Christian Chaplains


In Australia, for some extraordinary reason, we pay religious organisations to send representatives into our states secular schools to act as chaplains1.  A truck load of money is given to several predominantly christian based organisations to send their people into schools to offer pastoral care2

One of those Access Ministries in Victoria has been accused of using their chaplains to convert children to christianity.  They got caught red handed, the very delectable Mike Stuchbery highlights some of the clear language used at a national convention of god botherers.

Now, of course, they’re screaming, the god botherers.  “That’s not what we mean!” they scream.  “Nobody is doing that!” they’ll lament.

Oh bullshit.

Silly titled ‘Bishop’ Stephen Hale said this:

We’re not actually seeking to convert them and she may have given that impression but I don’t think that’s what we actually do in reality

Impression?  It’s not an impression.  Her language is quite clear.  Yours, your graceness is less clear.  What do you mean ‘you don’t think that’s what we do in reality’.  We’d all be happier if you just said, “We don’t do that.”  That’s pretty clear.

In any case, whether or not you tell chaplains not to convert their young impressionable ‘students’, they will be so puffed up with their own self-righteous god loving importance that they’ll be trying just that.  All to save the souls for god.  You know they just are.  That’s what ‘born-again’ christians do.

Government is demanding enquiries, but nowhere have I seen any official actually say that they’ll pull the funding.  That’s coz they’re chicken shit scared.

The Victorian Education Minister said it well on ABC News 24

“No children should have religion forced on them”

If only that was the case.

  1. Just so we’re clear on what a chaplain is Wikipedia defines it as “a member of the clergy (such as a priest, pastor, rabbi, or imam) or lay representative of a religion attached to a secular institution.”
  2. Check out Wikipedia for that definition too
This entry was posted in Rant.

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  1. Pingback: Chaplains are real! | Bruce Llama