic dictator like Kim Jong-Un goes about his business. We expect such tyrannical behaviour in places like North Korea, but not here in the supposed free West.

flippingthebirdIt would seem that even when the truth is slapping you in the face like a wet fish in a Monty Python sketch you can still ignore it and only see what you want.  If you want to see a protected species you only have to look at Uncle Billy’s brand of christianity.  He is very comfortable to make things up, skew a story to meet his own needs and then spew forth vile and reprehensible accusations about gay people, and get away with it.  He’s contention is that all gay people are paedophiles  the gays are out to take over the world and force christians like him to shut the fuck up.  He’s claiming that the militant homosexual lobby is the same as the North Korean government and uses the same tactics to subdue the population.  He again ignores the reality of gay life in Australia.  Still unable to get married, religion still has the right to belittle us and treat us as second class citizens and people like Muehlenberg still get to use his rights to free speech to write this crap.

Bill Muehlenberg again shows us how the narrow-minded bigot truly operates in a space that is devoid of reality.

He is the best example we have as to why religion is evil.



Islamic Peace Conference Fails Because of Jesus, Bernie and Billy


Sometime recently some religious nutters from the islamic faith held what they called an Islamic Peace Conference in Melbourne.  They invited international speakers and everything!  Some chrisitans were outraged!  How dare the muslims gather to talk about peace?  Everyone knows that they’re all terrorist and will bite the heads off babies just because they can.

It seems that the conference didn’t go too well.  Numbers just weren’t what they’d hoped for.  Cue christian fundies taking credit!  Oh look, it’s Billy the Peace Loving Jesus Fuckwit!

Since I have written several articles about the big Islamic Peace Conference in Melbourne, asking people to pray for it and engage in some spiritual warfare over it, it is appropriate that I now record the aftermath of the whole affair.

Billy the PLJF asked people to pray that the conference would be a flop?  And WTF is spiritual warfare anyway?  The god of islam is doing battle with the god of christians?  Thunderbolts and lightening… very very frightening…

The short story is this: thanks to all your prayer and intercession, the whole thing seems to have been a real fizzer. The numbers were nowhere near what they anticipated, and they must have lost a bundle of money as a result. None of their big name overseas speakers showed up, and the whole thing must be leaving the organisers with a big headache.

jesusgunSo in a god like pose Billy the PLJF extends his thanks to you, it’s through the prayers of his good little minions that the whole thing seems to have been a real fizzer.  Thanks to your bended knees the numbers were low and they must have lost money, and what’s more your fervent raising of hands to Billy the PLJF caused the organisers not just a headache, but a big headache!  Well done you!

I had to leave for an overseas engagement, so I could not join a small band of concerned Christians who offered a peaceful and prayerful spiritual presence at the conference. Their presence, along with the prayers of so many others, certainly paid off big time.

Seriously?  A bunch of christians praying paid off big time?  Billy the PLJF actually believes that through his actions he caused this to be a real fizzer?  His god can’t feed the poor and hungry but he can stop a bunch of muslims from having a good time?  I don’t get how that even makes the slightest bit of sense.

Then there was another christian do-gooder called Bernie Power who attended on the conference, another peace-loving christian embarked on a spiritual warfare, here is just some of the crap he wrote:

Free tickets were not honoured. We refused, saying that we had not come prepared to pay $50, since we had free tickets. We said that it was false advertising to issue free tickets and then not to honour them. Eventually a young Muslim reception girl had pity on us and spoke to her supervisors on our behalf and we were let in free.

Oh look at the jesus go!  He got the muslims to honour free tickets!  Woo hoo!

Muslim numbers were low: The organisers had hoped for 20,000 attendees, including 4,000 non-Muslims. However they did not achieve anything like this.  The internal visitor never applied for an Australian visa (probably due to this negative publicity), it was not until the night before that the conference organiser announced on their website that he was not coming. Consequently, only 1800 people instead of 5,000 turned up for the prayers.

That jesus must have told him not to apply for a visa.  He’s so wonderful!  It sounds like he was never going to come, you don’t just rock up to the airport, buy a ticket to Australia and get a visa with a cup of coffee.  It does take careful planning.  It would seem to me it’s more about bad organisational skills.  Did anyone actually ask him?

The other main speaker, a sheik from Kuwait, arrived but fell sick and was not able to attend the conference.

Jesus must’ve turned his water into cow poo!  Praise the Lord!

Muslims were disgruntled at the high price of the conference, expensive food and carnival rides, and the cancellation of some meetings.

See – Jesus made the prices high.  And just like the normal people, the muslims whinge and groan when they have to pay too much.  And just like a normal day out you have to take a lot of money for food and rides!  Who would have thought!

Eventually cold driving rain sent people home and kept them away the next day. Meetings set up to hold thousands were attended by a couple of hundred people. If the conference was relying on gate takings for income, it will be in significant financial trouble.

Ya!  Go Team Jesus!  It rained, god has heard our prayer.  All those years of praying for rain during the drought goes unanswered, but pray for rain on one weekend and the muslims get washed out and a significant financial trouble ensues!  He really is an all-powerful god!

Opportunities for Christian witness were high. Over the weekend, a team of 60 Christians turned up to witness to Muslims. The vast majority, by the grace of God, managed to get in free.

Well, that and the fact that they had free tickets.  A free ticket always seems to get you in for no money, you know, free.

Christians could be seen all over around the conference, making friends with Muslims, asking questions and sharing their faith in Jesus.

What all 60 of you?  Is this like the time jesus took a fish and a breadstick and feed thousands?  Jesus must have been so thankful to all those good little christians.

Sometimes conference staff would order Muslims to stop talking to the Christians and send them away. Despite this, we had hundreds of wonderful conversations about Christ throughout the weekend and arranged to meet up with some more open Muslims afterwards.

