Tsunami everywhere

Talk about put yourself on edge.   Clearly the tsunami of 2004 had a lasting impact on the world.

A quake hit off New Zealand earlier tonight putting New Zealand and Australia on warning.

Twitter is good, I was able to follow saga as the massive wave of 0.17 metres hit New Zealand’s shores, and now I await to see what hits the Australian east coast at 10.00 p.m. 15/7/09

Here’s some tweets:

lukewallace Wonder what the surf is going to be like tomorrow? Might be time to dust off a big gun #tsunami

RedBaff I think the #tsunami has hit st kilda. I saw a man in fishnets on grey st…

krismorris might have some ice cream before the #tsunami hits

Hillhome Knock! Knock! Who’s There? Sue. Sue WHo? SUE NAMIIIII!! ha ha ………. #tsunami

IdahoGinaz #tsunami in #newzealand #kills. Jeff Goldblum confirmed dead following tsunami (via @donoogle_com)
People are so funny.

Its 10.20 pm, Tasmania appears to still be afloat and Sydney has not been washed out into the Pacific.  Another disaster averted.  I think giving thanks to god is in order.  No, fuck that.

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