God is jealous – that arse


Me old mate Bill Scatterberg is always finding something to have a rant about, this time he’s justifying why he thinks it’s ok for the creator of the universe, the dweller of our every action to be jealous.  So much so that he simply redefines the term.

A sad reality is that many people who call themselves Christians really believe and act little differently than atheists.

You don’t know many atheists do you?

Both share a common trait. Both don’t want God meddling in their lives.

Actually there is no god to meddle in my life.  Your christians believe there is, that’s not a common trait.

Both live and act as if they are the centre of the universe,

No, atheists understand that the universe is big and we a but a speck of dust on the spittle of the great llama’s spit.

and both resent the very idea of a God who makes demands and commands allegiance.

Ummm… no, no.  Christians believe that crap, there is no god to resent.  And really, if he wants allegiance, he should just ask for it, plainly and simply.  He can find me on twitter, facebook, email, mobile, snail mail or pop in for a visit after I get home from work.

An atheist recently complained about the fact that I mentioned the judgment of God. One can understand why. A judging God means a God whose holiness is the standard of what is right and wrong. A judging God means we are not our own boss, but we all must submit to the Lord of the universe.

Your judgement of god is nothing more than a scare tactic to attempt to get people to behave in the way you imagine is right.  There is no god to do any judging.  The judgements you think god is pronouncing on humanity is a reflection of your mental well-being.  (i.e. you’re deluded)

A judging God means not everything we do or say is pleasing to a holy God, and it means that we will all one day have to give an account of our lives.

Account to god when we’re dead? There is to no god to do this, and how can we do that when the rules are so vague and old that they actually mean nothing in the modern era?

A judging God means an end to our autonomous lifestyle, and the beginning of personal responsibility, accountability and a final reckoning.

Rather than attempting to justify your bizarre lifestyle by using god for your odd behaviour, why don’t you take some personal responsibility and hold yourself accountable for your hatred, intolerance and all out bigotry on humanity?

Both pagans and carnal Christian want to be left alone to live life the way they want, with no pesky God telling them what to do. Thus they hate the idea of a judging God. But the truth is, the judgment of God is good news indeed. It tells us God is so concerned about us, that he will always act when a breach in our relationship occurs.

But as he’s not there, he never acts.  I want the likes of you to get out of my way and let me live the life I want, without reference to your pesky imaginary god.  Not once in history has god lifted a finger to show us his concern.  He lets earthquakes happen, he lets floods happen, he allows bad things to happen.  You believe that the bible is the book delivered from god, but it’s an impossible set of rules, vague, out of date and completely useless.  I don’t hate your god, there is no god to hate.  I do hate the way you pretend it’s the most important thing in the universe.

Another way of looking at this is to speak of God’s jealousy. That word sounds offensive to modern ears. We think of people who are angry and emotive, motivated by fear, envy and insecurity. But the biblical concept is different than what we normally have in mind.

No, it’s not.  If you make god jealous he will punish you.  He gets angry and emotive.  He is so insecure, this creator of all things, that he has a hissy fit if you even think about worshipping something other than him.  It’s all about him.

God’s jealousy is a function of his love for us and his commitment to us.

Ha!  His love for us?  This is the same genius that put a tree in the middle of the garden, put lovely fruit on it and told us not to eat it.  How’s that for love.  The arsehole.

No wonder such jealousy is so very vital. This sort of jealousy is a good jealousy, a healthy jealousy, and one which all believers should embrace and champion. It is in large measure because we lack, ignore or disdain this fundamental attribute of God that the church is so weak and anaemic today.

The church today is weak and anaemic because tossers like you continue to sprout words of hatred.  This sort of jealousy is not healthy, it’s destructive because it allows good people to do bad things by giving them the false impression that they are right and must force everyone else in the world to follow their ways or suffer eternal damnation because your jealous god couldn’t be fucked to lift a finger and actually tell us what he wants.  Instead we get half baked, self appointed scholars like Bill Bloody Mule the Dirge telling us what we should be doing, because if we don’t accept what he says, his arsehole bastard god will smite us for all eternity.

Now that’s what divine love and compassion is about.

[1284 words]

Always important to count your words Bill, god is probably checking and reducing your time in hell based on the number of words you’ve used to champion his cause.

This entry was posted in Rant, religion.

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