Ordered them to stop talking.  Wow.  You must’ve had them on the run.  It’s great that all 60 of you had hundreds of conversations.  All of them wonderful.  I can feel the love of jesus seeping through your words.

Some Christians got kicked out of the conference.

No?  Get the hell outta here.  So some of your 60 christians having hundreds of wonderful conversations had to go?  That must’ve hurt.

Because of their impact, the Christians came to the attention of the conference organisers. Some high-profile Christians were assigned Muslim ‘taggers’ to follow them around and intervene in their conversations.

Fancy showing up at an islamic conference to talk about christianity and being asked to leave.  How rude of the islamic types to find your approach a bit inappropriate.

On the Saturday, one of our Christian team, a former Muslim, rang me in distress. He had been giving out a DVD about Muslims who had come to Christ.

This is like going to a conference about milk and handing out free samples of coke and suggesting that it’s better.  It’s actually just really rude to do this sort of crap.

Some-one complained and he was surrounded by security guards and the conference organiser who were threatening him. The conference organiser (Abdul Samii) was rude and aggressive. We were marched to the Showgrounds exit by the eight guards, and told we must leave all Christian materials in our car before re-entering.

Well hit me over the head with a crucifix.  Imagine standing in a Woolworths supermarket handing out free vouchers for a Coles supermarket.  You wouldn’t be at all surprised if you got marched out and told to leave your opposition materials in the car before coming back in.  We have a word of this sort of  behaviour.  Inappropriate.

The conference organiser was hostile and insulting, saying “Get out! Shut your mouth,” to the four Christians. He told the security guards to escort them from the Showgrounds, and they were ejected.

This is what you get for pretending that what you’re doing is ok.  It’s not ok to get in someone’s face and claim surprise when you get treated rudely.  But you know, christians expect this. Jesus loves them so much that he told them that people will persecute them.

Protests happened on the last day: On the Sunday morning, a group of about 20 ‘Australian Protection Party’ protestors stood outside one of the Showground gates holding posters saying: “No Sharia Law”, “No Mosques”, and “End Discrimination against Women.” They abused Muslims who were driving into the conference. Eventually they packed up and went home.

Well yes, there’s a way to do a protest.  Don’t invade the space occupied by those you’re protesting against.  Wave your banners, have your say, pack up and go home.  That’s how lots of people actually do a protest. On public land.

Thank you so much to the many who prayed, gave or came so that this Conference would be a significant witness to Christ. We will continue to pray for Muslims and plan for other Islamic events that will be happening around Melbourne.

Yeah, you guys, you’re so brave.  I can seem islam crumbling after your great efforts!  Jesus must be so proud of you.  Now back to some closing words from Billy the PLJF.

Well done Bernie, all those who came to let Muslims know of a better way, and all those who prayed so fervently. All this demonstrates that when God’s people get serious and engage in concentrated and sustained prayer offensives, they will see great victories indeed.

Yeah, that’s it.  You christians praying fervently really works.  It’s great to see such a positive demonstration of god’s people.  It’s exactly the same fervent praying that has feed the world’s hungry.  It is precisely because christians get serious and engage in concentrated and sustained prayer offensives that peace reigns throughout the world.  The victories are huge!  This prayer thing really works!

Islam – and any other ideology or religion – is no match for God’s people when they take their spiritual responsibilities seriously and bring some substantial spiritual firepower to rain down upon the various contenders to biblical Christianity.

So, a small band of christians who have the audacity to go to an islamic event that is a flop are taking credit for what exactly?  Their impact is huge!  Muslims everywhere are throwing off the shackles of their women-hating, terrorist plotting faith and coming over to the other side!

Now that’s substantial spiritual firepower!

You go Billy the PLJF.


Obama brings the end of the World!


On the “History Channel” – some cable network in the USA, they’re currently screening a series called “The Bible”.  So, not real history, just some made up shit.

Twitter lit up during a recent screening when the villain of the book, the devil called Satan made an appearance.  Guess what?  The devil is black and he looks like President Obama.


The Executive Producers of “The Bible” were quick to say that that was not their intention.  Of course, christian fuckwits couldn’t help themselves:

It made #thebible a trending twitter topic for a while.  Something that didn’t escape the attention of Sacerdotus

Simply wetting himself with excitement.  He of course ignores the hashtag #godisnotgreat that had to be removed from trending when Christopher Hitchens died.  Seems some religious nut jobs were threatening violence.  How civilised of them.

However, as with his life, controversy followed Hitchens into death. The hash tag #GodIsNotGreat also began trending, which was followed by a storm of protests by the religious, many unaware that the hash tag was a tribute to the author’s passing.

But the real joy of the story about “The Bible” comes from Rick Wiles – American douchebag christian.  At first, when I read this, I thought it was a joke.  But go listen, he’s serious.

 I don’t believe they intentionally portrayed the Lucifer character to look like Mr. Obama. I think God guided the hand of the makeup artist and blinded the eyes of everybody on the movie set while it was being recorded, and the spiritual blinders were removed Sunday night when the program was broadcast nationally on the History Channel. How many clues do we need from Heaven to understand that the man in the White House is a devil from Hell?

Just to really drive home this point.  This christian fundamentalist is actually saying that the President of the United States is really Satan.  Now, that’s Satan, the most evil character in the christian belief system.  He’s going to torture sinners for all eternity.  Fancy comparing someone who you don’t politically agree with to the devil.  How rude.  This man elected to President was elected by the people, so now all those who voted for him must also be evil, or perhaps this god character had blinded their eyes too?

Wouldn’t it be simpler for this god thing to be a little more direct?  You know, make the President all red, give him some horns and a tail.  While he’s in Israel, that’d be perfect.  It would get the world’s attention.