Comments on: Preston is no anti-abortion hero That's one crazy Llama Sat, 04 Oct 2014 22:50:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bruce Sat, 19 Oct 2013 06:36:32 +0000 And… what about it? Back in the 1170’s people thought the earth was flat.

By: bgreg021Greg Byrne Sat, 19 Oct 2013 06:15:34 +0000 Back in the 1970s a survey of leading abortion advocates showed that all of them agreed that abortion is the taking of a human life or killing a living human being. One of them was Mary Calderone MD and another was Dr Alan Guttmacher .

By: Bruce Sat, 19 Oct 2013 02:06:57 +0000 No, most people who are pro-abortion are not making a mistake. Life starts at birth. That’s the way it is. You desperately want life to start at conception, so much so that you have made a arbitrary decision that that is when life starts. Good luck to you. I disagree that there is some sort of right for life pre-birth and I again say that it’s not for me to make that decision, that rests with the woman who has to make the decision based on her life circumstances. It’s a tough call and governments all around the world accept that as the right. I also disagree with Peter Singer, what he thinks of my viewpoint is of no interest to me. Happy to discuss it with him if the opportunity presented itself, but I doubt that will happen.

As to claims of right, each of us look and make decisions about what works for our ethical framework. I don’t like your ethical framework, I’m happy to tell you so. I’m what is called pro-choice for women, you on the other hand are arbitrarily telling other people how to live their lives in situations that you have no right to be involved in.

By: bgreg021Greg Byrne Sat, 19 Oct 2013 01:21:27 +0000 Most people who are pro-abortion make the mistake of deciding when life begins. Peter Singer is no more in error than you are in saying that life begins a month after birth. He has made an arbitrary decision just as you have Bruce. As I said earlier if we are not certain when life begins we should say that an embryo is a human being right from the start.Otherwise we are like Peter Singer deciding on arbitrary points of beginning. To avoid infringing the legitimate right of a fellow human being to live we have to adopt an approach in which there can be absolutely no doubt. I know that you would not want to kill a fellow human being and you have rightly distanced yourself from Peter Singer. If Peter Singer was here he would say that you have no more claim to be right than he has and he would be right in so saying Bruce.

By: Bruce Fri, 18 Oct 2013 22:49:36 +0000 I know that life starts when a baby is born. I’m happy with that. You can say it begins at conception, that’s fine, I disagree with you.

I don’t agree with Peter Singer. I don’t agree with murder of babies once they are born. I’d call that drawing a line in the sand. Just like late term abortion has a line in the sand or a contract for sale of a house has a line in the sand.

I haven’t fallen into any traps, you insist on telling me what it is I agree or disagree with, and you’re just plain and simply wrong.

You may have noticed that Peter Singer says these things but gets little support and the only people really picking up on it are right-wing christians who make the mistake of believing Singer is somehow representative of the way atheists in general think.

That’d be a trap you’ve fallen into.

By: bgreg021Greg Byrne Fri, 18 Oct 2013 08:58:53 +0000 In my last post I said suppose we say that we DON’T KNOW WHEN LIFE BEGINS. That is all that I can say for certain. But you on the other hand say that life begins at birth.

Professor Singer said that life begins a month after birth or that the person is not declared human till a month after birth. He was attacked for supporting infanticide. His response was that people who believed in abortion had no right to criticize him because they supported something similar a bit earlier in the piece. This led to his party being ostracized by the Australian Democrats who gave preferences the Christian Democratic Party. The pro-life movement said that basically Singer was right here in so far as he says that there is no real difference between abortion and infanticide.

But whereas Singer believed in both the pro-life movement believed in neither. Singer was very consistent just as the pro-life movement was very consistent. This is the trap you fall into when you argue that abortion is OK but infanticide is not OK. You cannot draw a line in the sand and say this far and no further. If infanticide is not OK then neither is abortion.

By: Bruce Fri, 18 Oct 2013 08:21:45 +0000 No, I don’t agree with your starting point.

Life starts at birth. It’s as arbitrary as suggesting it starts at conception and makes much more sense.

