Two years for being a pussy in church


Over at the blog called “The REAL Mary MacKillop” that says “A WEBLOG DEDICATED TO MARY MACKILLOP” we find a story that has nothing to do with Mary Fucking MacKillop.  It’s written by ultra-conservative catholic die-hard Arnold Jago

 Three women from a punk/rock band have been sentenced to two years prison for bursting into Moscow Cathedral and singing blasphemous songs last February.

I love it when people burst into churches, it’s so dramatic!

The charge is “hooliganism motivated by religious hatred”.

Sounds like a pretty decent charge.  Can’t have people bursting into churches and picking on the faithful.   Perhaps a better response from the faithful would be to simply laugh at them?  You know, they have the almighty on their side and if he wanted to he could smite them very roughly.

A spokeswoman for the US State Department has said: “We urge Russian authorities to review this case and ensure that the right to freedom of expression is upheld.”
Nothing said about protecting the right of Christians to worship without being subjected to insulting sacrilege.

Freedom of expression is really important, sure, it’s not nice to burst into churches, but two years in jail is very excessive when the only thing hurt was someone’s prayers to an imaginary friend.

Other Western governments have called the sentences “disproportionate”.

That’s because it is.  What’s wrong with a hefty fine.  It’s not like anyone was hurt.

What punishment would be “proportionate” for insulting Almighty God?

Let’s hope that’s tongue in cheek.  But who says your god was insulted?  It’s not possible to measure how upset your god may be, because nobody has ever heard from him.  You’re simply making an assumption based on an outdated text.

Fortunately God doesn’t always respond proportionately to our contempt for his goodness.

Well, there is no god to respond, that’s why he never responds.  It’s only you religious lot that pretend that god is upset.  If your god is so almighty, surely he can look after it himself?  Why does he need your help?

Two years in prison for doing an inappropriate thing in church is quite frankly appalling.  How does this sentence compare with the woman who stole $40,000 from her employer?  She got two years. Maybe this woman who drowned her baby.  She got three years.

Every day churches parade their offensive messages and inappropriate communications, giving false hope and outright lies.

It’d be nice if they would keep that crap to themselves.

This entry was posted in religion.

2 Responses to Two years for being a pussy in church

  1. Duane says:

    Hi Bruce,

    Wouldn’t it be great if the human race cared about each other so
    much that we considered the well being of others above our own
    and we took the time to fully understand where other people are
    coming from? How wonderful it would be if we built each other up
    and the world functioned as one giant family……and peace,
    love and harmony prevailed and people spoke respectfully to one

    I find very little on your website that contributes to this scenario.

    The first time I came across your blog, although I didn’t agree with
    you it sounded like you at least thought things through. All I see
    now is an angry person who looks for any avenue to say the
    same old thing… you don’t like Christians and don’t accept that they
    have a different outlook to you. For someone who claims to just want
    peace and to be left alone, continuing to attack other people and their
    beliefs is a bizarre way of voicing this. You’ve stated before that you
    don’t have all the answers and neither does anyone else, and yet you
    are still willing to rubbish other people’s experiences and position
    without taking the time to do a sincere investigation into the
    strong belief that prompts their actions.
    True Christianity is about following Christ, who has taught us
    to care for and protect others and preserve life. Yes, many Christians
    have behaved terribly over the years and still do but it’s also
    obvious that people of other belief systems do the same if not worse.
    So, we seem to have established that belief and inspiration do not
    make people perfect, but ongoing goodness does make a difference in the
    world. Christians have been helping people in need of food, shelter
    and care for many, many years, but I don’t see you acknowledge this
    in your comments. There are surely some who misuse their positions
    for their own gain, but that isn’t that sadly true of all groups?
    I hear people say that they won’t give to charities because administration
    skims most of the contributions. Does this mean we should scrap charities
    altogether, give nothing to the poor because they won’t get it all,
    or try and get the system to work the way it was designed?
    So far as Christianity is concerned, we accept that we’ll be judged later for
    our actions whether you do or not. We understand that we’re as accountable
    for failing to speak as for misleading other people and since you don’t seem
    to feel accountable at all beyond this life, or know the joy of life with
    Christ, surely you must see that your outlook will be very different to that
    of those who are on this path. I suggest that if you build people up for the
    good things they accomplish and offer less abuse, you will make more of
    lasting impression on your readers, rather than just being another noise
    in an already noisy world of believers and unbelievers.

    I suspect this will be my last post here, but Bruce, I wish the very best
    for you and for your readers.


    • Bruce says:

      You make way to many assumptions Duane.
      It makes no difference to me whether or not you read my blog. Read it, don’t. Comment or don’t.
      Luckily for me I don’t need any sort of approval to do what I do. I also don’t need your rather inane advice.
      You’re not interested in any sort of conversation, left to your own devices you’ll just cut and paste rot out of the bible.