You and your distinguished scientists can define human life where you wish. It’s of no matter to me whether you are right or wrong.

Still paramount to me is the right of a woman to decide, not a bunch of middle aged men.

By: bgreg021Greg Byrne Fri, 18 Oct 2013 08:14:16 +0000 Let us say that neither of us really knows when life starts. If we don’t know if an embryo is a living human being or no the safest play is to give it (he or she?) the benefit of the doubt and assume that it is a living human being from conception to natural death.Many distinguished scientists argue that an embryo IS a living human being from the point of conception. Are they right or wrong? Let us say that we don’t know. I don’t know if they are and you don’t know that they are not. Because the issue is in doubt surely we should give the being the benefit of the doubt and DEFINE it as a human being from conception.

By: Bruce Fri, 18 Oct 2013 07:21:35 +0000 Duane,

Thanks so much for dropping in again. As usual there is so much in your comments that is just not right, but you already know that.

Let me just pick you up on a few things. Your knowing god is just wishful thinking, as is any idea that he has left evidence. Historical documents like the Dead Sea Scrolls are written by humans.

Life is not futile and without purpose. I love my life and I love the lives of those around me. We have a purpose. To suggest that because I don’t believe in crazy supernatural things means I have no purpose is really just plain and simply ignorant on your part.

An Australian flag is a bit of cloth that is symbolic, I am not traumatise by it’s burning. A proper medical procedure to abort a baby should be the right of any woman and what I think of that is not relevant.

Thanks again for your summary of my personality, way off the mark, but thanks again.

And yes, I’m extremely well and off to have a futile Friday night dinner with my family that has no purpose.

By: Duane Fri, 18 Oct 2013 07:09:07 +0000 Hi Greg,

I thought I’d seen the last of this thread long ago but I find new emails popping into my inbox.
You seem to have brushed some dust of the cobwebs here and I didn’t want you to feel alone with Bruce.
Greg, You and I are confident that God exists because we have taken the time to know Him. I’m sure you will also have experienced wonders that human reason can’t explain when praying to God who does.
He has left many historical documents to support what you and I understand (like the Septuagint and the Dead Sea Scrolls) and even the mounting physical evidence that has been recovered from around Jerusalem but sadly, Bruce can’t see things from a perspective that he refuses to explore. He will reject your challenges to experience the reality of life for himself, because it’s easier to comment and accuse from the sidelines. He states that life is precious but that it is futile and without purpose.
He will say that your views are senseless, because his reference point is himself. If Bruce doesn’t believe it, it can’t be true. On the issue of ethics, I suspect he would be more traumatised by the burning of the Australian flag than seeing unborn babies flushed down the toilet or scraped off wombs like bugs, just because they aren’t well enough developed to know they have value and be able to articulate that. Intervention is not the act of challenging abortion, but abortion itself. It’s totally unnatural to poke stuff into our bodies and use chemicals to interrupt a process that is imperative for human life to continue. We can’t just argue that things are right or wrong because government law dictates, but I’m not saying anything you don’t already know. Bruce has already admitted that he would have to think long and hard about how he will act when the law is rising against any convictions he may develop. He has the luxury of an underdeveloped conscience, which results in few issues for him. The complexities of life can then be reduced to one statement…. Everything is ok if it’s within the law of the land and not hurting anyone who’s already been born, but don’t oppose people if you honour something greater than your own opinion.
Bruce accuses Christians of being delusional and stereotypes them at every opportunity. How can you take his rhetoric seriously or even expect him to add weight to a debate if he values personal preference and opinion over life itself. Of course his label of “delusion” for us has no more accuracy than his statement of God not existing, which is based on ignorance. Anyone with reasonable observation skills will be aware that faith is not related to intelligence and I’ve had this discussion with him already, yet he still ridicules people of greater and lesser intellect than he for their personal experience and understanding. I also note that a portion of the pro-life movement are not religious and that some Christians do not appear greatly convicted on this matter, but Bruce fails to address this in his unfounded, slanderous attacks. You’re time will most likely spent elsewhere talking to people of real influence in our world.

All this aside, hope you’re well Bruce. Not much seems to have changed around here.

